I am exactly the same way! On those religious tests I score as agnostic and then Buddhist. I also try not to discuss my prior hatred of God because, as someone who's agnostic, I don't even know if there is a god to hate, so why talk about it?
Hi, Kristen. I got your name from Facebook's Pool group and I found this page through there. I don't mean to intrude on your privacy, but I found your thoughts interesting. I took a Religious Studies course (RS/HIST 483) last semester and thought it was fascinating. Looking back at the older religions in a very analytical way was just what I needed. I personally believe that if there is a personal God, either He fails any one or more of the critical criteria of the Christian God (omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful and purely benevolent), or He is simply not there (went off to work on another universe - Deism). If there is not a personal kind of God, something more like a "Force," or what have you, then it makes sense to me. I'm big on "balance" or "order." I feel that there is some kind of underlying order to our Universe and we are all interconnected in some way, and it's our job to find out how. Anyway, sorry to bother you and I hope I'm not too stalker-esque with this whole thing. See you around.
Comments 3
I got your name from Facebook's Pool group and I found this page through there. I don't mean to intrude on your privacy, but I found your thoughts interesting. I took a Religious Studies course (RS/HIST 483) last semester and thought it was fascinating. Looking back at the older religions in a very analytical way was just what I needed.
I personally believe that if there is a personal God, either He fails any one or more of the critical criteria of the Christian God (omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful and purely benevolent), or He is simply not there (went off to work on another universe - Deism). If there is not a personal kind of God, something more like a "Force," or what have you, then it makes sense to me. I'm big on "balance" or "order." I feel that there is some kind of underlying order to our Universe and we are all interconnected in some way, and it's our job to find out how.
Anyway, sorry to bother you and I hope I'm not too stalker-esque with this whole thing.
See you around.
--Andrew Brown
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