Jul 13, 2011 21:58

Title: ER
Fandom: SGA
Characters: Amelia Banks, Ronon Dex, John Sheppard
Pairing: Amelia/Ronon
Orientation: Het
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,205

Notes: for krissie678  for the stargateland  gifting, she wanted some Amelia and Ronon, hope this suits.

Prompts: HC bingo fill: “Accidents”

“Hello, could you help me, please?”

The nurse behind the reception desk held a finger up as she pressed buttons on her phone. “Sorry, stupid automated systems. How may I help you miss?”

“I believe a friend of mine was involved in an accident and brought here.”

“Your friend’s name?”

“Ronon Dex.”

The nurse tapped a few keys on her computer and then nodded. “He’s still down in the Emergency Room. Go through those doors, make a left and follow the corridor. You’ll see the signs.”

“Thank you.” Well, at least she had the right hospital this time, Amelia thought as she walked briskly through the halls. Hospitals made her nervous. They always had; she had too many memories of visiting them when she’d been a child. She banished the maudlin thoughts; she had no time for them now.

She pushed open the door and entered the noisy ER. Moving to the desk, she tried to flag down someone she could ask about Ronon, but everyone was too busy or ignoring her under the pretense of being too busy. She shrugged and decided to hunt for Ronon herself. If they were too busy to help her, they were too busy to stop her from wandering around being a lookie-loo.

Trying to be stealthy, she walked with purpose, as if she knew where she was going. She glanced from side to side, peeking around the edges of the privacy curtains as she passed each bay, trying not to look like she was looking, which she was. Some of the scenes she saw as she passed made her heart hurt. She shoved away the memories that threatened to overwhelm her again.

As she neared the last bay in the row, and was growing disheartened, she heard a very familiar voice say, “Well if you had done like I told you, it wouldn’t have!”

“I did what you told me to.”

Amelia smiled, relieved to hear the annoyance in Ronon’s tone as he answered Sheppard. Good, he wasn’t in a coma or dying. All she had been able to get out of Chuck was that Sheppard had called in and reported that he was taking Ronon to the civilian hospital because there had been an accident. She’d gone to three different city hospitals searching for them. She wasn’t officially on Ronon’s contact list, Chuck had been doing her a favor by telling her about the accident so she didn’t come in to work and hear through the grapevine that the guy she was sorta serious about was in the hospital.

She pushed the curtain aside and slipped in. “What have you done to yourself now, Dex?”

The men both looked up, Sheppard gave her a brief wave. Ronon gave her a dopey little smile. From the way his eyes were glazed, she could tell they’d drugged him up but good. She walked to the bedside and leaned in to buss his forehead with a gentle kiss.

“Surfboard hit me.”

Amelia shook her head ruefully, fingering the ragged ends of his hair where it stuck out from under the bandages. She wondered if he knew about this yet, his dreadlocks were his one true vanity. “You couldn’t get out of your board’s way?”

“Oh, I got out of MY board’s way; it was Sheppard’s board that hit me.” He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Sheppard. He was pouting. It was kinda cute.

“I told you to go le… oh, never mind!” Sheppard waved his hands dismissively, giving up the fight. “Fine, it’s all my fault. He’s got a cracked skull, Amelia. They want to keep him overnight for observation because he was out cold when I dragged him out of the water.”

Alarmed, she looked at both of them sternly, “You could have drowned!”

“I didn’t.” Ronon glared at Sheppard some more and then looked at Amelia and reached up to tug on his hair. There was a hint of a whine in his voice as he complained, “They cut off most of my hair!”

“I’m sorry,” Amelia rubbed his arm and gave him a sympathetic look.

Sheppard cleared his throat and said, “I’m going to get the insurance stuff straightened out with the front desk. Will you make sure he doesn’t leave? He’s tried to make a break for it already and they’re threatening to tie him down. They want to do an MRI.” The Colonel made his escape through the curtain partition.

Ronon was definitely pouting. “I’m fine.” Even as he said it, he closed his eyes and put his head back against the pillows. With Sheppard gone, he could let his guard down a little, be a little less macho. That he allowed her to see it warmed her a bit. She got that little piece of him that he didn’t give to Sheppard or his team. Now and then, he let her see the soft side. She moved closer and rubbed soothing circles on his belly through the thin hospital blanket.


He wasn’t going to answer and then very quietly he said, “A little.”

“You’re more upset about your hair, aren’t you?”

Ronon snorted and then admitted, “A little.”

“When I bust you out of here, I’ll take you to a professional and we’ll get your hair fixed. Before we go back to base.” She adjusted his pillow as he leaned up and tried to move it.

He relaxed back with a sigh as she got the pillow where he wanted it. He confessed in an undertone, “Was thinking of cutting it anyway. Getting too heavy.”

“Well, there you are then - the motivation you needed to do it. Think of it as a fresh start, Dex. Look at as a symbolic shedding of all those years of trouble and running.”

“But I wanted to do it myself. There’s a ritual.” He was pouting again, jutting lip and all. She leaned over and kissed his lips. He cupped a hand to the back of her head and held her there, returning the kiss.

“Now, now, none of that, I have to take this young man for an MRI.” A stocky nurse with cartoon cows on her scrub top bustled in, throwing the curtain aside. Amelia sprang back from Ronon’s bed, blushing at being caught.

The nurse undid the locks on the wheels of the bed and started to roll him away. “I’ll be waiting when you get back, Ronon.”

“I’ll see ya later, Banks. Screw with Sheppard while I’m gone, make him feel really guilty.”

She laughed and waved, following as far as she could and then sitting in a hard plastic chair to wait. Sheppard turned up with a handful of papers, looking around in confusion for Ronon. It probably wasn’t a wise thing to be shouting his rank in an unsecured civilian location, and she was not on friendly enough terms with him to call him John, so she called, “Over here, Sheppard.”

Patting the chair beside her, she told him, “They took him for the MRI.”

He nodded and dropped into the chair, his legs sprawled out in front of him.

She waited a beat and then asked, “So, it was your board that hit him, eh?”

hc: accidents, fandom: stargate atlantis, orientation: het, challenge: gifting, rating: gen, z_2011 hc card 1, sga: john sheppard, com: stargateland, size: 1k to 1499, for: krissie678, bingo: hurt comfort, pairing: ronon/other

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