Last time, Neville and Noelle became elders. Ronan passed away, much to the sadness of Miriam. Orchid invited over Mortimer to father her second child. Orchid did not let morning sickness or her chemistry with her sisters' flames stop her from proceeding on the course to 20 woohoo partners. Neville finally earned 100,000 and went perma-plat. Penelope became a child. Orchid met a professor with a pregnancy fetish, and Miriam passed away. Finally hitting 20 woohoos and perma-plat, a very pregnant Orchid began inviting over former flames to see if there was anything more. Orchid gave birth to her second child, another daughter named Persephone. Orchid invited over Arlan, but feared getting engaged to him, so she just sent him off after borrowing his sperm for pregnancy #3. Persephone's first birthday was an excuse for a lavish party, in which Orchid tried to get her groove on, while also passing off former lovers on to her single sisters. Penelope tried to connect with her father, Oren, but he wasn't very interested.
Orchid invited over Derin Skye (not to be confused with Derin Laurince) and decided she would like to be engaged to him. He moved in just in time to witness Orchid giving birth to her third child, a son (by Arlan, remember?) named Peter. Orchid became pregnant by her fiancé, Derin, right before the joint birthday party for Penelope (teen), Persephone (child), and Peter (toddler). Penelope gained a drastic makeover, plus a Romance aspiration--wanting to have 20 Simultaneous Loves, apparently wanting to outdo her mother. Oren only cared about asserting some sort of ownership over Orchid, and he continued to ignore his daughter Penelope.
C'mon, I think you two could sit even farther apart if you really wanted to!
Orchid's got the morning sickness!
It's the weekend, so I figure I'd let Penelope try her hand at romance. This is one of her best matches in the neighborhood.
Don't bother quickly flipping back to last update--this is her half-sister Persephone's father, Mortimer.
I'm not surprised he's attracted to Penelope, since she takes after her mother quite a bit!
Hi, Kira!
Yes, that is Orchid popping in the nursery. See, until an Art job pops up, I see absolutely no reason for Orchid to work. So she takes care of her babies and the garden outside. Particularly the spraying. ;)
Derin, on the other hand, has a job. I figure gaming is slacktastic enough for a Pleasure sim loafing around in the house of a very wealthy family.
Noelle keeps lucking out with the homework duty because a Preggo Orchid tends to be in bed, sleeping, at 3pm.
There should be, like, bonus points for getting your first kiss with your half-sister's father.
Bonus pseudo-Laurincest points.
Somehow I don't envy Noelle's job of explaining to Persephone why her father is only paying inappropriate attention to Penelope, and no attention at all to her.
The stunning and inevitable conclusion!
Yay, downright surprisingly maternal!
Penelope still hates chess, btw.
Peter can pee! And on Orchid's jammies, a moustachioed man is holding up the jubblies!
So, Peter--
--are you hungry?
Derin won. Get the fuck over it, Oren.
Adorable cute Peter spam!
So, Persephone is in the same boat as her sister was--getting her own breakfast because the adults are all still in bed.
You know, if Pers was having some sort of mad rochambeau streak, I would've almost understand Pen's frustration...
...but Penelope had won like five times in a row before this.
I hate you.
Jesus, girl, calm down!
I must've madeover this townie at some point...
...because her name is Cate Olive and she's all green and shit.
I can see why she called me over, she needs all the help she can get!
Nuh-uh, Pen just needs you to introduce her to more people. People who didn't father her siblings.
Speaking of which, baby #4 is still gestating successfully!
It all looks unclear from here.
Maybe you want to look into higher quality crystal for your balls.
And then lightning struck the crystal ball! D:
Yeah, Pen, your mom already hit that.
I don't know, if I had a date who decided that we needed to talk about how hot my mom was, I think I'd boot his ass out the door.
What on earth is there to gossip about involving a two-year-old?
Wow. Mortimer, you're so clueless.
Welp, looks like the next baby's going to be another bastard.
Why do I keep doing this?
Some mysterious higher power keeps compelling you to try for baby!
Haha, I keep tempting the Deline in her.
It's another single baby, though! A girl, Pansy, with Neville's eyes and the rest of her coloring close to her father's.
The audience has been wowed.
And it's straight off to an intimate little birthday party for Peter.
He takes after Orchid quite a bit.
Autonomous "way-too-soon-after-childbirth" sex, obviously initiated by nymphomaniac Orchid, given their state of dress and the look on her face.
Look, I know you think my Mom's hot. Give it a fucking rest.
How come she doesn't look like her siblings?
