Randolph Legacy, Generation 6.4!

Apr 29, 2010 02:15

It's pixel_trade time! Current spouse, Gigi Creelman, is by steezie_k.

Last time, Hermes continued to be a truant slacker. Gigi became pregnant again and Ananke and Gaea grew into toddlers. Then Aphrodite died! :( The grief caused Gigi to miscarry. Athena decided to follow her brother's cue and cut school, but I Deimos just made her do her siblings' leftover homework. Gigi became pregnant yet again, and Hermes and Asklepios became teens, both Fortune sims. The headmaster was invited over on Ananke and Gaea's birthday, and all six children made it into private school. However, the girls grew up...well one grew up badly, and one sort-of mediocre, but it led to the two of them tag-teaming Athena. Aphrodite and Hephaestus's ghosts popped up to scare Gigi...who died again. Deimos managed to save her from the reaper, and she instantly went into labor. Yep, that close. She had one baby, a girl named Nyx. Athena became a teen and a family sim. It's always the ones having the worst time that want to perpetuate the misery. AND Demeter went to college.

What? My summary was too long? THE UPDATE WAS 160 PICTURES!

Deimos tries his hardest, but it's impossible to feed them all with one group meal. Someone's going to have to fend for themselves.

Gigi's twitching...I think it's abject joy at being able to get away from the house and go to work.

I can't believe I lost that fight!

...I kicked her ass later, what more do you want from me?

Old news, girls.

With everyone out of the house but Deimos and the baby, it's really peaceful.

This peaceful!

Here comes the A+ train. The Randolph kids might not have high aspiration levels, but they'll all get to go to college!

Last but not least, your favorite daughter...

Athena, how could I ever have a favorite? I love all my children.


So I installed a default replacement for the "bodyshop" undies so I could look at tattoos...I thought I had that underwear hidden from the game with hiders, but apparently that was Hermes's undies. XD I changed them after he woke up--there's too much underwear wandering in this household to let anyone be completely nude.


Get off my ass! No, you dumbass heal me! NO!

It's so sweet, him playing his videogames.

Athena somehow has managed the perfect spread of personality and aspiration to be making goofy faces. Constantly.

Woohoo, who's gotten promoted autonomously after birthing seven children, miscarrying one, and dying twice?!

I want to play the computer now! If I can't, there'll be a fight.

Go away, Gaea. No one cares about your lack of fighting skills.

Look, all I'm saying is that Gaea might have a valid reason to not want to play the PS3 in the living room...

Blake Creelman! Look, be glad that Gigi was the one picked from your family and run far, far away.

Nyx's birthday!

They're all aging up into that hair. It's cute, but it's an odd coincidence.

Verdict: Adorable, but no XD eyes. :/

Oooh, it's raining outside!

What? Oh no! I hate the rain! Hate the rain!

Seriously. Rain?

We believe you!

Note: I also hate rain. Almost as much as Anakin hates sand.

What the hell is this shit? Dad makes me do my homework and I can't have any fun and all I wanted to do was splash in this puddle but this little brat is already in it and--

I thought Ananke was the calm twin!

Oh Aphrodite, your alpha-accessories make you look ridic. :(

Here you go guys, enjoy it. It's Demeter's only appearance in the update. :/

Oh god, Demeter. I don't know if I can last til I'm out of school. The twins--the girl twins--are terrors. Nyx is still pooping and crying but now she's mobile and making messes! And the boys never hang out with anybody but each other. HELP ME ESCAPE!

I don't know what Gigi's problem is now. She's definitely not pregnant again, and she's not even staying home with the baby--Deimos is!

So, the boys, completely absorbed in only each other, right?

It took them to this point to be best friends with each other. I have low hopes for their friendship with other siblings.

Now, this gave me the opportunity to do a little comparison and...holy hell, I think they might have different noses. They might not be identical facially!

Yeah, it's such an accomplishment. They haven't been bonding since they were in the womb or anything.

Athena got to a impasse of stupidity. Too hungry to sleep, too tired to eat.

Oh, I'm sure things'll get better eventually!


Nyx, as the youngest, is pretty much given free roam to do whatever. At this point even I was having trouble keeping track of whether or not Deimos needed to do things like feed her.

