pixel_trade Challenge
Founder Ruther is by
dragancaor and Current Spouse Zoe Dork is by
Last time, I continued to fail at ISBI. Hera was a huge attention whore, but managed to get that attention. She also made an A+ in school. Zoe's pregnancy resulted in a son, Zeus. Zoe and Ruther both got promoted a few times. They did autonomously become pregnant again, but it didn't lead to anything lulzy like passing out. Zoe even went to work twice in the first trimester. Zeus became a toddler, even learned to talk, then a child. Hera became a teen with Knowledge aspiration. Zoe went into labor and delivered triplets: two boys, Poseidon and Hades, and a girl, Hestia.
Things can't possibly go so well this time, right?
Well, it's a peaceful morning so far.
Zeus gets his homeworkin' on so we eliminate the possibility of SOCIAL WORKER VISITATION.
dothesmustle's Janie Peet walks by, looking hella different with my defaults.
Look at me, just takin' care of triplets like it's nothing.
Yep, your whole family is watching you take care of the babies and not lifting a finger.
Wait, look at me! Look, I'm helping!
Uh, Hera, now your father can't pick up the baby himself. D:
Zoe quickly escapes to work with the HAWT carpool driver. Guess what? I have no idea what eyes he's using. My eye folder is as big as some people's entire downloads folder!
Hera astounds by being borderline helpful with the childcare.
Hopefully she'll put the kid down soon, because it's birthday time! Are you all ready for TODDLER TIME?
This is Hades. He has Zoe's eyes and Ruther's eyebrows.
Dad will totally see how supportive of my siblings I am!
Hera, this time is not about you. Anyway, Hestia's turn at the cake.
I can't tell what your eyes look like if you close them!
Oh no. What if she becomes the favorite daughter?
If you were favorite before, it would have only been because you were the ~only~ daughter.
She has Ruther's eyeshape! :D That hair is too light for that skin, but we'll worry about makeovers once we've got everyone aged up. She gives me hope in my ISBI by immediately picking up a rotting bottle, too!
Hera, there are two toilets!
It's not my fault! I keep being overwhelmed by this urge to watch the age transitions!
...Poseidon is so freaking cute. And he gets point for being the only one with Ruther's eye color.
What is with the crotch of these onesies?
So even though this house is likely to soon become a madhouse, Ruther just takes it easy and plays with his eldest.
There are three entire cakes here, and Hera has to go and get a sandwich out of the fridge. You see, Hera thinks she's special.
So, I bought one more toddler blanket for the trips when they were born, which gives me one crib and two blankets. That's right, I am going ahead and experiencing kids whining to be put to bed AND potentially starving. Anyway, I had Ruther put Poseidon in the crib, but the kid wasn't tired.
He just sat there all sweet and peaceful. Aww. :3
Dammit, Zoe, are you never going to go bonkers on me?
It's not likely, no.
At this point, I realized that Ruther would probably transition to elder a long time before the torchholder passed, and that he didn't have enough creativity points to paint his own portrait. So then began the frantic "earn creativity points" blitz.
It won't happen in this update, but I did decide to change out Hestia's skin for a similar toned one that was shaded differently. This is the second kid I've had with that skin and I should probably just delete it at this point.
She gets new hair and some autonomous attention from her mother. Her eyeshape is winning her major points.
Oh boy. I hope you're going to want to get her out again, Zoe.
Hera barges into her parents' room with a scowl.
Why do I have to go through their bedroom to get to the bathroom I like?
There's another bathroom with hall access, you know.
I like THIS one.
Scarlett Laroux really doesn't want us to have a newspaper.
Well, I don't think she ever fed Zeus, so this is an improvement.
Sis, you're still my favorite sis. Hug?
Hell no, some of your un-awesome might rub off!
Hera then immediately sits down to hang out with her brother, however, she is very disappointed by his lack of interest in books. Just because she likes books doesn't mean she's reading to you, though, Hades. Sorry.
You don't like books? You must be some kind of stupid, un-awesome alien.
This is the sims, Hera. Aliens are awesome by definition.
There's three skilling toys, but there is always at least one toddlet here. Chewing.
Remember, kiddo, that your awesome older sister was here to take care of you.
(It's about time!)
