I will not read your story, and I may be rude to your face if --

Feb 12, 2012 18:40

I read yet another book synopsis where a character's "gypsy blood" is supposed to imbue them with mysterious magical powers.

Try this: read that as "heebie blood," or "injun blood," or any such thing.

The "magical negro" is an offensive plot device or character construct, even if the the character is some other ethnicity.

Just quit it, okay?  And ( Read more... )

writing, history is a terrible thing, roma, bigotry, politics

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Comments 7

Our beloved (and late) chiropracter dragonet2 February 13 2012, 03:29:48 UTC
was of romany blood. Writing about that stuff casually irks me because of it. She was horribly offended about Rom treatment by the NAzis and etc. Then again a lot of things (maybe too many things) offended her, she ended her life by her own hands.

My only theory about hear death is that, when she was done with someone, she was DONE -- al dialogue, etc was over, she cut them off from any discourse, period. I think she realized she had overdone that theory and got 'done; with herself. Otherwise, like a lot of suicides, it doesn't make much sense to me. It was not accidental, she put a hose from her exhaust into her car's interior.


heleninwales February 13 2012, 11:27:59 UTC
I am ashamed to admit that some of the most disadvantaged and reviled people in the UK today are the travellers. Admittedly, that's more a hatred of their lifestyle than their ethnicity and I don't know how many are actually Romany. A lot of them must originally have been of Irish decent and more recently 'Hippy Travellers' took to living on the road to escape a mundane lifestyle, but any Othering of whole groups of people based on one characteristic is a bad thing.


green_knight February 13 2012, 21:20:07 UTC
And the thing about Travellers is that they have their own culture (and not all of them live in caravans, either.) I've encontered people who are aware of the prejudices against Roma who are happy to speak ill of non-Roma travellers. (I'm not convinced of the settledness of 'settled' people anyway).


khiemtran February 14 2012, 09:16:11 UTC
Yes, last year I was stunned to find the (admittedly terrible) local paper running an article warning of "gypsy families" (by which they meant nomadic criminals) preying on locals. And "gypped" seems to be a completely inoffensive expression meaning to be ripped off...


erikagillian February 13 2012, 21:03:59 UTC
May I link? I don't have any kind of following but this is important, I think. I heard about the French and was just astounded.


ritaxis February 13 2012, 22:13:34 UTC
Of course.


green_knight February 13 2012, 21:25:01 UTC
I've worked on a book detailing the struggle the Roma faced in getting compensation for Nazi persecutions, and it was chilling all the way through - from the history of prejudice going back to the Kaiserreich through the deliberate stoking of enmities, to the modern-day pretense that they must have done something to deserve persecution.


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