You may not believe it, but this is a
pixel_trade Viking Death Squad legacy! Founder by
simpurity and current spouse, Rocko Rose, is by
Last time, Valhalla got pregnant again, and the family had to take out a second mortgage (bush) to afford a kid's oven so the children could survive childhood. Rocko cleared rooms by autonomously changing diapers. Skaði and Sága became children. Valhalla gave birth to...TRIPLETS. Boys Vili and Vé, and daughter Vár. Valhalla finally returned to work, and they were able to afford a kitchen table! The megalist challenge for the week was WINDFALL and they got a nice house remodel. The trips became toddlers, Rocko made pudding, and Tyr became a teen Pleasure sim.
With the respective sizes of our hairs, I don't think we'll ever be able to wear hardhats.
Sága, entirely too self-aware.
I'd feel sorrier for Tyr doing the "pee-pee dance" outside the door where one of the toddlers was being bathed if the house didn't now have three other bathrooms.
Rocko continues to be the best autonomous father in the world. Any other sim for a spouse, and this family would be full of so much more fail. I apologize in advance for his contribution to your boredom.
Skaði is a very neat sim. So while there are occasional tantrums about the state of the kitchen, given all the spoiling bottles and diapers that triplet toddlers will accumulate, they never last very long.
Nuh-uh, you can't have this, it's MY toy!
Take pity, Skaði, the kid barely ever gets his own bottle and he smells. At least let him have fun!
Again, there's four bathrooms now. Still, Rocko went in while Val was showering and flushed. The shock was so great she went through the wall.
Good god, I'd be pissed, too!
I'd feel worse for Vé if there weren't a toybox and another toddler toy elsewhere in the house.
Wow, you'd almost think that they were learning.
Speaking of learning, Val finally gets Tyr down to catch-up on his giant pile of homework. While it's amusing when the eldest doesn't make it into college as a Knowledge sim, I have a feeling that Pleasure sim Tyr would actually like it.
If Vili smells so bad, you two, change his goddamn diaper and then bathe him. Sticking him, in the dirty one, into a bunch of hot water is going to have obvious repercussions.
I'm sick of grilled cheese.
I would be too, honey. Props for avoiding the possibility that you'd burn the house down, too. 4am is also actually in breakfast range time-wise.
Sága is literally starving. Every day, while she was asleep, I'd get the same skin-and-bones message.
...Sága's hair is draining out all her life force like that chapter in Uzumaki where Kirie's hair is going to kill her, isn't it?
Well, I have the nicest Gen 2 house I've had in a long time. With all the kids, I need them coming home in the best mood possible...
The best thing Val can cook (aside from Grilled Cheese) is Fried Chicken. After she makes a platter, it's time to pick one toddler and get him or her out of the red, so Rocko doesn't lose his mind.
The gods have blessed Vili with the ablity to walk.
I've been wondering who lived in this house that reminds me of candy canes!
...ah, good.
That is so a forced grin, Val!
He liked the living room and nursery, but the kitchen does not amuse. (It was probably the spoiled plates that Skaði, for once, neglected to clear.)
After he didn't like the room with the awesome surfboard in the corner, I kinda gave up on the tour. Poor Valhalla's thinking this gig will never work out.
This dinner was not scheduled on a whim.
Vili grows up well...
Vár, so-so, and...
Vé? He's got some...issues.
Hey guys, remember when I thought Tyr's child face was long?
They're not ugly, just a little awkward. They'll grow out of it...this is just proof that Valhalla is SO not face one, silly
simsecret anonymous commentor!
Oh yes. Worship the neon orange jeans.
Your sister forgot to clear the table and now this nice man thinks we're poor!
Now, Mrs. Bork, accidents happen.
All that anxiety for nothing!
This is just more proof that everyone in the world loves fried chicken but me.
Hello, being in a hoity-toity school will be nice and all, but frankly, my life sucks!
Skaði and Sága must be serious or something. They, to date, have not once turned on the TV or a videogame.
You're eating pudding while I eat burnt EasyBake? I smell a rat.
It's not Tyr's fault that children are too stupid to get leftovers autonomously.
I was hoping this would be an appearance of my newly-installed zit default replacement but alas, Tyr's skin is fresh and clear.
Okay, maybe Sága's just ana-mia or something.
It wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when and whom.
Vé, unfortunately, did successfully "bring it."
It doesn't matter if you're at the top of the pyramid, if you take out the bottom, you'll fall down.
I'd be careful with the threats if I were you, Vár.
Skaði wisely avoids sibling drama by hanging with dear ol' dad.
It's good to know there's some healthy relationships in the family.
Especially after stuff like this happens.
I think the last panel was an expression of feigned surprise on Vé's part.
Tyr tries to smooth things over with his siblings. Vár is not interested in playing games with him, though. She wants revenge!
No, Tyr I still do not want to play with you. STOP IT.
You didn't have to yell.
Dude, even I'm getting annoyed by this.
Even Vé thinks you're annoying!
Oh goody. Faux murder.
It's so much cuter when two that don't want to actually kill each other do it.
Otherwise, we're back at square one.
And with that, Rocko leaves all the children home alone with Tyr as their caretaker.
Guys. Um. I think the bathroom may be full--
Hey, don't leave me out, I'm coming too!
Why'd you poke me?
Because I'm not big enough to knock you down! This is my turf.
I have to pee!
Vé was not very ~manly~ in his reaction to Vár's poke. JFC.
Sága did pee first, before she did this. Honest.
You know, it's just cruel to leave Tyr alone with the five kids.
Vár never stops jumping.
Wow, if it wasn't for the forced grilled cheese and lack of room for Tyr and Rocko at the table, I'd nearly call this a normal family dinner.
I can't believe how fast you are all growing. It seems like just the other day you were little babies!
It's birthday time.
I think Sága's celebrating the idea of having more food to choose from besides grilled cheese and burnt muffins.
Twin aspirations~
Skaði is instantly thinking of the stock market. SRS BZNS SIM.
So, suitably Romance/Gen Orange, Y/N?
I'm excited to have a truly bisexual romance sim!
Skaði's chin is finally growing to be somewhat proportional with her face, and her orange look is a little more subdued (though I changed out her shirt because the bump-mapping on the one she's got here sucked).
I have never seen this, I assumed I did not have the EP.
Vár, I kind of love you forever.
This is merely a ploy to get Rocko out of the red. No Viking Death Squad Founders were impregnated with a late baby in this woohoo session.
As Tyr paints, madly inspired, someone is watching through the window...
Vili? That's creepy.
3am is not an appropriate time for water balloon fights.
It's not Tyr's fault. That red easel is a custom easel with children's paintings. I bought it to match the house!
You know, I was thinking the Randolph's constant underwear prancing was, like, a statiscal anomaly, not an ISBI ~thing~.
Tyr, that shit is too FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC for my tastes. Cut it out.
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 0
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 0
Self-Wettings: 0
Pass-Outs: 1
Fights: 2
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 0
College Dropouts: 0
- More updated stats!
- Just in case you were confused, we roll mini-challenges on Tuesdays and this update took place from Thursday-Sunday in their week.
- I can't really see walk-bys with those louvre windows, and no one brought home a work friend. Sorry about the lack of cameos!
- For the Deline fans who don't have the sims journal explicitly friended, I posted the
Reader's Choice Poll a couple days after the last update. I hope to have the results post up around the time of the next (De)Laurince update.
- I plan to do the Randolphs next.
- I have to end this before my eyes swim completely off the computer screen.