Um, Gigi? Not really appropriate dinnertime conversation.

I'm glad you didn't miscarry me!


Big brother to the rescue! Good to know Asklepios is on top of things.

Ananke, I'm a bit concerned. I understand that sometimes you come home from school bored, but you've been complaining about being bored while spending several hours staring at the wall.


If only you had a PS3. Or a swingset. Or a toybox. Or a computer. Or a piano. Or a telescope. Or a swimming pool. Or an easel. Or a picturebook.

Dad said he didn't care if I stayed home--

Don't bother, Gaea. Asky let me in on a secret--Dad makes you do more schoolwork at home than the teachers do at school!

This is what happens when you're lining up a shot directly next to a toilet and Deimos decides to use it.

Come on, Nyx isn't even in the same room, I think the blur is being overzealous.

I'm glad to see that Gaea is so into her scholastic accomplishments.

Someone cares!

Oh, I got it! Ananke would be entertained if only she were tall enough to reach the mirror like her older siblings!

Pwaying is nice, Mommy, but can I go potty?

Gigi was just disappointed that she couldn't play see-and-say. Nyx was still left to her diapers. :(

Oh god someone noticed there were videogames in a communal area

And now Asklepios has another friend!

I'm happy for you. Can we do your homework now?

Deimos is such a Debbie Downer!

How have I angered my ancestors?

...beats me. Hestia should be happy!

Doesn't it ever bother you that you're, like, the only one ever cleaning up?

It bothers me the most. Besides, Dad's very busy and Mom's, well, you know.

All right, then, have fun!!!!

So. The lot's been lagging awful at night, and I've been thinking of culling the ghost population and sending some of them to a cemetery. I just don't know what the happy medium is between ghost activity and SLOOOWWWWDOWWWNNNN.

Monique! I was wondering if Monique had, like, become an hero because she still hadn't made it into the family.

I. Am. Awesome. Aren't I?

Hard to argue with results.

I don't think I've ever felt this close to anyone before, Hermes.

...uh...heh...do I know you?

I just think you're coming on too strong, is all.

What makes you say that?

Well, when anyone who makes your acquaintance starts seeing Witness Protection as a valid approach...

He's definitely taking better care of the kid than Gigi is.

Too bad it's time for the boys to ~escape~

But we've only just met, you're going so soon?

...not soon enough.

Catch you on the flip side!

Wait, what the hell?

Don't worry, you're going, too. Jeez.

Oh yeah, Ananke. Nyx just reminded me that there's also a stereo here that is probably pretty entertaining.

That is some FIERCE soup-making. (Didn't burn it, though, so it worked!)

Oh my god, Mommy, Athena! HELP!

Sorry, they're too busy playing!

Why are you still here? It's after midnight. Go home!

But, I--


All right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have invited her home. I should have shot her out into the vacuum of space!

THIS. This morph is pretty much why I never let my sims get fat when I can control them. Yeesh.



God, they still look so much alike. WHYYYY--

Back home, I decided to let Deimos escape finally go to work for once. So Nyx gets a nanny.


Stupid llamaphobes!

I don' want food, I STINK!

So, the nanny decided to become mildly incompetant this time. I can't really blame her--she's had to deal with the past two generations of Randolphs, too!

Gigi brings home a PT founder, Sherlock Hexx.

For god's sake, you two have ISSUES.

Hell yeah, my issue is that every time I get home from school someone is on the computer. I want it!

My issue is that this wall is boring!

*falls over*

*is ded*

Are you...trying to seduce the nanny?


What the hell, Gigi?!

Nobody hewe fo' my birfday?

Sorry, hon, but Deimos won't be home until 7pm. No time for a party, no time for headmaster, and I am too impatient to wait for him to take you to a cake in a couple hours. Now your mom cheating on your father in their own bed during this time? All on her.

Okay. -1000

At least she grew into cute clothes?


It's a shame about the missing XD eyes.

I...just gave him one dose. I don't want him to DIE before the kids get to college, get out of college, and six of them get married off.

No one would ever take me to a toilet! Why do they expect me to know how it works now?!

I'm surprised that toilet still exists...it's like the rage magnet for the unhinged children.

Stupid stereo. Keeping me awake...zzZz...

I don't want to ever be that stupid! Help me! Don't let that be me!

