Late Night Feeding

Dec 27, 2012 00:23

Title: Late Night Feeding
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
           Series: Part of the Keri ‘verse - post Panor
Characters/Pairing: John/Cam, Kenzie, EJ
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 696
Orientation: Slash

Prompt: Hurt Comfort: Exhaustion
Cotton Candy Bingo: Baby

For aske for the prompt

“Cammmmmmm,” John mumbled, reaching over and pushing at Cam’s shoulder. “Turn.”

“Mmmmpphhh.” Cam’s face was planted in his pillow and he had both arms wrapped around his ears. A position completely non-conducive to hearing the babies crying. Which they were. And it was his turn to get up. After another minute of listening to both Kenzie and EJ screaming, John huffed in irritation and threw the covers back. He kicked Cam in the calf accidentally on purpose and rolled off the bed.

He was just as tired as Cam, this wasn’t fair. He walked into the doorframe as he stomped out of the bedroom. Rubbing his sore head, he went to the baby's room. Since she was screaming louder, he scooped Kenzie up and patted her behind. Soaking wet. On autopilot, he moved to the changing table and stripped her out of her wet diaper. She calmed a little when she was dry. He picked her up and cradled her to his shoulder, rocking her as he went to check EJ. He was dry, it was just time for a bottle.

The bottles were already made up, sitting in the warmer. At least Cam had done that before he collapsed on into bed. He tucked one under his chin and held the other in the hand he had pressed to Kenzie’s back. He had perfected the dip and grab motion he needed to do to scoop EJ up on his other arm. He went to the rocking chair in the corner and carefully sat, getting both children turned so that he could feed them both at the same time. This wasn’t optimal, but it would do, since Cam wouldn’t get up.

He rocked as the babies quieted and nursed. Then he stopped rocking because it was lulling him to sleep and he needed to stay awake. He yawned broadly and kissed the top of EJ’s head. He was annoyed, but not at the babies, it wasn’t their fault that both John and Cam were running ragged trying to balance work and caring for them. They were just babies.

Just babies.

John yawned and took the bottle from EJ’s mouth as he stopped sucking. He tucked it under his chin and then awkwardly tried to shift the baby so that he could burp him. He heard a noise at the door and looked up to see Cam leaning heavily on the frame.

Cam yawned and then came over and scooped EJ into his arms, he reached over and worked the bottle loose from under John’s chin. He raised EJ to his shoulder and began to pat his back. John cradled Kenzie in both his arms, nuzzling her soft curls as she continued to suckle at the bottle. Out of habit he began to rock.

He jolted awake when Cam took Kenzie out of his arms. “I’ve got it, John. Go back to bed.”

Too exhausted to argue, John lurched to his feet and stumbled off to the bedroom. He flopped down on the bed, but he wasn’t able to sleep, he curled on his side and waited for Cam. When he came in and stretched out behind John, he wrapped an arm over him and pulled him close. He kissed the back of John’s neck. “I’m sorry, John. Don’t be mad at me.”

“Just so tired.”

“Maybe we need to accept the fact that we can’t do this alone. We need someone to help us.” Cam reached for his hand and squeezed it.

“Mmmm, maybe.” John agreed, scooching back against him. “Talk tomorrow. Sleep now.”

The End

Originally posted at

fandom: stargate atlantis, cc: baby, rating: gen, size: 500 to 999, hc: exhaustion, pairing: sheppard/mitchell, *au keri 'verse, orientation: slash

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