Twenty-Eighth Ordinance; Freedom

May 25, 2009 10:47

To Whom it May Concern,

I, Larsa Ferrinas Solidor, have served at this here Office for the greater part of a year. During this time, Rivelata underwent several changes both politically and socially. In this post, as a Councilor, I have striven to mend political strife and repair society after natural disasters.

With the current turn of circumstances I now realize I am no longer needed. The Gods and Goddesses here see little use for me, happy to govern as they please now that the Royal House has been removed and with it, all forms of the past government. They care not for my work, nor for the skeleton of the Council that remains, paying no heed to us. We are but scribblings on paper in History's pages in comparison to their Immortal Reign.

I humbly comply with their will; I am but an infant to them, and a child to many of you.

So consider this my letter of resignation. I hereby step down from my post. See to it that all my notes, my drafts, my research are put to good use for the people of Rivelata as we all undergo a new era. Trying times have seen us grow stronger and I am honored to have served as a civil servant for the good of the people, but now I feel my time has come for me to leave.

-Larsa Ferrinas Solidor

{The sound of this page being torn out and laid down atop a stack of books. The sound of footsteps retreating, before silence.}

larsa ferrinas solidor

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