Did you not see the steady stream of men that passed through last update?
Persephone fucking loves birthday cake.
Here's Pansy.
Yes, I get it, you made out with my mother! Now fuck off!
I wonder if Orchid heard that?
So do you see anything off about Pansy's face?
Well, it turns out that Derin's face template was fubar. His appearance as an adult is completely different from other ages, which apparently includes whack-jowls and a nose resembling that of
Jess Henson with some more wobbliness.
Yeah. So expect next update to have some fixiness involving Derin's kid(s) to look more like they inherited things from the way his face appears now.
Penelope, having gotten up to eight skill points in everything, can pretty much do whatever she wants when she's not in school. I hope she gets a pool scholarship or something!
Oh, I guess she's hoping that the wishing well will deliver her a unique suitor.
Yeah, unfortunately, she got the OTHER Derin. (See what I did there?) Derin Laurince.
Haha, you know, if Mom and her fiancé get married, he'd be Derin Laurince, too! Wouldn't that be hilarious?
I'll tell you something. It would be fucking confusing.
Penelope is skilling because I love watching little kids on the punching bag. BLAM.
Are you my daddy?
Ugh, NO!
Wow, Derin (Skye). LRN2PARENT.
Are you suggesting that all of our grandchildren have different paternity?
Neville wants to headdesk so badly right now.
Aw, come off it, you prude. At least they settled down after their period of time screwing everything that moved!
Wow, I can't believe we just spontaneously did it in the car.
...I hope we didn't make another baby.
Somehow, I'm thinking Orchid was hoping.
Then Orchid (automously) banged the other Derin. At least his date with HER DAUGHTER was over.
I wonder if the other Derin finally realized how fucking disturbing hopping from one woman's bed to her daughter's was. Too bad he didn't think about that before he, you know, did it.
Yeah, everyone got away with screwing the other Derin because Derin Skye was at work!
That's not creepy at all!
...both Derins are wearing recolors of the same outfit, to top off this insanity.
Derin brought home a friend from work...Karana Laurince! Still looking suitably bitch-facy, I see...
This is a cute little party, isn't it?
Are you that naive or are you being willfully stupid?
Every time I wondered to myself how this family managed to get so screwed up, I remembered that I let two of my game's biggest whores ever procreate an even bigger whore whose whims I catered to.
But at least the bigger whore is a good mother. You know, since this baby right here is the only one who ever got to live with her father.
Work it harder
Make it better
Do it faster
Makes us stronger
More than ever
Hour after
Our work is
Never Over
Toddler spam, or gratuitous side-boob tattoo spam? YOU DECIDE
Yeah, Pers won't be too happy when she realizes it's a school day.
But you like all the boys!
Peter's first day at school! *pinches cheeks*
Awww, how adorable, it's nice to see that after all these years--
Uh, dude, I don't think that paper's recent enough to qualify as "news" any more.
Yep, carsex made another baby.
Orchid almost managed to make it without puking.
Don't touch me, you perv!
Oh, why are you drawing the line at THIS fuckbuddy of your mother's?
Again, I swear Noelle getting stuck with all the homework is coincidental more than anything.
All I'm saying, is that I'm getting older now and I think I should have a later bedtime.
And all I'm saying is that you need to ask your mother!
Aw, warm fuzzies.
I see you, trying to steal my sister's innocence?
How was he doing that, Pen--
Look, just because you have Daddy issues, Penelope, doesn't mean I can't be a good father to all of you kids.
Yeah, I spam my elders. Shuddap.
You're not getting engaged to Penelope. We don't need even MOAR other Derin confusion.
I'm impressed at Penelope's ability to con date gifts out of her mother's old lovers.
Read free bears stowy, Daddy!
She can talk?!
Yeah, Orchid's been busy.
I'll explain this one. Orchid managed to sleep with 20 dudes without actually making out with all of them. So I looked through her memories and invited the one over she managed to skip.
Yay, 20 makeouts!
It's not like she had much else to do, with Pansy knowing all her skills.
Persephone actually enjoys playing chess!
Aaand it's double birthday time! Pansy and Persephone.
Persephone rolled family with the LTW of Golden Anniversary. (I WANT TO BE WHATEVER MOM ISN'T)
Well, except for the liking guys thing.
Here's Pansy, with her broken nose, and odd puffy lower face. It'll be fixed next time.
So, fans of Persephone from last update? You guys have good taste or a good eye for potential. Gorgeous, and looks just enough like Orchid for good resemblance without being a cloneface.
