A few weeks ago, my mom let me know that a letter arrived for me, and I was like yes Santa Exchange!!! Will open that one as soon as I come by next week!!!! And then I got quarantine-binned :< Now finally at home for Christmas, I had the unadulterated joy of discovering just how much thought, care and kindness dear
lunasariel poured into this:
A Letter.mp3 )
Comments 9
You totally should! :D
The letter looks glorious -- capybara stickers omg! -- and I remain in awe of K's Santa-matching skills.
Also, your cat pictures are amazing, especially the one with the sunflower, and the poppy shots are super lovely!
Our benevolent overlord's skill are amazing each year, aren't they.
Thank you very much! He's very patient with me in that regard. The older he gets, the less he's bothered by, well, me bothering him constantly.
It is! And they are also cheerfully all over the place in spring around here.
I'm so glad it made it there in one piece (well, almost T.T), and that you like it! Yiiiiiiiikes at being quarantine-binned, tho - I hope that all is well now!
THAT BREAD MAKES THE BEST TOAST. Especially with butter and honey. Just sayin'. ;)
May the capybara and poppy stickers accompany you on many successful adventures (including, yes, back to the Bay Area! I'm so sorry I missed my previous chance to get to meet you IRL).
The real star of this show is, of course, your magnificent old man! <3 What a handsome dude - and very well photographed! Somehow whenever I try to take pics of mine, they always come out looking grumpy. XD But your fella is both magnificent of chonk and luxurious of fur! Especially when said face is determinedly buried in a cup of tea that is Clearly His, Thank You Very Much, lol. I'm sorry you must be sundered from him for so much of the time ( ... )
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