Randolph Legacy, Generation 7.1!

Aug 26, 2010 01:40

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a pixel_trade legacy? Perhaps steezie_k's Gigi Creelman, the generation 6 spouse can tell you!

Last time, pregnant Athena fell in love with her baby-daddy, Trebuchet Dork. Asklepios and Athena both ended up on academic probation, hurting their chances of graduating. Especially since Athena was near time to give birth, which meant she had to drop out of school. This enraged Demeter, who took out frustrations of her baby sister's life being ruined by kicking Trebuchet's ass near-constantly. Even his replacement dormie got in on the action. Because he also left Uni to get married to Athena, becoming 1/6th of the equation for Deimos's ultimate happiness. Athena ended up giving birth to a boy, Aeneas.

Ananke's fondness of jenji_sims's Nathaniel continued, leading to their engagement. Asklepios began passing again, just in time for Ananke's graduation, and her other five siblings also received their college diplomas...and then moved into a rather large farmhouse to stage their own marriages to NPCs (to make Deimos happy). So, Demeter married the private school headmaster...Hermes married the grocery delivery girl...Gaea married the llama mascot...Nyx married the hot fireman...and Asklepios married a college professor. A college DRAMA professor, who automatically loved every eligible male in her presence. She tried coming on to Ananke's fiancé, Nathaniel, and even though he rejected her, it caused a burning hatred towards the two of them in the hearts of everyone present at the wedding...

Including his intended wife, Ananke. Niiiice.

So...we hang the heir portrait, and I'm finding it really interesting that even though the whole "ISBI" thing forces me to have them do still life paintings of themselves, meaning I screencap them in the exact same situation each time, they still have different facial expressions!

Ananke's LTW is never going to happen (she wants to have 5 top businesses), so I literally toss her into the first job that pops up. Which is art, just like her father. XD

Also, Deimos was still playing the bongos hours after the lot loaded. Since I couldn't remember if this was autonomous or directed by me when I left originally before Uni, I took pity and canceled the action. Either way, it was twelve fucking hours of bongo playing. He was pretty spent!

Which is a good thing, because perma-plat Deimos doesn't really need to witness wedding #7. It'd just be nice. It was at this moment that I remembered that inviting both Demeter and Trebuchet might be a bad idea. I did, however, have the good sense to make sure Asklepios left his moron of a wife back at the farmhouse.

All the other siblings and in-laws came, though. (Llama guy hadn't materialized at the portal, yet.)

Pretty picturesque, isn't it?

Oh, Ananke. Those shoes! Never change.

She might be rich, Nathaniel, but believe me, you might be happier if you married someone poorer from a family I could control.

Ananke congratulates her twin on the roaring success of her own wedding, despite the rampant pseudo-cheating and ensuing RAGE.

Which has apparently spread to Nathaniel, even though Asklepios's crazy wife sure as hell isn't Nathaniel's fault!

(Though he is happy to meet a new person, which begs the question of how he managed to not meet his brother-in-law at the previous wedding, if said brother-in-law was able to witness the horrible crime of being assaulted by your insane future-sister-in-law.)

That's right, folks! The Randolphs enjoy making enemies at family events.

Well, the kids were raised by Deimos, I suppose...

So, all in all, I'd say that went well, wouldn't you?

Your family is crazy, Ananke!


Great, Deimos is perma-plat and still going to go absolutely insane.

So, I was thinking that it would be hilarious if Nathaniel and I moved in with all you guys!

...I am stealing your newspaper so hard every morning, Ananke.

And I'll fill in when he's sick.

...it was just a joke, guys!

Um...I thought you were supposed to reach the point of fucking oblivion during the honeymoon and not before.

(This caption brought to you by my utter inability to work the term "fuck zombies" into an adequate sentence.)

Everyone goes home except Hermes, who is having too much fun...wishing that he married Baked Alaska instead of the hot grocery girl?

Gigi's self-loathing is a little bit more understandable. Having been tricked into marriage, brought back from the dead twice, and never getting the chance to experience one's LTW might lead to some emotional issues.

Oh, I didn't notice you there. When did you join the family?

