One too many threads on
fandomsecrets has caused me to snap and write a lengthy, rambling entry on Why It's Okay To Like Blaine Of Glee (But It's Totally Cool If You Don't), it appears. Whoops!
Why It's Okay To Like Blaine Of Glee (But It's Totally Cool If You Don't). )
Comments 30
But now I just want to tell you how much I feel 'Kum' vs 'Skurt' is a perfectly valid reason to not like a pairing XD
'Skurt' is charming! 'Kum' - well, having a 'ship name that's a play on a sexual term is automatically going to put me off the 'ship, because I'm much more about the relationship development than about the actual sex. And clearly the fandoms for pairings I don't even 'ship should take my personal preferences into consideration when choosing the 'ship name. I mean, that's just obvious.
I selfishly want Sam to be straight because I'm so very fond of Kurt/Blaine and therefore want to avoid Sam as a potential complication. It would be sort of brilliant if Sam turned out to be an ex-boyfriend of Blaine's, though.
This. A thousand times this. I totally 'ship it, but I'm still irked by the fact they totally glossed over the fact that in "Cyberwoman" Ianto tells Jack he actually hates him and literally wishes him dead. Or wishses to kill him.
I'm not saying everyone has to like Blaine; I'm just a little tired of feeling judged because I happen to like him.This also. I also like Blaine ( ... )
Possibly Kurt/Blaine is criticised because it has the potential to work so well; a lot of people seem to feel that it's boring. Which is fair enough! But it's not the only valid reaction, and it troubles me when people who don't like it seem to feel that people who do are somehow wrong.
What's the shipper name for Kurt/Blaine? Blurt? Kaine? Is it as awesome as "Puckleberry Finn"?
Also Quinn/Sam --> "Quam" sounds amazing and I will be crushed if that name is not actually used.
Quinn/Sam is indeed referred to as 'Quam'!
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