Aww! Well it does make sense. Upfronts will be all happy and smiley and BOYS and we'll end happily while the finale WILL RIP ALL OF HEARTS OUT AND EAT THEM FOR SNACKS LIKE IT WAS EATING CHEETOS OR SOMETHING
American Idol. I was SO FUCKING PISSED! I said the f-word. A lot. Loudly. But fuck if that wasn't the dumbest fucking thing that ever happened on that show. Blake needs to get his ass whooped next week. Hell, I hope he chokes on a chicken bone tomorrow and they have to bring Melinda back to set it right for next week.
I hated Renee with firey passion, fucking cold, calculating I was thrilled to see her axed.
I knew Natasha didnt have a chance, because damn.. we have already had some of the most beautiful models from Eastern Europe... we have seen the look, and better. Natasha has a weightlifter's neck. Yes, amazing features.. but just about everyone of slavic decent has them too...note Jared, Angie and Ville. She is like a modern Kelly LeBrock.
I was happy with Jaslene. I wish she could speak better, because it would do even more Latina women, but its a start.
I am up to ep 21 of the first season of SPN. When I say I am OCD... I mean it! A smart person would spread them out over weeks to watch, but noooooo, I'm binging.
Oh you're SO gonna be an addict. I can feel this coming on! And then after you see/ dl the whole second season (Kitcat, any idea when that dvd is coming out?) you will be in super fangirl mode. Seriously. Did you watch the cuteness of 'A Day In The Life' yet? I think that's where a lot of fangirls -including myself, get the whole' Jensen is shy' thing when really -as pointed out by SO many people who've met him over the last week, he's just reserved soft spoken ::I have a theory on soft spoken boys that has to do with them being mama's boys -case in point, sober!Bam is VERY soft spoken...and a mama's boys and mama's boys scream bisexual!to me.::
ok, about to start season.. and fuck, tomorrow with just be a cocktease and it will be sept before we know how anything is figured out.
Hooked on the show, but still... neither boy even piques my interests, even a I think I am fairly safe. Now... the dad... he was hot!
I have never read slash outside of Dugera, still not even tempted to read your new stories.. but I am always pro cute boys flirting, gay or undeclared.
ok... season 2 time.
See, this is why I dont allow myself many vices... moderation.. yeah, I kinda suck at that.
My heart broke, I loved Natasha, but Jazzy had a bit of style/attitude that I found more appealing -Natasha seems like someone I'd be friends with while Jazzy seemed like someone I'd go to slice up my ex's tires with so I was torn, but I think I would have liked Natasha to win if only to have a mail order bride as ATM...I mean, hello -awesome lol!
Also, I just realized when you abbreviate America's Top totally get Ass-To-Mouth.
food for thought... ahahah.
All I gotta say is I do NOT want another black!bitch, crying chubby girl or blonde girl with bad eyebrows next season. Seriously, haven't we had ENOUGH of that mess Tyra?
Comments 14
And is it sad that I'm more excited for the Upfronts tomorrow than the SPN finale? BECAUSE I AM. :>
Pardon my ignorance...what is Upfronts?
Upfronts is where the network announces their fall schedule. THE BOYS ARE BACK BABY
I knew Natasha didnt have a chance, because damn.. we have already had some of the most beautiful models from Eastern Europe... we have seen the look, and better. Natasha has a weightlifter's neck. Yes, amazing features.. but just about everyone of slavic decent has them too...note Jared, Angie and Ville. She is like a modern Kelly LeBrock.
I was happy with Jaslene. I wish she could speak better, because it would do even more Latina women, but its a start.
I am up to ep 21 of the first season of SPN. When I say I am OCD... I mean it! A smart person would spread them out over weeks to watch, but noooooo, I'm binging.
Hooked on the show, but still... neither boy even piques my interests, even a I think I am fairly safe. Now... the dad... he was hot!
I have never read slash outside of Dugera, still not even tempted to read your new stories.. but I am always pro cute boys flirting, gay or undeclared.
ok... season 2 time.
See, this is why I dont allow myself many vices... moderation.. yeah, I kinda suck at that.
Also, I just realized when you abbreviate America's Top totally get Ass-To-Mouth.
food for thought... ahahah.
All I gotta say is I do NOT want another black!bitch, crying chubby girl or blonde girl with bad eyebrows next season. Seriously, haven't we had ENOUGH of that mess Tyra?
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