Invitation to the Ball at Châteaubriant

Feb 27, 2008 13:22

Newcomers, you must forgive me for my silence.

I hope you have been fairing well. If you cannot find a proper place to stay, I'd like to inform you there are a good bit of empty houses and apartments all about the city, prepared for you inhabit if you choose to. Additionally, under my request, many of the citizens are willing to give you supplies and food for free, for the time being, as long as our resources allow, to make you comfortable and happy.

Please do brush off the fools who deny you things. There are indeed a few bad apples amongst my people, it's unfortunate to say. They may deny you what you deserve, possibly even go after you simply for being new to the city! And yet, others still may try to convince you I am a bad queen. There's talk of revolting... ha! Idle threats. I request you ignore such, none of it is true.

And that said, the reactions I have been getting from a good bit of you have been both surprising and alarming to me, I must be truthful. I have spent these days contemplating the best solution to satisfy the lot of you, make you feel at home and welcome in my city.

This is why I have decided I would like to hold a ball!

It will be held exactly one week from today! It will be held within the grandiose Châteaubriant Ballroom, which is located in the far northwest district of the city atop hill overlooking the beautiful jungle beyond it. Naturally, everybody is invited, and those of you who are new my city will be treated as guests of honor!

On behalf of the event, within the market district you will find many tailors, haberdashers, seamstresses, and corsetiers willing to offer you a single set of formal wear for free. They can be already produced or custom-made for you - whatever you wish! Isn't that amazing? These sorts of elegant and beautiful clothes are not usually given away so readily, so please take advantage of this opportunity.

And don't forget to find someone to bring to the ball alongside you! Isn't it simply much more fun if you have a special lady or sir to walk by your side and dance the night away with? Ahhh, how romantic! As a queen, I don't have time for romance, but I do so love seeing it blossom.

Although I could surely go on and on about how wondrous this event will be, on that cheerful note I must end this for now. If you have any questions at all regarding it be sure to ask me here, I'll be happy to answer them for you!

Spend this time getting your clothing, or finding the perfect someone! I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Your Queen,

[Event is March 5, and will be an open post (or posts, haven't decided how to organize this yet) until a week from then, most likely, to give people time to thread. Slowly but surely, technical details regarding the event will be up in rivelataooc.]

Ω npc - immaculada, ! main plot

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