Oh, someone finally found some of the shit I put outside. (Fun shit, but I don't think Ananke could have used it, so it's a wash.

The infidelity suite--on bongos?

So I had to take Deimos outside to try "jam mode" on the limbo bar.

Apparently one of Gigi's complaints was that Deimos isn't ~limber~.

...or not.

You didn't even shower, yuck!

...while I am a little proud of you for serving a meal...it's something that spoils very quickly...and you are serving it at 2am when everybody else is asleep!


Gaea, I'm trying to sleep--


Please, tell me how you get good grades when life is so boring!

Well...I work hard at school, and I play hard at home. PS3, primping, whatever.

I don't understand.

No, I don't mind going to some boring, ol' public school for kindergarten while everyone else goes to a fancy school. Of course not.

Nyx, we couldn't get you in last night! It's just ONE day, then we'll invite him over for the weekend. Sheesh!

Arielle! It's good to see your lips haven't yet completely consumed your face~

This is Taylor, a birthday gift from kingmike1224. Don't worry, she always looks like that. XD

Time for Ananke and Gaea to have a birthday!

I couldn't believe it that twins both rolled Fortune again. The dice roller actually spit out two more unique Fortune rolls after this, so it was seriously WRITTEN IN THE STARS for them.

Fine. Sit all the way over there. I don't care.

Look. Maybe Gaea wants to have a conversation that's not about your inability to amuse yourself.

Randolphs are still producing my only bisexual legacy sims, for some reason.

So, I think that I'm totally into the natural look, not so big on makeup and--

Considering how quickly sims eat a piece of cake, this pass-out by Ananke is an ACCOMPLISHMENT unto itself. I figure the cake was just that boring to her.

So here's Gaea. She's so pretty it's ridiculous. I wonder how much of that is her skintone, though.

And then Anake--


--interrupted my makeover commands, so I woke her up to get that done.

She's pretty, has the ~family eyes~, and is pretty dang unique looking. I'm happy!

Such a difference from the other pair--these two don't really look alike at all, in spite of the eye/hair color that the whole generation has.

Ananke does find rain interesting like Gaea--so there's one thing that she doesn't find skull-numbingly boring.

I guess it's okay having cake the day after my birthday if Daddy was busy...Mommy? Mommy?

Sorry, honey. Your mother is a hair's breadth away from completely fucking insane.

Meh. Guess it's cake for dinner tonight.

This set of kids, I have to say, was really smart about eating any and all food that was out on the counter if they were hungry. Most of these two cakes were consumed!

Oh yeah, that's your grandmother, Nyx. She was just saying hi!

I have good news, guys!

Ananke has found a way to keep herself from getting bored!

While it might seem really similar to staring at the wall...

...it's a totally different thing to stare at yourself!

Ananke doesn't have an obsession. She only primped in the mirror sixteen times in a row. (Note: I am not exaggerating. In fact, I may have missed a time or two because I didn't really feel it necessary to start counting until instance four or five.)

And then she found the television!

...wait a sec. How long have we had this thing?

Oh, a couple hundred of sim years, give or take?

We've always had this TV? We've had it all the time?!

Even Nyx seems relatively happy. This picture is a lie.

(And full of girls, LOL.)

One nice neighborhood shot of their house. The neighborhood isn't really so nice, I just decorated around their house. The house in the background is where I stuffed all of Deimos's siblings, hehe.


Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 5
Perma-Plat Sims: 3
Shrink Visits: 10
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 8
Self-Wettings: 15
Pass-Outs: 25
Fights: 20
Deaths: 10
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 2
College Dropouts: 1

So, we had a relatively peaceful update! Lots of aging, lots of aging! Which is good, because it breaks up what is a pretty damn long generation when you think about it. I'll have to hold off on the urge to send Nyx off to Uni early, because I want an update that's more than twenty images long to take us to the heir poll. And while it's a bit early to think of it...I kind of want to preemptively send out a plea for the eyes and against giving me another Family heir (as much as I love Athena)!

It took me awhile to write this update because the past couple of nights I've just been really out-of-it. Laurinces and Delines next, though the order will be determined by my own whims and nothing else. XD

isbi, pixel_trade, randolph legacy, willowmere

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