
Sep 23, 2008 22:11

Doctor Who Drinking game:

-Mickey’s called anything but Mickey.
-Rose has spider-lashes
-Doctor says “Oh Yes!”
-Master mentions drumming
-Donna gets bossy
-You want to smack Donna’s mum.
-You want to tell Jackie to sit down and shut up
-Harriet Jones introduces herself
-Jack: “I was just saying hello…”
-Doctor musses his hair thinking
-Doctor licks something
-TARDIS travel
-Doctor and Donna insist they’re not a couple
-Donna calls Doctor names
-Someone says the Doctor’s dead
-Doctor asks “What?”
-Someone mentions the Shadow Proclamation
-10th Doctor’s not in a suit
-TARDIS crash lands
-Angsty!Doctor is angsty
-Rambling!Doctor is rambling
-Someone mentions DoctorDonna
-Donna is the most important woman in the universe
-Unexpected!Rose cameos
-Lots of places have a north
-London eye.
-Zoom in from SPAAAAACE!!!
-Someone’s eating chips
-Americans are stupid
-Asians are evil
-Companion gets hit on
-Doctor says “Don’t do that”
-Molto bene
-Doctor loses a companion and is all alone again.
-Donna cries
-Donna smacks or backhands the Doctor.
-The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver
-Doctor says sorry
-Every time the Doctor is running from some evil beastie.
-alonzi Alonzo! (or any Doctor silly wordplay. Judoon platoon on the moon~)
-Doctor puts on glasses
-forcibly seperated from TARDIS
-Kidnapped!companion (or otherwise needs saving)
-Martha gets all medical
-Jack dies (can include F.O.B., depending on beliefs or state of drunkenness...)
-Reference to series theme e.g. 'Bad Wolf', 'Mr Saxon', 'Medusa Cascade' etc
-The Doctor refers to humans as "stupid apes"
-Someone alludes to the size of Nine's ears/nose
-Someone stops running when they shouldn't
-Reversed Polarity.
-Cat people

Two Drinks:
-"I'm sorry. I'm SO sorry."

-Emo!John Smith
-I Can’t Decide dance
-Unexpected Naked!Jack
-Regenerations, full or partial
-Rude and Not Ginger
-Someone alludes to Jack being the Face of Boe
-Everybody lives!
-Historical figure
-Not in period clothing and NO ONE NOTICES (wtf Martha, get Elizabethan, srsly)

Drink into oblivion:

Anything else? Anyone? Bueller?

alcohol, dw, game

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