Jul 01, 2012 23:03
fandom: stargate atlantis,
alphabet soup,
tt: kid!fic,
com: parrish_lorne,
30 days of shipping,
rating: gen,
as: _lorne/parrish,
for: fififolle,
hc: invisibility,
blackout: hc rd2 1,
size: 1k to 1499,
as: p,
pairing: lorne/parrish,
challenge: thingathon,
orientation: slash
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Comments 4
pancakes or flapjacks... unless that's the same thing where you are..
don't Americans eat weird stuff for breakfast.
other than that, how do you make a prompt about pancakes so sad :-(
I'm still in Dark Bingo mode, and I had a hurt comfort prompt to fill.
He got better!
And he was there from the start of the story! I'm glad I didn't go with the original way I had it. It woulda ripped your heart out I had him breaking the news to the kids over breakfast and screwing up the pancakes 'cause he was so wrecked.
I kinda want that fic, with Evan stuttering over his words and trying to explain, and invisible David wigging out that Evan told them - badly
He got better!
This will be your epitaph.
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