pixel_trade Challenge
Founder Ruther is by
dragancaor and Gen 1 Spouse Zoe Dork is by
Last time, we began to follow the adventures of 4 of the Randolph kids in college. Hestia was declared heir, and she began looking for that special someone (after downing a Re-Nu-Yu porta-chug). She had her choice narrowed down between three guys:
selzi's Zamir and Ulric, and
simsforaranya's Dale Forest. Her brothers, meanwhile, muddled through such difficult tasks as finding their own beds. They actually managed to go to class and do all right grades-wise. We left off in Hestia's Junior year.
Zeus and Poseidon don't do too bad in terms of managing to sleep in a bed (though it's usually the two of them sharing the bed in Poseidon's room). Hades, on the other hand...
...if I included how many times he tried to nap on the couch in the first floor common room, this update would be about 300 pictures long.
Someone asked how the boys are keeping their grades up. Well, they have objects like this karaoke machine to up their creativity skill, autonomously clean a surprising amount, and cook a surprising amount. Hopefully that'll be enough to keep them afloat. We'll see.
Hestia has graduated up from squeezing her thighs together to actually doing bench presses on this machine! I'm proud of her. She also gains fun working out, which will come in handy since she'll have to max body to be Captain Hero, I'm pretty sure.
I believe we went over your disgust of Zeus last update, Blondie.
I can't wait to hear what passes for "music" in outer space!
I think Zamir is feeling a little low in self-esteem since no one in the comments to last update said they wanted HIM to end up with Hestia!
I'm diggin' it.
Dear Diary, I love books. Especially you.
I think he's starting to lose it.
Who's the stalker and who's the stalkee? Well, he decided to shower while she was in the can, but she decided to shower after him...
It is a mystery!
She influenced someone to write her term paper, and they errored out. So I replaced the computer and had her write it herself.
This is so not what I wanted!
Yeah, well I don't want to be slowed down by the lack of grade boost.
It's after midnight! That means it's pudding time.
Hestia, get rid of that burnt chili and have some pudding!
At least he was considerate enough to share.
Though Hades stole Hestia's seat while she was disposing of the offensive chili, and she ended up eating pudding alone in the living room. Zeus does not look amused.
Now it's time for the epic showdown:
Pudding wins!
That's what you get for double dipping in the epic food battle of the century, Hades!
What's got Poseidon all happy?
I know you usually find a bed, but I seem to remember
your first evening in the dorm...and you were just lucky there wasn't a stereo!
So, Poseidon and Dale don't get along. Hestia is just cheerily oblivious to this situation.
Look, I have unburnt chili!
I don't think picking fights with her brother is a way to get on her good side, seriously...
See, I was right! Well, I guess Hestia has made the spouse decision for us, huh?
Wow, snow falls in the desert AND my sims changed into their outerwear.
While waiting for Ulric, Hestia indulges in the want that will NOT leave her wants panel. SNOWBALL FIGHT!
Now is not the time to look all coy!
Yep, before I had a chance to do much else, they went to bang in the photobooth. Now can we have a romantic scene?
So, I have something to ask you.
Me, too. How did that box get all snowy?
I dropped it during a snowball fight, but that's not the point.
Shut up and marry me.
Bestill my heart, the most romantic proposal ever!
...shut up.
If you two freeze, I swear, I'll leave you there.
And for once, I thought he was doing something intelligent!
So I was wondering what the hell he was making... turned out to be my first autonomous gyro.
Laugh at his food issues all you want, Poseidon, but he's certainly eating better than you.
Hey! We don't pay you to eat, we pay you to cook!
Little did Poseidon know that his idea of a pancake-filled morning was not going to come to fruition...
I don't know who actually started the fight, but it barely lasted five seconds.
Dale, what are you doing on the floor?
It wasn't so short you couldn't have seen it happen, Hestia!
Great, now Poseidon is looking like a devil-posessed doll.
