Thoughts and musings.

Mar 06, 2008 22:18


What an interesting transformation my Lexicon has gone through. I cannot decide if this is useful or irritating. I will have to find a separate journal in which to post my private thoughts and musings.


And so I collect my thoughts.

-> I was about to be killed by a person I had, until that moment, believed loyal (if a little odd). Well, not directly, but he gave the order.
-> By some mysterious power, I did NOT die but instead awoke on a ship, my wounds from the previous battle absent. I disturbed the persons around me by screaming and falling out of my bunk.
-> I quickly discerned that my Gift was no longer operation as I attempted to become invisible and found that my powers were absent.
-> In addition, my ability to scent people seems... dulled. It is extant still, but far less precise. Deplorable, really...
-> My Lexicon has become one of these journals, though it retains its size and light weight.
-> I am in a world known as Rivelata, ruled by a Child Queen. I am told that it is God's will that I am here - said God must have a rather cruel sense of humor. Apparently there are other visitors from other worlds. Nothing particularly unusual, though I wonder by what power I was drawn here and why I cannot leave.
-> The world seems quite beautiful, filled with mystery and adventure. I only wish that I were able to properly appreciate this.
-> I still have no heart. So God brought me here, but He did not see fit to make me whole again? Again, I point to His (Her?) cruel sense of humor.
-> I cannot access the Corridor of Shadows, and thereby cannot return home. Granted, I can also not complain - the alternative is death, not something I am willing to face.
-> I seem to be in need of housing and perhaps an introduction to this area as I am still somewhat confused. Is anyone willing to volunteer?
-> I would also like a cup of tea.
-> I keep hearing that there is soon to be a ball - I will therefore require money as I would like to attend. And a mask... yes.

Well. A new life, a second chance. I shall see where this journey takes me.

! main plot, zexion

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