I don't care what they may say,
pixel_trade is just alright with me! Generation 6 spouse, Nathaniel, is by
jenji_sims, and Generation 7 spouse, Cassie, is by
So last time, Hyperion was back at the home lot, and Cassie had moved in with him. They had a wedding, which was attended by his siblings and aunts and uncles. Cassie lucked out, due to a stolen newspaper, and snagged a job in her LTW career via her roll for a job from the computer. Cassie had a tiff with her new mother-in-law, Ananke, but they apparently patched it up once everyone knew Cassie was pregnant. Hyperion began moving his way up the Education career, and Nathaniel insisted on bringing home
javabean_dreams's Demetri, who'd married into my round of the Magicakes RR.
Hyperion wanted a bar, so they got one. Cassie and Ananke became so heavily alcoholic, the bar eventually got stowed away in his inventory. Cassie gave birth to twin daughters, Tethys (who had XD eyes) and Theia (who did not have XD eyes). Cassie managed a promotion despite beginning her second pregnancy, and the twins became toddlers. That didn't stop her from beginning to go into aspiration failure, however. This may be due to her tendency to avoid eating. Cassie gave birth to another set of twins, son Atlus and daughter Aura.
We begin the update with a giant fucking LIE. It'd otherwise be a bit, y'know, ironic that an ISBI sim's highest interest is in cuisine, but we know Cassie does things like make Jello Instant Pudding when she's starving to death, so I take this with a grain of salt.
First walkby of the update:
iliketoplaygod's Mae West.
And why is Tethys raging in a high chair, do you ask?
Her parents had to go off to work, so she is stuck being tortured by the nanny. (You can see little brother Atlus's little leg just beyond that bowl of gruel. On the floor, where the nanny left him.) I'll remind you that this is a fully lobotomized nanny!
I don't know what's making her even MORE angry at this point, the stereo keeping her awake or the plethora of bottles that are keeping her from sleeping and/or drinking the previous bottle(s).
This is all your fault, nanny. Not only did you bother her so much she couldn't eat, you removed Aura from her crib just to put her on Tethys's toddler blanket!
Let's heavily applaud the success of our uncontrollable spouse!
Considering that promotion almost caused her to have a miscarriage! O_o
iliketoplaygod's Edvard has gotten the woman-beating out of his system after all of his altercations with Vár Bork.
Now before we get too happy, Hyperion's LTW is to make 100 grand, which usually ends up requiring topping about 3 careers if you do it solely by jobs and promotion bonuses alone. Though he's gotten quite high in his first career!
Oh no, what is it this time, Tethys?!
Personally, I think she only grew up well because she was that excited to be able to feed herself and have a real bed.
It's also a shame she can't keep that cute outfit because it's late fall. :P
Theia apparently wasn't so full of sheer optimism.
Tethys is adorable, though she takes after her father quite a bit. We're still lucky to have this adorableness on the first try!
Theia's very cute, too, it's just too bad she looks so much like Cassie.
It's also the younger twins' birthday. Atlus is a good parental blend, but has no XD eyes. :(
...looks like it's ditto for Aura.
Yep. It's such a letdown at this point to not get THE TRAIT on a kid, since this is Gen 8, so we only technically need to get two more heirs with the XD eyes!
Aura immediately finds the stereo to kill us with her cute!
And...okay, it's kind of funny when Ananke's OTH is cuisine.
Tethys and Theia, meanwhile, are off amusing themselves with the toys in the big kids' room. I'm just happy Theia's too amused to attack her twin.
Hopefully, we'll be able to keep this set of twins happy and content as toddlers. Oh, who am I kidding, this is an ISBI.
We've got
imaginepageant's Giselle Kourtney fingahgunning us. Pay no attention to that artist career reward stashed alongside the house.
Poor Cassie, she literally puked and then popped.
Okay, I don't know if the EP install reset him to his "natural" state, or if FT itself is doing it, but Ananke's brother-in-law just barged in, in his full former-llama glory.
I'm glad you're happy, but I bet you're going to give your grand-nephew night terrors. Just sayin'.
I have a bad feeling about this.
In fact, I think he got demoted to the position below Senior Professor. >:|
This could be worse. He still got paid and, I think, he'll get the promotion bonus again when he gets repromoted.