So, the house doesn't seem in too terrible shape. Ruther's got some parental leave left, but I figure I'd let him go to work. Even if everything goes to hell and all the kids get taken away, I've already got Hera.
(Also, that totally wasn't going to happen.)
Which means that the toddlers run right to whine to Zoe when they are unhappy. I'd feel sorrier for her if she wasn't sleeping in Hera's goddamn bed again.
However, Zoe only changes her kids when they ask. Under any other condition, she just bathes them.
Like little Hades here. She apparently bathed him, then put him back in his dirty diaper, because then Ruther had to change him later.
Hmm...I'm hungry.
Zoe's carpool showed up and the trash can is knocked over again. She didn't go to work OR right the can. FANTASTIC.
Also, note that Hera could have eaten some of this half-platter of fried chicken on the floor.
Mom, what are you making? I am sooooo hungry. I hope it's finished soon.
You made...a tart? One?
You're sixteen years old and pride yourself on learning. You can make yourself dinner.
Buuut...Mo-om, don't you care that I am so hungry?
I care that you're apparently too stupid to make a sandwich or something instead of whining.
But I thought you loved me!
Mommy, dance!
Sure thing!
...but...I'm awesome. *twitches*
Hey, I always do my homework and I get awesome grades, that counts for something, right Mom?
The Alphabet Elephant says you're a liar, Hera.
Hello? I can't get a clear view of my daughter's soon-to-be-fail-filled attempt at cooking!
She did shove that knife through the spaghetti box a few times, but'll be our little secret.
Besides, Zoe needs to go fucking learn to diaper her children.
See, I can totally make dinner. My mom just hates me.
I'm actually quite proud of Hera not burning anything. Ruther burns shit all the time.
Wow, a change and a feed, Zoe! It's almost like you've done this toddler thing before!
She just kinda stood there and looked into the mirror like this.
Repeat after me, Hera, "I'm good enough, and I'm smart enough, and, dog-gone it, people like me!"
But do they?
That's not really important.
Ruther is still doing well...
...and I don't know how Zoe got THAT many vacation days. She should have three from the triplets, since they both get leave for anything over twins, but...oh well, it's probably the 8000 promotions that did it.
Despite her success at spaghetti, Hera comes running when her dad serves some salad. She must have really been hungry.
Ruther barely gets into bed, however, when...
I DIRTY!!!!!!
It's okay, Dad, I gave Poseidon a bath while you were feeding Hades.
...don't you want to sleep with your husband?
Not that Hera missed her bed. I think this is about 6:30 or so that she's heading to sleep.
She got right back up to go to school, though. And look at how nice our needs look! ...I suck at ISBI. :(
Zoe, I don't think a sponge is going to help. Actually, nothing helped. It was "fixed" but still looked broken, so I eventually just bought them a new one.
Poseidon doesn't mind the dripping.
These two look like they're having a bit too much fun, don't they?
I love school! are you doing in school?
I'm sure my report card is awesome, just like me.
She brings home an uneligible friend from school.
Uneligible for what?!
Nevermind, Hera, nevermind.
This is the only interaction any of the children have had with the swing. Yep, all she did was WATCH him on it. There are two swings, so it's not that she couldn't use it, too.
Why is it so messy?!
Because you magically decided to stop being neat a couple days ago!
Geez, Ruther practically leaps out of the car. Of course, if this were my family, I'd probably worry when I left them, too.
Woo, another promotion! I don't know if I'll get his LTW before the torch passes or not, but it might be possible!
Hi, Mr. Randolph!
Who the hell is that?
Don't worry, Zoe. He can't marry your heir.
I have four other children.
No promises there!
I'm hungry!
Why don't you go ask Hera to cook you dinner? I'm sure she'd LOVE to...not.
How is Hades magically doing okay?
Now remember, bro, who was there taking care of you when your Dad didn't feel like it! Your awesome sister!
Hera! Your father is stretched thin these days.
Hera's buddy is a pranker. Maybe that'll be the end of him.
Oh...wait. She's into that sort of thing.
Well, this is going to be a strange sort of relationship.
Hera's all but given up on getting to use her own bed. :/
On the flip side, her little friend has discovered that Zoe's reaction to pranking is a little bit different than her daughter's.
Oh god, someone get her out!
Look, honey, if you just stop stuffing your face for a second and let me feed the baby first, I'll make some breakfast.
