So nothing new, two new toddlers, Deirdre parenting better than her mother, let's move along.
Anna never tucked in her own children.
You know, the action is "play," but it always looks like that hurts.
I will never be able to decide if Carmen and Cora are clones or not. NEVER.
Cora and the mailman are getting very friendly now that she's not the size of a beached whale anymore.
I really don't know what you have worth gossiping about, little Miss Trackpants and "I wear my pajamas outside"!
See, you look much more refined that way, Cera.
Then Cora caught herself on fire.
Without a singe on the salmon. WTF.
It's okay, it was apparently all a ploy to get the fireman there. Yes, one specific fireman.
I know you've had Keith in your phonebook, Cora, that was just silly.
Thus, Deirdre finally meets her father.
I'm a fireman!
I don't like firemen!
...fine. See you in another ten years, then.
Speaking of Deirdre, childhood's over, toots.
Yeah, you don't look like an overbleached clone of Cora. She rolls fortune with the LTW to reach the top of some career or other. With dark blue eyes, and an aspiration I'm going to have two graves for post gen-2, it's not looking well for Deirdre's heir chances. Unless the others grow up to be family sim ogres with LTWs of having 20 grandchildren or something.
Daphne's a bit confused.
But why is there so much cake?
TRIPLE BIRTHDAY. Darla gets to be third.
Hmm, there's something a little awkward about her features, but she's still a cutiepie.
Aw, they're so nice to get Drake his own cake, considering that means they'll be eating cake every meal for days now.
He's cuter than his twin. Shh, don't tell anyone.
Makeover time. Deirdre looks much, much better with a deep golden haircolor. It goes with her skintone much better.
I give Drake some new hair. He's nonplussed about it.
Random shot to the Whittaker residence. Reggie's been kicked out for cheating, and for shits and giggles, I had Cora kick Faye's ass. Poor woman, first the husband cheats, has love children, moves out to live with his ho, and then she gets beaten to a pulp by said ho in front of her daughter.
Right about here, I installed NL, which is why we've been treated to this really. fucking. creepy. shot of Brand in an Electrodance sphere. :(
So Reggie's arrived, looking for a place to crash. Dinner was a bit awkward.
However, Cora decides she wouldn't mind having a permanent source of booty around. As long as he doesn't ask questions when she takes the car out for a spin. For a few hours.
So, are you going to be my stepdad or something?
That would suck because you're, like, totally fug.
Anna and Brand? Still hitting it. ...ew.
Oh my gawd, you're going to be sleeping with my mother every night?!
They get married on the front porch, since Cora wasn't afraid of it. At least, not with him.
She was not happy about it, though. Them's the breaks for falling for a family sim, instead of letting him be just another booty call.
Brand where are you putting your leg? Your grandchildren might be around!
Why are you primping so hardcore?
Oh that explains it. You brought home some weirdo with girly hair.
Anna's just chillin' in the hottub. I wonder why Brand isn't like sticking his tongue down her throat or dryhumping her. Probably because the kids aren't around to see.
Why are you just standing serenely in the hallway?
1) Death
2) Traffic jam between you and Death
I don't know what's making them more upset, Anna's passing or their being jammed in like sardines. You didn't all have to watch, you morbid sickos.
They're all pretty torn up about Anna's death, especially the kids.
After all, she was the closest thing to a mother they had.
And Brand just sits there, in the same spot Anna sat before she passed. Contemplating. Would he ever live to see his lifetime want have six grandchildren? He had so little time left...
She had twins, so yes he would! (Their toddler pics were at the end of last update.)
So now grandpa will be happy forever, since apparently we weren't enough grandchildren for him on our own.
Daphne's preferred method of making friends: PILLOW TO THE FACE
Reggie's still having trouble adjusting to the Laurince household. The kids are so forthright.
So, Daddy, do you feel bad that you don't make as much money as Mommy?
Yeah, congratulations for getting paid way too much money for doing fucking nothing.
And inheriting money from your rich relatives. You're so skilled.
All I'm good for is being a cheating scumbag!
Actually, Reggie dear, I'm bett--I mean, congratulations for stringing two women along at once!
I wonder if I can get an A+ at birthdays?
Daphne rolls Knowledge, with an LTW to maximize all 7 skills. Add in her gray eyes, and the fact that I moved Baye and Roy off before they died, and we have an heir candidate!
Well, we do now that we've got her out of that stupid cheerleader outfit.
Aw, it's late and Darla is hungry. She digs into some mangled concoction she whipped up in her Easy Bake. Where are her parents?
Why do you even ask?
The girls go downtown to scope out the guy situation. This very blushy chap is named Romulus, and he doesn't seem very interested in either of them.
I don't know, either he's gay, or he really, really likes karaoke.
Well, that was lame. Why were we so excited to be old enough to go downtown alone again?
