Pin Me

Aug 23, 2012 12:50

Title: Pin Me
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Chuck, Ronon, Stackhouse (mentioned)
Rating: PG
Orientation: Slash
Word Count: 602

Prompt: Held Down

Bored and out of sorts, Chuck collected his stuff from his quarters and wandered down to the gym on level three, intending to hit the punching bag a few times to work off his frustration. He sighed as he saw that Ronon and a few of the marines were using the room for a workout. He almost turned and left because there were a lot more people than usual in the gym. But then Ronon moved past him and Chuck could see the sheen of sweat on his skin and he was drawn further into the room.

He sidled along the wall and slid down, sitting on the floor next to a very sweaty Private Thompson. Thompson looked over at Chuck and grinned, despite his swollen jaw. He must have had a turn on the floor already. There was a collective gasp and Chuck looked over to see Ronon pick up Sergeant Stackhouse and drop him flat. In an instant, like a viper striking, the bigger man threw himself over Stackhouse, pinning him to the floor.

Chuck’s mouth went dry and he couldn’t look away. His mind drifted, and he imagined that it was him instead of Nate Stackhouse pinned to the floor. He couldn’t pick it up from where he sat, but he imagined that he would be able to smell Ronon’s sweat. Damn, Chuck loved a big sweaty guy. His wrists practically ached to have Ronon’s big hands wrapped around them, holding them to the floor as his full weight pressed into him, keeping him in place.

He wouldn’t be able to move, there was absolutely no way, Ronon outweighed him and had forgotten more skills and tricks than Chuck had ever known about subduing someone. Chuck closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of the wrestling match on the padded floor a few feet from him. It became the soundtrack for his fantasy. Ronon’s grunt as he flipped Nate over sent a chill down Chuck’s spine.

He imagined that tanned and tattooed skin being so close to him as the Satedan sat on him, pressing him into the floor mat. Chuck wouldn’t be cussing at Ronon the way Stackhouse was. He wouldn’t be making threats of revenge, of getting Ronon the next time. Ronon’s deep laugh at the idle threat was downright sexy.

Feeling Ronon’s thighs pressed alongside his would have him as hard as rock. Just the thought of it had him in that condition now. Chuck allowed himself a peek and saw Ronon run his hands up Stackhouse’s arms to land on his shoulders and push down as the other man attempted to throw him off his back.

Chuck bit down on a whimper as he saw droplets of sweat bead and fall from Ronon’s brow. He wished it were him there on the floor, helpless between Ronon’s firm thighs.

“I give, off already!” Stackhouse hissed. Ronon smiled and rolled to the side and then up to his feet in one graceful, effortless, gliding motion. Stackhouse remained splayed out on the floor, breathing heavily for a few moments before accepting Ronon’s hand. Chuck closed his eyes again, falling back into his daydream.

“You in?” Ronon’s deep voice was right above him. Startled, Chuck opened his eyes and saw the big man staring down at him expectantly. He gulped. Did he dare?

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Chuck declined with a shake of his head. Ronon shrugged and Private Wells climbed to his feet and took Stackhouse’s spot, ready for his turn.

Ronon offered, every time. But Chuck preferred his fantasies, the reality might ruin it.

The End Originally posted at

fandom: stargate atlantis, sga: ronon dex, sga: chuck, kb: held down, rating: pg, size: 500 to 999, kb: card 7, orientation: slash

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