Three Christmases

Dec 18, 2012 01:19

Title: Three Christmases
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: Lorne and Chuck
Rating: PG
Word Count: 979

Prompt: Cotton Candy Bingo: Friends become lovers

The first Christmas Evan spent on Atlantis was the second for the rest of the Expedition. He hadn’t felt as much like an outsider as he did sitting in the mess hall on Christmas Eve. He picked at his gingerbread cake and thought about what his mom was probably doing.

“How’s the cake, Major?”

He looked up to see Chuck the tech from control standing there. “Pretty good. A little like my mom’s recipe. It might be the ice cream on top, she always served it a la mode too.”

“Cool.” Chuck smiled and walked off. He returned two minutes later with a plate of his own cake and ice cream. “Mind if I sit?”

“Not at all.” Evan stirred at the melting ice cream left on his plate.

Chuck dug into his dessert. “You look a little down, sir.”

“I’m just a little bummed that they cancelled movie night for the party set up for tomorrow.” It had been decided to hold the non-denominational specific holiday party on Christmas Day. After all his years in the service, he was quite used to missing the holidays as celebrated when he was a kid.

“You like Godzilla?” Chuck asked.

With a grin, Evan nodded. “Guilty pleasure.”

“I have some on my laptop. And I know how to hook my laptop up to the overhead screen in the Conference Room. If you’re bored, sir.”

Evan grinned. “We’re off duty, call me Evan. And I am a little bored.”

“Hey, I heard you had a problem offworl... damn, what’d you do to yourself, Evan?” Chuck’s eyes went wide as he came inside the curtained partition.

“Slid down a muddy incline. But I managed to keep hold of the crystal, so we’re counting it as a win.”

His friend sank into the chair beside the bed and shook his head. “Is your leg broken?”

“Luckily, just badly bruised. I’ll be fine. I will, however, be stuck here for Christmas. They want to keep me on an IV.”

“That’s what the rumor said. So, Godzilla marathon?”

“You know me so well.”

Chuck slid his laptop onto the rolling table and shifted the chair around so he could see it too. “I figured if you were hurting, you probably wouldn’t be up to drawing.”

Waving his bandaged right hand, Evan gave a nod. “Good call. You’re a good pal, Chuck.”

“I’ve been looking all over for you. Why are you ditching the Christmas party?” Chuck asked as he came out onto the balcony behind Evan. He had let himself in.

He didn’t look up, instead he took a deep draw from the fifth of scotch he held in one hand. “Started my own party.” He shook the bottle so that Chuck could see it.

“So I see. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing wrong.” Nothing he was going to say out loud. If he didn’t look Chuck’s way, he could keep his attraction under control. This friendship was too important to mess up by acting on his hormones. He’d managed to tamp it down for almost two years now, he just needed to avoid Chuck for a while until the urge to grab him and kiss him senseless passed.

Chuck went for the bottle, which Evan pulled up and out of his reach. “C’mon, Ev. This isn’t like you. I haven’t seen you for days, what’s going on?”

He shrugged. “Just... nothing.” Saying he needed space would imply there was a problem.

Moving close beside him, Chuck leaned on the railing and sighed. “Share that?”

He passed the bottle over and Chuck took a slug, then coughed and passed the bottle back. “God, that’s awful.” They were both quiet for a time, staring out at the dark water. It was a moonless night. Chuck cleared his throat. “I think we might have a problem, Evan.”


“I... look, uh, don’t hit me, okay?”

“Why would I hit you Chuck?” He was silent for too long, so Evan was forced to look over and found that Chuck was staring at him oddly. “Chuck?”

“Don’t hit me.” Chuck leaned over and pressed his mouth to Evan’s. He was too surprised to react and Chuck was moving away before he thought to kiss him back.

“You kissed me.” Chuck nodded slowly. “We’re friends,” he said, his brain still hung up on the fact that the object of his crazy crush was acting in such a manner.

A smile started to form on Chuck’s face and he pressed closer, apparently encouraged by the lack of violent reaction. “I don’t kiss guys that aren’t my friends, as a general rule.” He stroked a hand up Evan’s arm lightly as Evan let the bottle slide to the decking.

Shaking his head to clear away the fuzz, Evan leaned over and kissed Chuck. When Chuck’s hand moved to his waist, he turned and embraced him, deepening the kiss. Breaking away and panting heavily, he nipped at Chuck’s lower lip and then kissed and nibbled his way along Chuck’s jaw and down his throat when Chuck tipped his head back and offered. “I’ve been going crazy wanting you,” Evan confessed in a hoarse whisper.

Evan’s watch chirped as the hour rolled over. Chuck gave a laugh and wrapped both arms around Evan, hugging him closer as he sucked on an earlobe. “It’s Christmas,” Chuck teased. “We need to go to bed or Santa won’t come. That’s what my mother always said.”

Biting down on Chuck’s ear, Evan mumbled, “Don’t care. I got what I wanted for Christmas.”

“So you don’t want to go to bed? It’s right through there...” Chuck nudged him.

“Oh, you mean my bed? Okay, yeah, let’s take this inside.” He smiled and gave Chuck another quick kiss before taking him by the hand and leading him into bed.

The End

challenge: 12 days lorne, fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: lorne/chuck, rating: pg, cc: friends become lovers, size: 500 to 999, com: slashing_lorne

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