City is Haunted

Nov 07, 2011 22:30

Title: City is Haunted
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Zelenka/Lorne 
Orientation: Slash
Rating: PG
Word count: 510

Prompt: for scifilandHalloween
HC Bingo Fill: "Poltergeist"
AC Bingo Fill: "Ask Radek"

Evan had just gotten under the covers when the chime to his door went off. He rolled out of bed and crossed the room. “I sleep with you,” Radek said as the door to Evan’s quarters opened. He brushed past him; his arms loaded with a pillow, a small stuffed dog and his laptop. He was clad in slippers, a t-shirt and sweatpants.

Evan’s jaw dropped open in surprise. Sure, there had been a few hot looks, a little finger touching in the mess hall, a few movies nights sitting pressed thigh to thigh; the overtures were underway, but this was a little sudden.

“City is haunted. Ask me in.  I sleep with you.”

“Radek, you’re a scientist, you don’t believe that. There is no such thing as ghosts.”

Radek dropped his stuff on Evan’s sofa and spun to face him. “Do not tell me what to believe. I know what I know. City is haunted.”

“What makes you say this?”

Zelenka shook his head. “It is like when I was boy. Computers that were off go on. I hear strange voices through the speakers. Is not safe alone. I stay here.”

“Surely someone is pulling your leg?”

“Is just like when I was boy. I am alone in lab. I hear noises, someone walking. I look, but see no one. I hear things fall in Rodney’s office, I go to check. When I return, all the equipment in lab is in stack on my work table.”

“Wait, I heard something like this before.”

“Things used to come out of cupboard and fly across room.”

Lorne jabbed his finger in the air, nodding. “Yeah, yeah, a poltergeist! You had a poltergeist when you were a kid?”

Radek picked up his pillow, hugging it. “May I stay here?”

“Well, okay, I guess,” Evan conceded. Radek smiled and scooped up his dog and went to the bed. “Is room enough for two. You took room with big bed, smart, Evan.”

Evan pointed towards the sofa, his mouth working silently as Radek plumped his pillow and arranged his dog beside Evan’s pillow. Suddenly, there was a loud crackling hiss coming from everywhere at once. Radek was across the room in seconds, his arms around Evan’s waist and his face pressed into his neck. “It followed me.”

“Testing, testing… we’re testing the overhead intercom. End test,” Chuck the technician said calmly.

Evan stared down into Radek’s face. “Noise explained.”


Radek’s hands slid up Evan’s back and he pressed closer. “Still scared?”

“I never claimed to be scared. I merely claimed it is not safe in city.” Zelenka smiled and leaned a little closer.

“Did you really see a poltergeist when you were a kid?”

“I saw American film Poltergeist when I was fifteen, does that count?”

Evan chuckled and gave in, putting his arms around Radek and leaning close enough so that their noses touched. “You know, I think the city is haunted, you should stay here tonight.”

fandom: stargate atlantis, com: scifiland, z_2011 ac card 1, ac: ask radek, rating: pg, hc: poltergeist, bingo: hurt comfort, size: 500 to 999, challenge: spooky, z_2011 hc card 2, pairing: lorne/zelenka, orientation: slash

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