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becquinho February 5 2011, 06:48:12 UTC
......I shouldn't be so charmed by the fact that he's basically being rather somewhat of a neurotic clean freak with high expectations here hdsklhld ilh ♥
so many cute images here \:D/


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 14:30:58 UTC
To think I was shipping Kame with my doujin reading gay friend #akameislaw


ayuzak February 5 2011, 08:06:10 UTC
I think kame can be fiercely devoted. Once he makes a commitment that is. So saito only needs to put a ring on it real fast. Lol. I bet saito is clean too.


soundczech February 5 2011, 09:36:30 UTC
I think the problem in that fic is that Kame imprinted on Jin when he was like twelve and is pathologically incapable of fully giving up on anything, even if he thought he had. So he was struggling to really commit to anything because it wasn't living up to the Romantic standard he'd set for himself. I really don't see the Naoki thing working out as long as Jin was in his life to the degree he was... I don't really see Kame as a settler. Maybe if they'd met before they started hanging out again. #selfimportantmeta #badiphonetyping


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 09:55:25 UTC
I love how this is on my journal *creeps on it like a creep*


ayuzak February 5 2011, 11:31:26 UTC
I just wish kame can get over jin. I really do wish it T______T his life makes me so happy and sad all the time. I should have more faith that jin will treat fic kame right. Oh god, i think my problem is an inability to distinguish reality from fiction. If people write sad kame part of me thinks real kame is sad somewhere. #craycray


soundczech February 5 2011, 13:29:46 UTC
well. fic jin treats fic kame like a king, if it helps. fic jin has done all this secret research about gay marriage and where they are able to adopt children that he's keeping in his back pocket for the first sign that kame is sick of his job and ready to retire.


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 14:16:47 UTC
And they'll have a star baby called Akio and live happily ever after T__T♥


ayuzak February 5 2011, 08:09:54 UTC
I hate hitoshi. He should have known he was never good enough for kazuya. Ugh it makes my blood boil just thinking about him. Thank god you didn't elaborate on the ways he starts demanding more from kame. Ugh.


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 09:56:39 UTC
Thank god you didn't elaborate on the ways he starts demanding more from kame.

I would have dreamt of punching his face instead of Naoki's hot one instead ;o; Although everytime I think Naoki, a tall and dark faceless person appears instead T___T


becquinho February 5 2011, 07:22:43 UTC
Oh god now I want to go reread that fic gsfjdlfl I'll be up all night bb *weeps* :( ♥


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:31:41 UTC
That was my internal battle for the past 7 nights. And every night I find myself losing :( *weeps*


randomicicle February 5 2011, 07:51:40 UTC
Just ninjaing to say I totally want Kame/Saito Naoki. A lot more. That dinner date was enough for me to ship them forever ♥


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:52:45 UTC
Welcome to the club ♥ We're trying to convince Fitz that more Naoki is goooooood ♥


becquinho February 5 2011, 06:56:22 UTC
Same!! \T_T/ I kept sadly glancing about and thinking how my place would probably make him twitch sadly and immediately set to work straightening it up agsjd >_>;...it's so adorable thinking about him puttering about putting things in order ♥.

I know! gasjdh he gets so sadly chiding about things like that, so cute :3


rindiggfelt February 5 2011, 07:06:30 UTC
And earwax. I can't believe he gets away with talking about EARWAX. Oh this man T____T♥


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