Okay, if this isn't skewing culture to make a quick buck, then I don't know WHAT is.
IN JAPAN, MANGA IS THE MOST ICONIC IMAGE IN POPULAR CULTURE! Yes. Yes. And we all love baseball and the great outdoors.
I will go on a rant about this soon. Very soon.
America will be Japan and Japan will be the better America. Or something. Ugh.
Comments 2
I don't think it's skewing the culture as much as just exploiting something that's becoming more popular in the United States. It's similar to the way stores here are starting to sell loose socks and more manga in bookstores--they've found another thing to market that people will buy.
I think this new cultural exchange thing is kind of cool. I mean, the Japanese copy a lot of things in Western culture too, so in that respect it's not just an American thing. Second of all, the product isn't even American; it's British.
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