Speaking of worse, I made the mistake of not hiring the nanny. Pregnant Cassie is about as competant as the nanny, with the more negative aspect of needing more sleep and never actually feeding herself.
The Nathaniel/Demetri bromance continues on!
Impromptu Pajama Party, I guess?
Since Eros absconded with the fishtank, and the bar was a regrettable mistake, there was some room freed up in the living room for some of the new activities.
We needed a new source of child/toddler spam, Y/Y?
Tethys, a love of tinker toys and LEGO doesn't necessarily translate to wanting to take everything apart and/or being an auto mechanic. I should know. *grumbles*
Under the all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of Chococat, Cassie pops again.
The answer to all life's questions is to have a LAN Party.
You know, it suddenly occurred to me there's been a sudden proliferation of gamers and game designers in my game lately.
Nathaniel's no Rocko Rose, but he's pretty damn good for an uncontrollable spouse!
Oh crap! ...so...I'm not getting the bill pop-ups I used to. I'd have a bubble come up with the bill amount in the corner when the mail person dropped off the bills. The ISBIs were never allowed to autopay their bills, so it wasn't that...
Was that a game thing or a hack thing? I don't even remember anymore.
sea_serpent's Mauricio Scallywag gazes upon Cassie in some sort of twisted jealousy. Yeah, if it weren't for Cassie, that might have been you taking out the trash in your underwear at 8 months pregnant...but did you really want it to be?
Go Tethys!
Cassie, again, seems to have trouble grasping that when she feels hunger, she ought to...eat. So instead, she wanders from bed to bed, unable to sleep because the hunger pangs are too strong.
Luckily, Hyperion's back home, so he'll be able to feed his wife.
Oh dear. She's passed out on her feet waiting for food. :(
That was, apparently, the last straw for her sanity, too.
Hyperion called her to dinner, in the hopes that she could at least get a bite or two in, then pass out in her plate, but no dice.
So close, yet so very, very, very, very far.
I began to have some very serious worries about the health of Cassie.
Then, by the time she woke up, the last plates of dinner were spoiled. She even sat down in front of each of them in an attempt to eat them. She just couldn't bring herself to.
It's only been a few hours, you moron. The chicken's cold, the dressing's warm, and the lettuce is wilty, but it's not going to kill you.
Uh yeah, about that "killing me" thing...
I only have one response to this.
Cuisine Hobby my ass...
Mommy get up!
Grim, could you not disturb the children?
Please! Think of my children! Think of my unborn children!
Think of Hyperion's father! You've stuck your scythe through his face.
Probably not, but at least it's less complex than chess.
Luckily for all of us, Hyperion wins.
And luckily for Cassie, despite normal Knowledge sim things just not "doing it" for her, being saved from death is still in her "awesome" category.
So at least she won't be quite so crazy. For awhile.
Why am I getting so many chance cards? I've skipped a couple that weren't obviously career related...
...and at least Nathaniel's track record continues to rock...but I seriously get sick of them.
Oh thank god, finally.
So, I'm telling you now it was twins. Twin boys.
Here's Prometheus...he's got a skintone similar to sister Aura's, his mother Cassie's eyes, and brown hair. His brother, Epimetheus glitched out into the aether, and I had to wait until everyone came home from school/work to begin attempt to retrieve him.
I did some stringent hack double-checking after this update, though everything appears to be in order now.
Nathaniel and Demetri BFFs! Even before we had BFFs in my game!
Apparently, Theia is finding public school too demanding. Well, either that, or her mother's DEATH last night took a little something out of her.
And after some teleporting to and from a neighboring lot, we've got our hands on little Epimetheus. Cool tan skintone, Cassie's eyes, and brown hair.
Well, after the events of the past 24 hours, I'm not very hopeful that this set of twins is going to traverse well into childhood. Especially given the stank clouds surrounding Aura.
Damn. I guess I've been proven wrong.
Well...you were half right.
What do you mean? And stop breaking the fourth wall!
...oh. Atlas's awesome skill of transitioning into outfits I never have to change has not translated into his aging better than his sister.
Don't let this shot trick you. There was plenty of tantruming. I just didn't have any time to really capture the essence of it.