...that's a congealing plate, Mom.

Welp, Nathaniel's YA to Adult outfit transition was perfect and required no changing!


^___________________________________^ AFTERGLOW

Hermes has apparently earned the rage of Nathaniel. Funny how trying to beat a guy up at his own wedding'll do that.

Aw, the crazy old people remembered which bed was theirs! Too bad they don't sleep in it!

Nathaniel rolled the last career choice from the computer, which gave him a job in Game Design. Pretty slacktastic to match his dress code.

(He's a Popularity sim, I don't know if that's come up before...and his LTW? The same stupid top 5 businesses want as his wife. They'll be perfect together. Perfectly miserable. MWA HA HA HA.)

Look! A perfectly sane interaction between in-law and in-law!

Hey, I'm really sorry that Asklepios's fucking insane wife came on to me at you guys' wedding, but you have to remember that I turned her down! I love Ananke, and I didn't want to wreck the special day of her brothers and sisters. You have to explain to your husba--

I don't have to explain shit.


Hey, it's nice to know that Generation 6 found spouses just as insane as they all are.

(Look, I have no idea why Asklepios is here, so just roll with it.)

Honey, in the name of family harmony, what'll it take for you to find yourself a new man. A suitcase of money?

Haha, good one, Dad!

Um, what? It's Asklepios's wife who is the insane nymphomaniac with no sense of fidelity or boundaries, Dad.

Yes, but she doesn't live here!

You couldn't wait FIVE SECONDS for your sister to not witness this stupidity?

Well, I suppose picking bad spouses just runs in the Randolph lineage, after all your father had to drug me to get through our wedding ceremony!

Um. Maybe you shouldn't be telling that to your chil--oh, I give up.



Bongo time!

So, we just keep Ananke making shitloads of money, and perhaps she won't go insane?

Oh, no. No, you don't HEADMASTER BROTHER-IN-LAW. She just picked that--

Fuck you. Fuck you in the face!

Yeah, you pretty much have the worst family ever, bb.

...dude, that's pretty creepy looking.

Deimos seems pretty excited to come home with simmericangirl's Finnegan Abel. I hope he's not trying to play horrible matchmaker!

Thanks, Hestia.

(I keep meaning to move some of the tombstones because it's starting to get laggy with four sets, but I never remember until I've already loaded the lot and played til an evening where several of them want to roam around.)

Ananke is neither pleased nor unhappy by this supernatural development.

So then I said--you know, Deimos, that's just rude!

Blame his great-great-grandmother!

Here's pop one, reminding me that those pajamas have no preg morph. D:

I don't think it's good to taunt your son-in-law in front of outsiders, Gigi.

Why couldn't my daughter have found herself a real man? A non-cheating man?

Uh, hello, why don't you ask your son this question?

Are you calling my son gay?

No, I'm not--not that there's anything wrong with that, bitch!

Now you're just a misogynistic AND homophobic CHEATING BASTARD.


Let's go over this again, Mrs. Randolph.

You were propositioned against your will by my son's new wife at their own wedding and refused. This was all just a misunderstanding, you brutal, abusive asshole.

Wait, that last bit?

Sorry, you must have crushed my trachea a little bit, so I coughed.

Ananke's back to her college outfit because it has a morph.

I hate you in so many countless ways, Trebuchet.

As sad as this must seem to you, quellasims's Harper Brockel, I implore you. Keep walking.

But the environmental hazards!


I hate my wife's family.

I'd like to think that Demeter's hatred of Trebuchet keeps her from raging too hard at Nathaniel, but the truth is that the newspaper's gone, the trash can's tipped over, and there isn't anything else to do but look around in a semi-satisfied manner.

This is brilliantcat's Caprica Vaughn, being fucking creepy. Too bad none of the in-laws ventured over right. now.

If they gave out an award for worst husbands, Ananke, I think yours would win.

Excuse me, honey, but if I listen to this one minute longer, I will smash this plate of salad in your mother's FACE.

OH YES. Soon there will be children here to witness this!

And by "this," I mean THIS.

...um, I think he's going for her EYES. O_o

So, I guess you won't be actually needing the salad then, after all?

