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Comments 19

throwingpens April 29 2013, 04:33:58 UTC

(someone's new-girling their way through life.)

You're silly in your apprehension. I really enjoyed this. So much--your Danny is SO GOOD and it cracks me up. Somehow you've gotten the vulnerability to the character down, and you've mixed it with the like...manly man qualities as well.



rikyl April 29 2013, 12:00:33 UTC
I did not mean to do that, though! Of all the last names ... but okay, I suppose you can think that, that's fine.

Thanks for your cheerleading, btw. Your excitement really helped push me to finish this, and I'm so glad you liked how it turned out.


throwingpens April 29 2013, 20:31:09 UTC
I will continue to think it shhhh.

I will always be a cheerleader for fic that I want to happen. I seriously cannot get over how much I love this and how much MINDY would make sure that it happens. Because RomComs.


is_a_bella08 April 29 2013, 05:15:58 UTC
Omg is Jess pregnant in this AU?

Also, this is so perfect. And your characterization of Danny in particular is great. I'm so glad you put up all 3 parts at once. I just kept wanting to read more. I'm hoping Danny does meet Mindy at the Empire State Building.


rikyl April 29 2013, 11:57:36 UTC
Ha ha ... this was the most confusing comment to me at first. No, I just picked a random last name. That was uninintentional. :)

It was always supposed to be a one-shot--LJ just wouldn't let me post it as 1 (or even 2) entries, and I didn't feel like doing the html manually to see if I could get it to post that way.

Anyway, thank you! I'm really glad you liked the characterization of Danny, because I found him really challenging to write. Fun, though.


lauren2347 April 29 2013, 14:36:14 UTC
What?!?! This is amazing! Love it!!!


rikyl April 29 2013, 17:52:07 UTC
Thank you!


bantam_shine April 29 2013, 19:06:59 UTC
I can't stop flailing and I'm at work. This fic was perfection. I loved Mindy & Danny's bickering, how the dinner went with Christina & Paul, and the open ending. Sequel please? :D


rikyl April 30 2013, 00:04:40 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I don't know about a sequel ... I picture them being in the friends with sparks stage for a while, because Danny's not quite ready for something serious yet (and with Mindy, it'd be serious, right?) But I'll think on it!


quisinart4 April 29 2013, 20:07:36 UTC
Okay, I have to admit, I totally wanted an Empire State Building scene! You put it in our heads, you have to give it to us! But I admit, I like what you gave us better. It was tense and it was awkward and it was loaded with possibility, and it kept you on the edge of your seat as you waited to see what would happen between them. I like the idea that nothing's settled yet, and I like the idea that the chemistry cannot be ignored, even if neither will act on it right now. That's sort of what I'm hoping the end of s1 will show us...

Their awkwardness in the elevator was so cute. I love Danny being all "late night" to explain his tardiness, but of course Mindy would know she was with him last night haha. Just such an awkward thing and I love how you hit upon it just right.

(She seemed to be making a point of acting normal, which was what he should probably be doing too, but at the moment, he couldn’t remember what normal was.)


(OH BTW, the New Girl line and Mrs. Miller? You said it was unintentional so that's a funny ( ... )


rikyl April 30 2013, 00:14:33 UTC
Yeah, I knew I might take a beating for putting the Empire State Building thing out there and not following through on it! I actually wrote a rough scene of that, but I threw it out because it wasn't working. A month was too soon, and I couldn't get Danny to cooperate. So I think they're going to be friends for a while longer (maybe friends who accidentally make out once in a while?)

I am hoping for the same kind of thing from the finale as you--some recognition or evidence of feelings but nothing resolved between them. I want to see the tension drawn out for longer because that's so much fun, and they've done a good job of drawing it out believably so far. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Thank you again for all your wonderful comments! I loved reading all your thoughts, and I'm glad you liked my story so much.


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