Cannonball (for the Behind Closed Doors challenge, Relish section, Leslie's POV)

Aug 31, 2012 23:48

Title: Cannonball (for the Behind Closed Doors challenge, Relish section, Leslie's POV)
Pairing: Leslie/Ben
Rating: Hard R
Words: 3,600
A/N: Thanks to my partner in crime Read more... )

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Comments 17

sullen_aquarian September 1 2012, 05:43:11 UTC
Mural! Yes, I completely accept that as canon.

Your Leslie and Ben are so sweet and perfect together, this was adorable in a sexy way.


missnumbat September 1 2012, 07:35:43 UTC
I love your description of their dates. I had been wondering ever since the episode what the cryptex word was, and your explanation is now canon for me.

This line “That’s the day that I knew, beyond a doubt, that I didn’t want anyone but you” almost had me tearing up, it was so sweet.

And the hummingird explanation. Just perfect.


sunnyday678 September 1 2012, 10:29:23 UTC
"You're so beautiful -- sometimes I can't believe you're mine."



bowlsohard September 1 2012, 20:27:34 UTC
Oh I love the first 3 dates!!!!!!!!!! Of course Leslie would think that way! How had we not figured this out sooner!?! And MURAL, you are such a smartypants. I am obsessed with all fics related to that 5 letter word. I'm willing to accept this on as cannon. Awesome job.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, “sometimes I can’t believe you’re mine.” - very sexy!

Great job!


shornt September 1 2012, 21:31:01 UTC
Ohhh this made me feel warm and fuzzy and happy ahhhh


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