Haha, so this is true love. Saving the salad for him just in case he still wanted to plate her mother's face with it.

This pile of trash is all Nathaniel's fault! THAT RAT BASTARD.

It was probably one of your insane children or their spouses!

Wait. I know what would make this scene perfect!


What. the. fuck?

Good, no one can kick his ass at work.

Woohoo, get swag, see boothbabes!

Huh. At the extended spare wedding, all hell broke loose before anyone had anything to drink. Good thing?

Well, at least things can't get any worse, right?

Oh yeah, you hate her, but why aren't you stealing her paper? You live with her? NO EXCUSE.


I have great news, Nate!


Geez, it can't look any worse than it did a few days ago, Dei!

I changed my mind! I don't want to haaaaave aaaa baaaaaabbbbyyyyyyyyy!

No? All right, Ananke!

Have three babies!

That's not what I meaaaaaannnnt!!!!!

I went for Titan names, this time around. First son, this is Oceanus. I think, they all have very similar coloring, aside from one baby's eyes.

This, I'm pretty sure is Rhea. First daughter.

Aw, birthing interrupted their ~alone time~.

Cronus, second son, first kid with brown eyes instead of green.

You're a grandma again, Mom!

...if only they weren't spawned from your terrible husband.

You really can't talk like that around the kids, you know.

I have a feeling breastfeeding would be less painful than this.

I get the rage and all that, but the stalking is creepy.

...bubble bath with no occupant?

Oh, I hope you're good and clean now, Emmett!

I have decent hopes for Deimos's grandfathering. Family sims seem to do better...

...not quite as good as an actual diaper change, but I'll take it!

Well, on one hand, Nathaniel doesn't get puked on...

...on the other hand, he doesn't seem to grasp that babies need to sleep.

But they're toddlers soon enough!


Rhea...who just may have the XD eyes!

I'm already partial to her being cute and having the family eyes without being a clone of her mother. ^______^

Cronus...I hope he grows into his face. It seems like he may look quite distinctive if he does.

And here's Oceanus.

Look, Emmett. I'm sorry, but you're dead. You can't claim ownership of that particular bathtub.

Oh, you just have to go and be my first bed-making ghost after that, too!

Of course, it's time to have the adventures of ISBI triplet toddlers. Toilet surfing!

The "why the fuck am I stuck in a crib while my siblings are free" face!

The domestic abuse!

...wait, what?

What is with my Randolphs and crazy mother-in-laws?

If you'd told me that rampant fighting on the part of the elderly 5th generation would occur and NOT involve Deimos, I would've thought you were crazy!

Not that he isn't aiding in the poor development of his grandchildren, in his own way.


...Rhea! D:

Gigi finally wins. But we've seen her thong, now we all lose.


Now who's the misogynist, bitch? ...wait a minut--

I hewd gwandma beat you up!

Hey, you can't move the update on without me! I'm trying to have some sort of existential crisis. I mean, if I am actually the voice of all these characters, and choosing to insult them on the basis of proscribed gender roles as set out by our socie--




Oh dear, they must be calling each other awful things if the game is censoring them with symbols!

Don't let those idiots get you down, Rhea. Time for a bath!


Um, how about one of the other bathrooms, Deimos?!

That's the last time you call me a rapscallion, you nincompoop!

Oh, what a happy facade! Too bad they are...big meanie poopheads!

...oh, it's just not fun this way. I'd rather be a horrible person and be funny!

...maybe that's how they feel, too?

Nah, they're just fucking crazy. It's an ISBI!


Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 6
Perma-Plat Sims: 4 (Forgot to tick Deimos's achievement here last update.)
Shrink Visits: 10
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 8
Self-Wettings: 16
Pass-Outs: 25
Fights: 26
Deaths: 10
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 2
College Dropouts: 2

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've actually got a Bork update backed up in the pipes, too! So I haven't let myself play in about a week, because I can't get too far behind or I won't remember what the hell is going on. I just need to upload those pictures and actually write it. Hopefully that will happen soonish, so I can actually play some more. :D :D :D

isbi, pixel_trade, randolph legacy, willowmere

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