Jump With Me

Dec 18, 2012 01:17

Title: Jump with Me
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Lorne/Zelenka
Rating: PG
Word Count: 846

Prompts: Hurt Comfort Parallel squares: Trust Issues/Fire
slashing_lorne 12 Days of Lorne

The corridor leading to the stairwell was a wall of flames by the time Evan and Radek got to it. They weren’t getting through, not that way. He turned and shoved at Radek, pushing him back the way they had come, back into the lab. Coughing, he forced the door closed to keep out the smoke.

“Is no way out. We will die in here, Evan!” Radek protested, trying to get out the door again. Before the overhead display had crashed, it seemed to indicate that their entire building was on fire. Evan caught Zelenka by the lab coat and hauled him back into the room.

“We’ll get out Just not that way.”

“We are going to die!” Radek’s eyes were wild as he shoved at Evan.

He went to the window and looked down. Two levels down, he thought he could see the edge of a balcony. Just below that and across was the wide balcony outside the rec hall. “We’ll get out of here, buddy. Be calm, you’re getting hysterical.”

“I am allowed to be hysterical. I am about to die. There is no oxygen flowing, air filtration system crashed with rest of electrical systems.”

Evan grasped his shoulders. “Trust me.”

“I do not trust anyone.”

“I know you don’t.” It was a major stumbling block in their relationship, the one that had them in an odd holding pattern of dating, not dating, dating, not dating. “But I need you to trust me, just this once. I’m going to get us out of here.”

Radek looked highly skeptical as Evan picked up a stool and headed for the window. He swung the stool wide and crashed it through the window. “Do prede! Evan!”

“Look, fresher air. Come breathe it in while I clear the glass from the frame.” He picked up a paperweight for one of the work tables and used it to smash and break out the remaining glass.

Radek crowded in beside him and looked out. “Is too far.”

“No, it isn’t. There are handholds. We’ll be fine, we’ve just to go down two levels, then we’ll be in the clear.”

“I am not jumping out window with you.”

“We aren't jumping.” Evan replied, hoisting himself up to sit in on the sill, his butt out in the open air. “We’re climbing with great skill and deliberation.”

“We have no ropes!”

“Radek, there are very good handholds, look for yourself. It will be a very easy climb. The alternative is dying of smoke inhalation and having our corpses sent home as a little pile of ashes. You can do this.”

Radek stared into his eyes, then with his lips pressed tightly together, he nodded sharply. “You go first. I will follow.”

“You don’t, I’ll climb back up here to get you.” Evan swung his leg out and found the first foothold. He climbed out and started down, pausing at a large outcropping to look up. Radek was following. He breathed a sigh of relief and resumed climbing. He dropped the last few feet onto the balcony and waited for Radek. The glass doors were obscured by smoke and hot to the touch. They couldn’t go back in this way. They’d have to jump across to the next building.

When Radek dropped down, he immediately turned and threw his arms around Evan’s neck, clinging to him as he shook violently. “You made it. You did great, Radek. I’m so proud of you.” Evan held him until he calmed. “Now, we’ve got a little jump over to that balcony there.”

“Jump?” Radek looked and started to shake his head, clinging tightly to Evan.

“We’ll be fine. Look, if we miss, there’s a pool under us.”

Radek went to the ledge and looked over. “Is ten stories down!”

“Yeah, but it’s deep. But we’re not hitting the water, we’re going for the rec hall balcony. We can do it.”

Evan climbed up onto the railing and eyed the distance. It was only about seven feet. He could do it. Radek climbed up beside him. “I go first.”


“Yes, because if you miss and land in water, I will be too afraid to jump. So, I go first.” He took a deep breath and leapt, landing hard with both arms wrapped around the balustrade. He kicked his feet, scrambling for purchase and then climbed over, rolling off onto the balcony to lie on his back panting for breath. After a few moments, he knelt up and smiled at Evan. “I did it.”

Evan smiled in return. “I knew you would. Now, move over so I don’t land on you. He jumped and caught the railing, climbing up a bit more easily than Radek had done. When he swung his legs over, Radek hugged him again.

“Now, I need to help Rodney fix city. We go. Adventure time is over.” Evan followed him to the rec hall doors. He laughed when Radek turned and said, “But there will be “We’re Not Dead Sex” later when fire is out, you come find me.”

The End

challenge: 12 days lorne, fandom: stargate atlantis, hc: parallel, rating: pg, com: slashing_lorne, size: 500 to 999, hc: trust issues, hc: fire, pairing: lorne/zelenka

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