Fic: The After Party

May 10, 2012 17:26

Title: The After Party
Pairings: Leslie/Ben, Chris/Jennifer?, other people/things happening
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through Bus Tour. I have not seen the finale and know nothing about it!
Summary: At Leslie's victory party, wackiness and complications happen! I don't know, I got antsy waiting for the finale, so I started to write my own version, just ( Read more... )

fic, parks and recreation

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Comments 21

throwingpens May 10 2012, 22:52:13 UTC
Holy crap, I loved everything about this. I loved the fact that Leslie SOLD HER HOUSE and moved in with the Ludgate/Dwyer/Wyatt/one-legged pit bull family. I loved that Brandanaquitz made an appearance. I loved that Jen convinced Chris to move away.

But mostly I loved April's graduation. It was damn near perfect, and it makes my heart feel...things.

Excellent job, as always.


rikyl May 14 2012, 00:03:00 UTC
Thanks! I'm not sure how this turned into an April story, but I'm glad you liked it.


fairytiger May 10 2012, 23:04:14 UTC
I actually gasped--GASPED--at Leslie selling her house to fund the campaign. Because she totally would! I would not even be surprised.

And if the campaign bus does not turn into a tour bus by the season 5 premiere I will be so disappointed.

What a perfect read right before the finale!


rikyl May 14 2012, 00:07:00 UTC
Haha ... yeah, it just seemed like the logical answer to pressing questions like, why haven't we seen Leslie's house lately? How did she pay for that bus? But I'm really glad they didn't have any conflicts of that scale in the finale.

Thanks for reading!


isalsayourface May 10 2012, 23:15:03 UTC
Oh my gosh! All of this is so amazing! I can TOTALLY see Leslie selling her house to buy a campaign bus! And then just, forgetting to tell Ben about it, lol. And April and perfect and sweet. I laughed so hard at Ron calling Ann "Abby" and her calling him on it! This was a perfect read and so appreciated as we all wait in wonder at what the finale might be! Thank you!


rikyl May 14 2012, 00:08:01 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!


princess_george May 10 2012, 23:23:51 UTC
He didn’t know where she was. It was a disconcerting feeling for someone who prided himself on his tracking skills.

“Who?” was all he said to Mark.

YOU ARE FREAKING EPIC. EPIC! (To be clear: not just about this, although it was the first thing I flat-out adored about this.)


rikyl May 14 2012, 00:10:01 UTC
Thanks! I'm really not comfortable writing Ron, so it means a lot to me that you singled that part out.

And this reminds me, I still need to review your last chapter! I loved it, and I have not forgotten ... must get over there and relive the magic.


princess_george May 14 2012, 01:17:22 UTC
Honey, a beta reviewer has no obligation to review!

Keep writing Ron, you've got something there.


lizinstereo May 10 2012, 23:35:44 UTC
I love that Leslie sold her house to fund her campaign. She spends so much time with Ben/her friends, it's like no one would ever notice. Where did she put all of her stuff?

I also really enjoyed April's graduation and Chris' doubts. What a great way to kick off the finale!


rikyl May 14 2012, 00:11:53 UTC
"Where did she put all her stuff?" No idea ... I'm not sure she could have actually pulled off the time and effort required to even relocate it all to storage lockers without someone else noticing, ha ha.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!


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