Thanks for helping me out when it was really important, like with toilet training.
But I didn't--
Exactly. Too busy trying to get into my sister's pants?
It's also time for Penelope to go off to college! She is a bit older than her siblings, keep in mind Pers was really the first kid born in Orchid's adulthood.
I bet Oren thought he was going to get a chance to talk to Orchid alone.
Yeah, like you give any sort of shit about your daughter.
Penelope's back to her natural light blonde, with some streaks, and I kept her outfit since I could. See what I mean about being a great blend of her parents?
Pers is being nice and responsible, helping out her mother during her FIFTH pregnancy!
She's very nice and makes friends quickly, bringing them home from school.
I gave townie girl a helpful makeover. She doesn't quite look like a crime against nature anymore.
Dad, can you help me with my homework?
What's your moth--
She's sleeping. Cause of the baby?
Dammit, I knew we should've been more careful in that car!
In the ca--
Baby time!
I am just such a risk-taker.
It's ANOTHER girl. It's nice to know the Deline obstinancy is still lingering around here.
Meet Parvati, she's got the same skin and eyes as Orchid, and her father's hair color.
Persephone's actually happy about the baby, Noelle's just glad that Orchid had kids with the same guy twice in a row for once.
Persephone wanted her first kiss. First sign she's a little more healthy than Penelope?
Here's her high chemistry. Anatolius. Someone who's never ever met Orchid.
I guess Orchid's just that into pain?
He's adorable and shy. He would've never gone for Orchid or Penelope.
So, then Penelope accused Derin of doing something inappropriate with me over a simple little dance. I think she needs to get over the fact that all of our parents are deadbeats and be glad we actually have a stepdad.
Inappropriate first date baggage, honey!
Oh good, Anatolius is into crazy chicks.
Who's got Daddy issues, again, Pers?
I'd be more impressed with Derin if his job wasn't literally playing games all day.
Karana came home with Derin (again). She gets to witness Parvati's first birthday!
Parvati got off a bit lighter than Pansy in the brokenness department, but her nose is still funky. She'll be fixed, too.
Her adult nose is this tiny little cute version of the one Derin's got now. Poor baby's got THIS profile now.
Oh yeah, THIS is appropriate coworker behavior.
Then you just saunter over to Orchid and it's buddy-buddy.
God is this family a trainwreck right now.
Well, maybe you shouldn't have fucked her fiancé, Karana.
...sisters from the same daddy unite!
Whoa, Derin's in the nursery?! Where's Orchid...?
I gots me a plantsim!
Haha, subtle makeover, but I had a pile of plantsim recolors ready for this moment.
Of course, the very first thing I did was spawn a plantbaby. It'll be the same age as Parvati, and I'll feed it antidote so it's a normal kid, and then it'll get replantsimmed after Uni!
Finally got another boy, Pistachio!
It's a shame he got that hair. It's not good for toddlers, but I can't change his hair until he's de-plantsimmed.
He got some elfy ears! However, I don't really see any Orchid in him right now. :/
These two are out being adorable, when I glance at Neville's fear bar...
...dude, it's not like I didn't try to make you one! It didn't work. You're safe!
(Look how full his lifebar is. :( )
Persephone brought Orchid's first conquest home from school, but since that should have been impossible, I don't count that in the same vein as Penelope's pursuits.
Gotta teach Parvati to walk. Especially since Pistachio already knows how.
Peter already realizes they're outnumbered by the girls 2-1.
Dammit Karana, GO HOME ALREADY.
This is all because Nev didn't get permaplat til after he was elder, isn't it?
Persephone really loved her grandpa.
And cue the inconsolable tears.
Oh goody, the toddlers are in aspiration failure!
Interesting factoid: Peter's birthday is today. He did not lose points for Neville's death.
And Noelle's bar went from even with Neville's to this. Holy crap, she's practically immortal!
Sorry, sweetie, not happening.
Peter misses his grandpa, sure, but it won't ruin his life or his birthday. Phew.
So, Peter grabs some cake as his sister sobs. Again.
Funny, he's Fortune in Neville's footsteps, but he wants to be an entertainer.
Aw, that's not a good aging-up headshot!
Much better. Still adorable! *pinches cheeks*
I swear, Orchid's tatts suit her better than ever as a plantsim.
Noelle just got home from work. *sadsigh*
After all these kids and all that's gone on, there's still only eight people on the lot!
No more kids. I've got four baby daddies and a plantsim notation to invent on the family tree.
It's been a long time since one of my non-ISBI families got this convoluted in their personal relationships.