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aletheiafelinea, here be some explanations:
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Comments 8
I had a suspicion it's going to be good before even seeing this title, which confirmed it. XD Sad to hear it's wanting in the art department, though - I couldn't tell from the icon.
Ehehe, I must confess I'm a somewhat lurker by proxy fan(???) for the Thunderbolt Fantasy stuff I keep stalking seeing on your Tumblr. As in, "no idea what's going on, but I feel for... *runs to check* Shō Fu Kan". :')
its super detailed puppet designs doesn't lend itself to icon-making
Oh now, hold my cocoa... But yeah, darn 100x100, I know. *sigh*
Your instincts are just that sharp!! And yes, the illustrations drawn for the CD/DVD releases are solid, the show overall is more what you'd expect of 500 yen and a potato. They also try to hide their lack of animation by moving the camera in every shot, so you're constantly zooming in or out or sliding from left to right and back again, increasing the feeling of watching a fucking fever dream.
but I feel for... *runs to check* Shō Fu Kan". :')
I'm glad to inform you that you've gotten to the core of the show, good taste, good taste. Shou is the absolute best, and very hashtag relatable. SanFan is a wild ride, but one I recommend if you have any fondness for the wuxia genre and/or chinese fantasy inspired DND/RPG campaigns. It hits the right mixture of poking fun at the tropes and gleefully indulging in them :D
Old, solid school of "make it simple, obscure the rest with fog and call it artsy". Works everytime. :D Seriously though, at least it isn't ugly, just nothing-in-particular, have seen worse. There are potato budgets and there are moldy potato budgets, that was apparently the former.
They also try to hide their lack of animation by moving the camera in every shot, so you're constantly zooming in or out or sliding from left to right and back again, increasing the feeling of watching a fucking fever dream.
Ew, yeah, I never liked it in those few anime snippets I happened to see... And shaking the frame or its fragments as the code for "tension! emotions! action!", ugh.
if you have any fondness for the wuxia genre and/or chinese fantasy
A potential for fondness is the most I can honestly say I have so far, but if I ever decide give it a try, that'll be probably my starting point. ^^ (Obvious hashtag no promises.)
Those are very wise words, and I shall strive to remember them and count my blessings xD
Ew, yeah, I never liked it in those few anime snippets I happened to see..
To be fair, that's not a hallmark of the genre overall, but sometimes shows with limited budgets and bad directors do. CGI usage has made it worse in the sense that now, the creators often go HEY THE CAMERA CAN MOVE IN ANY WAY I WANT! and never stop to consider if it.... should. On the other hand, other anime don't try to hide their lack of animation at all, and you get 8 minute conversation scenes that are entirely shot-reverse shot with just lip movement.
Well, just be prepared for my tumblr to become oops all SanFan come April and season 3 of this masterpiece XD
ntil you hear that the case in the first novel turns out not to be a virgin conception but a cult of Nazis in South America pretending to be Catholics and raising Hitler's kids via brainwashed surrogate mothers and dealing drugs
You know I still refuse to believe this...after watching it. I think I was hallucinating and am still hallucinating reading this
You know I still refuse to believe this...after watching it. I think I was hallucinating and am still hallucinating reading this
Est-ce que tu peux leer francais? Parce que j'ai le livre en la traduction francaise. Tu peux assurer ce n'était pas une hallucination.
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