Deirdre shouldn't be too worried. Girly-Hair is smitten with her.
Isn't she so hot when she's pissed off at her step-dad?
Bye Brand, sorry I didn't notice you were dying until you were nearly disappeared. :(
Where was his loving family of oh so many grandchildren? At the dinner table. Now, I realize group meals are kind of sacred to this family and all, but wow.
It's such a stunning opposition to how they reacted to Anna. I don't even know if anyone cried.
Oh, hi Anna. None of the gen 1 ghosts can seem to figure out how to get into the house. Not that I'm complaining, the way Armando cracks his knuckles threateningly while whining about his bed.
Yeah, Aunt Carmen? Grandpa died.
At least I know they recognize this actually happened.
She has like 0 relationship with her father. So this is pretty weird.
...Cora, you could maybe be a little more discreet in front of the lovechild? ...oh, wait.
Oh yes, Deirdre, you're still very cute.
Daphne looks like such a nerd here, no?
Deirdre how many of your dates have left you awesome presents like a poker table? That's right, none. Daphne gets an A+ at cute, too!
Armando and Aysta still can't figure out that whole house thing. Cora doesn't see her grandparents roaming the lawn. These are some dim Sims.
Darla just hugs everyone, doesn't she?
Cora only ever thinks about one thing, but it doesn't seem like appropriate conversational material for one's children!
Then again, perhaps she wants them to follow in her footsteps. No Deirdre, no!
Daphne maxes her Creativity skill. Dork.
I have never seen a family eat so many meals together.
I love how Cora just hangs up all these pictures of her various dates in her bedroom, and Reggie never says a word. Maybe he knew what he was getting into.
One of the kids brings Cris, Bielle's son, home from school. I've got a couple of gen 3 stragglers that haven't gone to Uni yet. Oops.
Daphne and Cris geek it out (big surprise).
Deirdre comes home from her after school job in the medical career. She reached the top in like two days. Daphne's not the only one with skillz.
This time they get chocolate cake!
Notice everyone staring intently, paying the utmost attention.
Hmm...her nose seems to small for its face, doesn't it? Darla rolls family with the LTW to reach her golden anniversary. So that's three strikes against her: her aspiration, her dark blue eyes, and her face.
Hey guys, it's Drake's turn now. He gets a birthday, too. Guys?
Well, at least his twin cares.
HAI CUTIE. He's also knowledge, with the LTW to be a Criminal Mastermind. (Hours kinda suck, but Roy managed it.) Green eyes, good aspiration, he'll give Daphs a run for her money.
Um, Cora? He already did the transition thing. You're too late. It's over.
She parties alone, Drake grabs some cake, and Cris is filled with the spirit of Beezelbub.
Where you going, Deirdre?
I'm going, too.
Drake, put some clothes on and get going. I don't know why I can't move you all out together from your house!
In the dorms! Deirdre doesn't look so much like a Cora clone, anymore. Still not heir.
Hey hot stuff!
(Gonna puke!)
Daphne's got this really intense look that seems to suit her aspiration and life goals. PERFECTION IS NOT A GOAL, IT IS A STATE OF BEING.
Darla...we'll find you some hair that flatters your face, I promise?
I like Drake with his swoopy hair back. :D
It is HERE that I get my new laptop. See shiny Cora? However, it is before I installed a cap program. Don't worry, next update will be ultimate shiny.
I sent her on a date with Keith to test load times, etc, and because she was getting really low on her relationship with Keith. She won't hit 20 simultaneous lovers (luckily the career gave her permaplat), but she will keep the ones she's already got!
Cayden's used to her behavior by now. Seems like it even cheers him up!
Shiny Deirdre.
Stoned Daphne.
Small-nosed Darla.
Silly Drake.
I sent Deirdre out on the town, because Girly Hair will not do for the grown protege of a romance sim. This is Jules.
Deirdre does not like Jules. Deirdre is an idiot.
Deirdre takes to the DJ table because she loves money. Luckily for her, she's got MAX creativity and the party is slamming.
She meets a cute guy with unfortunate hair. She doesn't gag at the sight of him, but her motives are getting low, so she goes home with his number.
I liked her old hair better, too.
You know, you'd probably concentrate better if you weren't writing your term paper in the common room in your underwear.
Look, I haven't decided which department I'm going to grace with my stunning intellect yet, okay?!
You'd think such a smart person would pick better places to exercise.
GET AWAY, YOU-- Oh, goodness, I thought you were the cow.
Hmm, tasty chunk of guy? His name is Havel.
I don't need to hear your quantum analyses, you like him, okay?
Cera always stands the same way. Daphne engages Havel in some critical film commentary.
Oh, you are so hot, baby!
Is that all you have to say to me?
Uh, you're in college? So you must be smart, then.
That's better.
Yeah, I don't see you getting that A+ in dating, Daphne.