You know what. I'll give Aura this--at least she actually fucking eats after declaring her interest in Cuisine.
I really, really don't think your father gives a fuck about your diary, Tethys.
Holy crap, you know the household's gone to hell in a handbasket when the crazy one's autonomously parenting well.
Which means it was perfect time to place an object that was sure to kill somebody onto the lot. Since no one autonomously was using the benign treadmill. So what was the first thing to happen in the room afterwards?
Aww... To be fair, you two have been fairly successful and sane whether I've controlled you or not.
Atlas has attacked his twin sister. Damn, I would at least think he'd have gone after one of his older sisters, now that they're both in good enough moods to be seen as flaunting it.
Aura ain't gonna take no shit, even if it's her twin trying to throw it.
Wait 'til I tell everyone at school...you attacked a girl. A girl with glasses. And she beat the hell out of you.
Way to foster your twinly relationship, Aura. And yes, that is Humble's gift computer. Hyperion has seriously had that little time. We're lucky he managed to pay the (late) bills.
So, I was seriously in a "fuck this shit" mood, where I was even getting to be hands-off with the torchholder, except when absolutely necessary, and then they do this.
Awwwww. *melted*
Too bad you can't pay those bills!
It's not that they're poor at Gen 8, Adrestia, it's just that bills can't be paid autonomously. They can only be removed from the mailbox. What good does that even do?
Who's fucking fault is that, Atlas? It's not like I control anything you do.
Aw, I've found the one ISBI sim that won't be irrevocably turned off by offers of red hands!
Yay, random Gaea in the background!
Moment of truth for Prometheus!
Aw, no XD eyes. :(
Adorable, but still *sad sigh* inducing.
Ditto on Epimetheus. It's ridic, they look as night and day appearance-wise as Tethys and Theia, but they had to go and inherit the same eyeshape. >:|
*pats head* At least I'll be passing on a plethora of cute to
pixel_trade peeps?
Tethys continues to spend her time not playing with toybox cars at the tale with her precious tinker toys.
So...Hyperion's going to tie his family sim predecessors for spawn if this next baby is a singleton. If he has twins again, he'll have them beat.
It's too bad the one sim that probably doesn't need to skill is the one doing it autonomously.
I don't think they're paying attention, Prometheus.
Oh, scratch what I said about skilling. Tethys is apparently skilling AND loving it.
Holy crap!
Not only is this autonomous toilet training, it's Cassie autonomously toilet training! I'm surprised she didn't screw it up, putting the toilet on the baby or something.
Isn't it great, kids, sitting down to a hot meal together?
Anytime there's a meal and Cassie actually partakes, I know I'm thrilled.
See, the toddlers really do receive plenty of attention. I guess Nathaniel + Cassie is almost as good as one entire Rocko.
Do you want to play Transformers with me?
Atlus, the pleasant Randolph child!
Speaking of pleasant...this pregnancy is not treating Cassie well.
Aw, Ananke gets the distinction of being my first sim to pull out the puzzle sphere.
Unfortunately, this just confuses me. What's the point? I know the point of a Rubik's is to get all the sides to display a single color/picture. A sphere has no sides, so--
Look, I did it!
--did what?!
Apparently, Demetri misses having toddlers around. Considering that, at one point, he had six at once...I can only conclude he done lost his mind!
Hopefully, someday my old SS gift from
upendoaushi, Tolouse will do something in my game more than merely walking by. (Same goes for my other gifted sims. :( )
You know what, I'm pretty sure that Nathaniel is NOT going to kill himself on the exercise bike. Really, I was scared of nothing this whole time.
On the other hand, I'm a bit worried about these clowns who've decided to have a water balloon fight half-naked in the snowstorm.
Mommy said we couldn't have a beach ball because we don't live on the beach! That's just dumb.
...stop stalling, Theia. GO!
Darn, I was sure switching chairs to put my piece on another side was going to keep it balanced!
Ah, now we can add "using the toilet" to the list of things Cassie has problems prioritizing. Yes, your son smelled. However, now you've peed all over him, the bath is just going to have to be redone.
...now poor Epimetheus is penned in by piles of urine, overflowing toilet water, and vomit. Awesome!
