Apparently There Was An Episode Or Something Before The Promo? Who Knows?

Feb 17, 2011 12:35

(Feel a little uncomfortable and guilty about posting silly television entries in the wake of recent events. You know, self, you're allowed to enjoy things, even when times are sad. In fact, that's exactly the time you need things to enjoy.)

I try to avoid spoilers, but A Certain Event in the promo for the next episode of Glee has half the fandom ( Read more... )

two opposing tags: fight!, fanfiction, music, video, glee, weird pairings, apparently i may have a sexuality, should never be written ever, someone should probably write that

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Comments 18

wanttobeatree February 17 2011, 13:13:39 UTC
Being absolutely uninvested in the Kurt/Blaine relationship, I have sat back and CACKLED MADLY at all this panic. HAHAHAHAA. (mostly I am just looking forward to Blaine Not Wearing School Uniform. My priorities!)

Though I am totally expecting it to all end up in some kind of bisexual erasure, but on the plus side I expect I will angrily enjoy said erasure as much as I enjoyed seething in horror at the Very Special Religious episode.

Now back to cackling: HAHAHAHAA


rionaleonhart February 17 2011, 13:37:49 UTC
The panic is pretty hilarious, or would be if my corner of the fandom weren't the epicentre. PANIC PANIC EVERYWHERE I TURN. I love Kurt/Blaine, guys, but if you don't mind I'm going to be over here, fantasising about the Blaine/Rachel kiss going entirely too far. (I don't know how to handle Blaine not wearing school uniform. It's like the time a gentleman of my acquaintance shaved off his hair and beard and I had no idea who he was.)

I have to admit that I'm not terribly optimistic about Glee's ability to sensitively handle a bisexuality storyline. BUT BLAINE KISSES A GIRL, SO I'M GOING TO LOVE IT ANYWAY. I'm such a traitor to my principles.

Your Princess Sam icon continues to be delightful.


jlh February 17 2011, 13:16:06 UTC
I feel like this is mostly an excuse for Blaine to sing another Katy Perry song. It sucks that everyone is going to freak out in the meantime. I saw the spoiler a couple of weeks ago and I was like, "oh, here we go."

Also I agree with you about the whole kissing outside of your orientation thing. It definitely makes it hotter.


rionaleonhart February 17 2011, 13:40:17 UTC
Oh, is Blaine going to sing 'I Kissed a Girl'? Because that would be hilarious.

Also I agree with you about the whole kissing outside of your orientation thing. It definitely makes it hotter.

I can't even express how glad I am to hear that I'm not the only one. I was a little afraid that I'd post this entry and everyone would just go 'what is wrong with your brain?'


jlh February 17 2011, 16:58:37 UTC
I cannot think of a reason to even do this storyline if Blaine doesn't sing that song. (Speaking of which, I'm sad because someone on my flist who's rather behind in watching the show just watched the Teenage Dream number and hated it.)

It's problematic because I have other people on my flist who feel very strongly that you can't reverse slash either a character or a real person because there are so few out famous people or out characters. And I get that, I really do, and it's not something I've done, but yet ... I'm interested in people doing things they might not ordinarily do. I also think that orientation is not the same as action, you know? You can identify as a lesbian and fuck a man on occasion, and the reason we reject that is that lesbians aren't often taken seriously as it is.


prologi February 17 2011, 13:56:49 UTC
You can really tell that the Klaine fandom is full of children, because every damn thing leads to a complete meltdown.

Haha, oh my god, When I Get You Alone. It was hilarious, even though the second-hand embarrassment nearly killed me. And, honestly, that's kind of exactly what I expect to happen with the next episode as well. :D


rionaleonhart February 17 2011, 14:44:55 UTC

...all right, I can't really deny it. Glee fandom in general seems to be quite intense and scary much of the time. I suppose it might be a first fandom for many people, which could be a contributing factor.

'When I Get You Alone' simultaneously cracks me up and makes me cringe out of my skin. I love the 'oh God he's actually singing it' expressions at the 'you can keep your toys in the drawer tonight' line.


prologi February 17 2011, 14:50:44 UTC
Oh, I'm not hating, I'm totally neck-deep in that fandom as well. :D It's all puppies and unicorns and love and ridiculousness, it makes me so happy.

Yeah, it does remind me a bit of my Harry Potter days, when I occasionally made the mistake of taking it seriously.

Kurt's bitchface is the best part of that episode, seriously. :D The incredulous look when Blaine talks about the 50% discount, oh my god.


fictionalfemme February 17 2011, 16:44:58 UTC
Somebody should definitely write me you a Kurt/Blaine/Rachel fic! That would be deeply awesome.


rionaleonhart February 17 2011, 17:17:55 UTC
I'm mildly worried by how much I want this. (Your icon is so appropriate!)


Totally stole this one from Tumblr fictionalfemme February 17 2011, 19:34:05 UTC

If I even thought I had a remote chance of doing a story with them justice, even on a !crack level, I'd be writing it now. Unfortunately, I'm just not confident enough to try.


staring forever, don't mind me rionaleonhart February 17 2011, 19:39:11 UTC
It's times like this I really wish I could write stories that had romance as the focus, or that I could write sex at all, but, alas, my specialty continues to be daft crossovers. SOMEONE WRITE IT. THERE MUST BE SOMEONE WHO CAN DO THIS.


reipan February 17 2011, 22:09:22 UTC On the one hand there is some interesting potential in this. On the other hand, while characters venturing outside their defined orientation is pretty cool (if not always hot afaic), I...


...I wouldn't like it because it would cause Kurt so much emotional distress

oh good God I'm such a sap

(Like a lot of American shows of my experience, Glee does have a habit of unashamedly and unapologetically allowing its characters to trample on each other's feelings without any visible consequences. Exhibit A would be HOW MUCH OF A DICK FINN IS.)



rionaleonhart February 17 2011, 23:25:34 UTC

... )


reipan February 17 2011, 23:54:28 UTC
No, the episode I watched didn't have a next-week-trailer stuck on the end and I am too cool for Youtube =p


rionaleonhart February 18 2011, 00:06:31 UTC
I have no idea from this response of whether you wish to be spoiled for the context or not, so I shall refrain from spoiling you! (I almost said 'and sorry for spoiling you with this entry', and then remembered that it was your choice to look under the cut. I AM SORRY THAT YOU SPOILED* YOURSELF, REI.)

* this could be really unfortunately mistyped.


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