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Comments 9

kyrieanne November 2 2011, 22:41:34 UTC
"He just seems like the one character the Parks writers haven’t figured out what to do with, and possible the only one they’re willing to sell out for a joke."

I was just talking to my husband about this. I don't have any major opinions about Rob Lowe the actor, but Chris the character does seem to be the one character the writers aren't sure how to write. I like how they've played up his neurotic qualities this season: the perfectionism in making that video and the awkward way he keeps telling Jerry what he is doing with Millicent. But the neurotic only works if we're rooting for the character. Tom is a great example of this - he is kind of gross, but he's Tom. We get why he's that way and we want one of his ridiculous dreams to come true! I don't feel like I have any reason to root for Chris and in an ensemble where every other character, down to Jerry, has the audience in their corner, he is the one character for me that comes up short.


rikyl November 2 2011, 22:56:08 UTC
That's a good way to put it. You're right, they haven't given us reason to root for him (except for maybe the blood disorder thing? which has barely come up). But yeah, I don't care about him, and they're giving him an awful lot of screen time considering that. I have no idea what he might even want, so there's nothing to root for even if we did care.


kyrieanne November 2 2011, 23:15:02 UTC
I think people are quick to blame Rob Lowe for Chris' lackluster character. I'm not defending Rob Lowe, but I think the problem is really rooted in the fact that the writers haven't settled on who they want Chris to be. Is obsessed with image or is his desire to be healthy less about others and more about living a good life? Is he comically obtuse about most things but when it matters surprisingly perceptive (like we say in 'Born and Raised')? Is he lonely? I think that last one is most interesting because like you said of all the characters on the show Chris is the most disconnected. Even poor Ben has friends. Donna wants nothing to do with him at the party and he tries even Jerry's patience! I really hope all his screen time this season results in a more defined character.


rikyl November 3 2011, 00:26:10 UTC
Yeah, I don't think it's Rob's fault. He's doing his best to sell what they're giving him. I was just thinking that he's such a big name, they probably pay him a lot, and maybe he's even required to get a certain amount of screen time, which is too bad, because a jokey character only works in small doses. I hope too that they get a better handle on him.


zombie_boogie November 2 2011, 23:35:37 UTC
I really wish Chris would get as much screen time as Paul did. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that Rob Lowe will continue his pattern of leaving ensemble shows. Maybe he'll get a new pilot ( ... )


rikyl November 3 2011, 00:13:57 UTC
This is such a perfect, succinct description of Ben's personality. He makes total sense to me in my head, but I was having trouble explaining it. You're right, he does seem like an introvert, and I'm sure that's another piece of it.

I really want to see Office vs. Parks become the storyline eventually too. I don't know if the friendship stuff that's going on now has anything to do with that; the whole waffles/friends/work thing that is so ingrained in my head now just has me wondering.


stillscape November 3 2011, 00:05:49 UTC
The more we get into this season, the more I am convinced that Ben is actually me. I totally get all of it. My parents are passive-aggressive (and divorced), and I am kind of passive-aggressive. And while I hate confrontation, I am also sarcasting and lack tact, and people frequently think that I am mean. Also, I show up places with baked goods and homemade chicken soup and the like. (I'm terrible at numbers, though ( ... )


rikyl November 3 2011, 00:20:35 UTC
I am very much Ben too in a lot of ways, not necessarily passive aggressive, but introverted and sarcastic in a way that comes off as unfriendly sometimes. What he's going through this season with trying to fit in a new place ... been there. I never show up anywhere with baked goods though. Maybe I should try that!

Does the tv look old? I thought it was just small because it had to fit on top of his dresser, but the thing that struck me as sad about it was that he had it at all. I wanted to think he spent time fighting for the remote out in the living room with April and Andy. Now I wonder if he just stays in his room all the time, except to eat, and that seems unhealthy for him.

Exactly, on Chris. He's all over the place. I have no idea who he's supposed to be.


stillscape November 3 2011, 01:02:46 UTC
The TV is definitely older. It's a projection tube. No one makes those anymore.

Honestly, if April and Andy were my roommates, I would probably spend a lot of time in my room too, especially if I wanted to come home after work and relax. But I think Ben must be spending some time in the general living area, because they have furniture and other things that adult humans need, and it was relatively clean.

The baked goods thing works really well until you run into crazy people on diets. (Or diabetics.) If you associate with those kinds of people, baked goods are counterproductive. But nearly all of my friends are graduate students, and grad students eat anything. Seriously, though, my teaching evals are markedly better in the semesters when I bring my undergrads candy.


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