Poseidon, now cocky, immediately jumps Dale. This fight lasts a bit longer--long enough to get those red symbols and see some fighting animations.
That's what you get for pressing your luck! WHAMMIES.
Hestia's on her way to class or an exam or something. She managed to randomly get some of my favorite outerwear. The buttons are shiny! :3
The boys are still making decent-ish grades!
The coach comes to visit and inspires the wrong brother to work out. How about finding one of the fat ones, buddy?
I am in training for ass-kicking!
Good job, Poseidon.
Hestia fulfills a "talk to relative" want and her whole panel fills with all these things she wants to do with Zeus. This happens about any time I fulfill a generic want with her. It's like she forgets a person specifically exists until she interacts with them. (Ulric being a notable exception to this.)
Poseidon is starting to worry that he isn't popular. Wouldn't that have been prudent to do, oh, I don't know, before you started getting pissy with everybody?
Remember when I made Dean's List, sis?
Yeah, well it isn't going to happen again if you skip class to work out all the time.
The game finally spawned a streaker and she is adorable.
I got a pop-up asking me if I wanted to invite Hera over. I was like "hell yeah!" but then I wondered why I got the pop-up, and I found Zeus here on IM.
I wonder if I got that image in the pop-up because Hera wants someone here to make her an omelette?
Yay, I'm finally in college!
You are AT college. Visiting. Not IN college.
Aw, look at the sweet, oblivious snowman.
College is awesome. You don't have to do any cooking!
And the real reason why not going to college made Hera go bonkers comes out.
Wow, this is the most fail I've seen from Poseidon in...ever. (I'll save you the suspense. He finds a toilet in time.)
Though...I don't know. Does his continued amiability with the cow count as fail?
Nevermind. Nothing Poseidon does will ever be fail as long as his brothers are around.
Do you think there are other idiots trying to sleep on park benches in other parts of the world?
...I have never played a house with a octagonal or cone roof in winter. OH MY GOD, I LOLed.
WHAT?! Hestia gets autonomously in there with Dale. You shouldn't lead people on now that you're engaged!
Oh great, the guy who loves and raised you--you're going to piss him off, too?
...I guess so.
Of course, he's a little prissy bitch, doing the "of course I'm awesome" thing if admired.
Their grades have actually...improved. I'm kinda scared.
She's hot...but she stinks...but she's still hot!
Poseidon is not conflicted, no.
Zamir, too?
This isn't even fair. None of MY sims have started a fire in the dorm.
How come no one likes me? What if I never have any friends?
Try not being a dick.
You know...
I peeked at the relationship bar because I wondered what had happened with Ruther.
The only one you have to blame for your failure is yourself, Poseidon.
These two have been having autonomous casual sex for so long, they're now besties.
Aw, look who graduated!
So, can I have another party?
Sure, why not.
Cool. I'm going to go invite that girl walking down the sidewalk to my party now. See ya.
Ulric must have graduated, also. At least he's got his fiancee on his mind.
Hestia is very happy to see him.
So...I didn't think it was fair to drop out the guys just because I didn't want my eyes glazing over as I let them run uncontrollably around the dorm after Hestia left. So I cheated a little.
They made A's and B's their last untouched semester! I figure I won't go to Uni with every generation, and there may be some generations where I get some of them on academic probation. Uncontrollables with bad grades/probation can drop out when the heir graduates, and those with a 3.0 or something can graduate, too. I didn't give them awesome final grades, as you can see.
I didn't notice this the last time she picked up the mic, but Zoe has the most adorable little old lady singing voice.
Just because you are about to go into aspirational failure, that doesn't excuse this shit.
Zeus + Park Bench = OTP
Ulric's response to getting hit on?
No, sorry, I have a fiancee I love very much!
Hestia doesn't have time to get hit on; I'm too busy cancelling out the autonomous photobooth sex she wants to have with Dale.