I'll be more excited once I know for sure you'll survive this pregnancy.
...speaking of not surviving...it was Nathaniel's destiny to pass at age 69. Bummer.
While I'd normally scold a sim for unemotionally going along with their business right after such a traumatic moment, I have to forgive Cassie here because it means she finally took care of one of her needs on her own.
...just when I think I might have happy children, for once.
Nathaniel joins the other graves still on lot, L-R: Aphrodite, Emmett, Deimos, Gigi.
I don't know how Cleaning as a skill relates to Nature, but it's not like poor Hyperion will ever have time for a hobby, anyway.
Poor Ananke was floored by her husband's passing. :(
Whoops, here's photographic evidence of Nathaniel's age. He did quite suddenly, nowhere near 6pm. Ananke's lifebar changed to only being about halfway expired once 6pm this day occurred.
Atlas still hasn't learned from his past mistakes, apparently.
Speaking of repeating the past,
simsforaranya's Leia Knight stole our newspaper again.
Yeah, this is not surprising in any way, shape, or form whatsoever.
If I could wish for anything, it would be that I never had to eat again!
Could you have refrained from saying that directly during dinner with the headmaster, Cassie?
Though Hyperion was about as bored with the scenario as I was, at least Tethys, Theia, Atlas, and Aura are all now in private school.
Wow, it's like the Family sims in Hyperion's past are aggravated that he might beat them on total number of kids with very little effort on the part of anyone involved.
...oh shit. OR NOT.
While normally, this would be troublesome, I'm just happy that this was the worst thing that happened from Cassie discovering the exercise bike.
Though she was asleep on her feet for a very, very long time, that was all that came of it.
And then it was time for many, many birthdays!
...why am I not surprised that this happens to be the first time I've caught Atlas with a smile on his face?
:( Ananke wasn't perma-plat, so I bet now she's not even gold.
Promethus should be able to console himself with the fact of his own adorableness, at least!
Lovely. A two-fer.
And Epimetheus gets the darkest brown possible because otherwise, his skin looks funky. I have a feeling the only reason Prometheus is cuter now is because Epimetheus just needs to grow into his face.
With a bit more fanfare, the girls hit their teen years.
Theia is Popularity/Family.
Tethys is Fortune/Popularity. A note on how I'm doing secondary asps. I'm just doing secondary aspiration roll. If a sim rolls the same aspiration for both rolls, they don't get a secondary.
Here's a makeover for Theia!
And a quick shot of the two of them. Due to another game issue, Tethys's full makeover was a little delayed.
So, it looks like any mood boost Atlas would have received from finishing homework will have to be delayed. THANKS, GIGI.
Okay, here's Tethys's full makeover. While I'm glad she's seriously drop-dead gorgeous, hopefully her next sibling will bring some competition!
With teenhood comes teasing!
And poor wardrobe decisions!
You're seriously just going to leave your sister there, Tethys?
(Hyperion didn't have any options to help thaw her out either, so Theia was just sorta sitting there for a few hours until she melted on her own.)
And it's time for Cassie to give birth again!
At this point, multiples are just helping my odds. Considering the FIRST kid had XD eyes, all the subsequent ones can't possibly be lacking, right?
One baby, a girl, Mnemosyne, with Cassie's eyes, a medium skintone, and black hair.
I'm done having kids.
Only if she's got the eyes, Cassie, only if she's got the eyes...
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 7
Perma-Plat Sims: 4
Shrink Visits: 14
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 8
Self-Wettings: 32
Pass-Outs: 35
Fights: 31
Deaths: 14
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 3
College Dropouts: 3
So, while I'm sure mentioning how Gigi had been my worst pregnant sim ever helped jinx this play session, I had a feeling that my leftovers hack may have helped Cassie not eat. I have since procured a version of the hack explicitly meant to play nice with FT, so next time if it happens, I'll know it's 100% Cassie's fault and 0% mine.
There will be a Bork update soon. While I haven't played it yet, I've closed the poll, I know the heir, and I've built them their own dorm. It's totally custom, built from scratch, the whole nine yards, so I'm looking forward to playing them. I also packaged this new dorm, so expect a download once I've played it! :D