I haven't seen this cut scene in forever, so I turned the camera on. I'm surprised she's doing the photo-op with Zamir.
What an uncomfortable smile here. You just know he was all like "Well, I think we should totally get together after graduation" and she was like "That would be cool, except I'll probably be married right after graduation."
I will miss college. All the guys. And Zeus makes the best pudding.
That doesn't even match the picture in the thumbnail. I don't know why she materialized into office wear.
Now, let's see what we could have had, if we picked the others for heir:
Zeus had an easy LTW that gives an awesome career reward, and he aged up into completely inappropriate clothes because he would never jog.
Hades had an easy LTW, too. However, I didn't think his jaw fit his face and I hate that his default expression is DURRR.
Poseidon. Awesome career. Awesome transition...too bad your sister got the XD eyes.
Speaking of which...time for Hestia to move back home! Now, as I've been doing in almost every family for quite some time, I actually teleported her back into the lot so I don't get a magic 20k added to the family funds. I rebuilt the house and I just barely got everything in. At this point, the family has $400.
The house is cute, though. And I love foundations.
I saved a great deal of their old furniture (I think I just replaced bathroom fixtures because they break all the time) and now they've got three baths and four bedrooms, five if you count the nursery.
One of the first things that greeted me was the sound of cuckoo-cuckoo. At the time, Ruther was sleeping and Zoe was watching television so I didn't know what was going on. Then I see this.
I haven't had THAT many social bunny visits, but...isn't he visible to the crazy sim (and me)? O_o
Since Hestia is constantly wanting to have a party, I figure it's time to have a wedding party!
And here's where I realize I forgot to turn off cutscenes. Oh well, roll with it.
Out of all those guys, you picked me. I'm so lucky.
Well, I can only marry one...right?
(Unless your name is Eliza Fleig-Laurince, yes.)
Ulric is stopped mid-vow.
Wait, you would marry more than one if you could?
I just meant only marrying one made the decision easier.
Now we're married!
Well, there goes the idea that the family might be scrambling money wise for any amount of time.
This is the happiest day of my liiiiiiife.
No, the cops aren't breaking up a party at 2pm. That's Ruther's carpool.
I might not have gone to college like you, Poseidon, but at least I have tons of friends!
Hmm...I have tons of friends AND I'm married!
The two lovebirds race off to their honeymoon.
And we see a chancecard! The last one we had fired Zoe, let's see how we do here.
Wow! Go Ruther!
Isn't Police Chief only one level below Captain Hero? I wonder if I can get him that final promotion without controlling him.
They want to do this as soon as they get back. Let's have baby time!
~The creepy dolls have come back for vengeance for all their brethren that Hera smashed~
Four tries later, I was beginning to wonder if Ulric was shooting blanks, but it finally worked.
I don't like what you were doing to my daughter!
Hey man, we're married, in case you haven't noticed!
You stupid cops, always thinking you have to be in control of everything!
I get the feeling that Hestia never revealed her true career aspirations to her now-husband.
Another spouse to start out making autonomous salad. So far, so good.
Another spouse who has no chance at ever getting an LTW. And actually, it's kinda creepy. Hestia and Ruther have the same Aspiration and LTW, and Ulric and Zoe have the same Aspiration and LTW.
ZOE. I had Hestia make a bunch of soup because she's knocked up, and Zoe's on her second bowl in a row. And I bet she doesn't put the serving platter back in the fridge. >_<
At least these two are still ~in love~. After all these years and all this crazy.
And...if Ulric spends his life in the household painting in his underwear, it was probably worth it. XD
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 2
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 1
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 4 (Stupid Cafeteria Lady)
Self-Wettings: 2
Pass-Outs: 1
Fights: 3
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Gen 3 babies next time! :D
Though I am not playing the Randolphs again next. It's either Delines or Hensons. I had been stalling on Hensons because I didn't know how I was doing the Uni situation, but I finally decided so now I can continue them. :D