Mom is in the way of me getting food!
Zoe kept stuffing her face because grocery delivery had to be called between feeding the baby and making breakfast.
Hera then thought it was more important to wash the dishes than to catch the school bus. You sure you want to do that?
What does any of this have to do with that treehouse?
Hera's grades are really shot, and Zoe has again flocked to whatever bed her daughter has chosen to sleep in.
That'll show everyone who said I'm not smart!
...of course. Makes perfect sense.
Well, I think picking up the trashcan you knocked over on purpose as your little brother comes home with a good report card is the definition of UNAWESOME, Hera.
I noticed something hanging under the bus, and zoomed in to see the driver this. Wow.
It was a long three days, but toddlerhood is finally over for the triplets. Let's see how they did.
Hestia grew up neutral. Neither bad nor good.
She's a wonderful mix of her parents' looks and grew up into a ridiculously dressy outfit that matches her eyes.
Hades, much to his own excitement, grew up badly! And into hair that's way too light!
Hmm...his looks are really Ruther-like, though he (and Hestia) both have human ears.
Poseidon also grew up badly, though everyone else seemed thrilled.
He's still adorable, a better mix of his parents than Hades, and he has elf ears, just so you know. ;)
I can't smash this to bits with Hades in the way!
Look at the little dear expressing himself.
Zoe? Not only is this singularly terrifying to watch...
...I don't recall a kid ever throwing a tantrum in my game before. Seriously. I was beginning to wonder if it was in some EP that I don't have yet.
Not that I blame Hades for doing this!
Ruther cleans up all the decomposing cakes, and I replace their little one-tile table with a cafeteria table. The kitchen now seats everybody.
So, since I'm the oldest and the awesomest of all the kids, you all need to listen to me and my advice.
Advice, Hera: I don't think they give a shit. And HA at Poseidon and Hades having matching jammies!
How sweet, the "idiots" portion of this ISBI family left the head of the table open for Ruther.
I thought this was a cute picture, especially since it's the trips' first day of school.
School is awesome, just like me!
Look at your report card.
Zeus was cheering after seeing his, mine has to be better than that! No worries.
I will forever be known as 'the good child'!
Yeah, set your aims high!
So, Mom, Dad, I got an A+.
That's nice. It's Mommy-Daddy alone time now. Tell your brothers and sisters.
Apparently one of his brothers or sisters didn't like hearing him brag. FIRST FIGHT!
Poseidon jumped him? Damn, I had my money on Hades.
What makes this even more hilarious is that Zeus is like 12 and Poseidon is like 6.
What the hell do you mean you are going to flood the Earth? That's the most retarded idea I've ever head of, God!
Poseidon goes out to play nicely with Hestia. Maybe he just doesn't like show-offs. Wonder how he feels about Hera.
Since she still can't smash the ark, Hera plays with her brother. The cheese stands Zeus plays alone.
And is ~emo~ about losing a fight to his baby brother. Look on the bright side, Zeus. He won't be able to attack you after you grow up...and then that'll give you about six days of peace. And training time.
Ruther manages to get one of the ~moody~ triplets down to do homework. Hopefully if I get 2/3rds of them homeworking each day, we'll stave off the social worker.
Since I never used Zeus' childhood command, I use it to grow him up a day early.
Zeus grew up well! He's a mix of his parents. Hera is mostly Zoe, Hades is mostly Ruther, but the other three are a good mix.
It's official. Poseidon HATES attention whores.
...I just may love Poseidon.
Zeus gets an emo-y makeover. He rolled Romance. Wonder how that'll work out for him as an uncontrollable teen. can't work out worse than Hera being Knowledge, at any rate.
One of you dropped that trash on the floor because ~birthdays~ were so interesting, now one of you can throw it away!
Now that there are only enough beds in the house for each person to have one, I have to find a way to keep Mom out of mine!
Fight the good fight, dear.
After complaining for about two hours straight that he was very unentertained, Zeus finally discovered that his family owns a television.
...oh no. Hera. You left your bed unoccupied?
You can't distract me. No one is using this ark and its destruction shall be mine!
I fail to see how this makes you feel better.
Don't worry, I'll clean it up.
Still not helping me understand.
Zoe and Hera don't burn food, how are you managing to burn half your meals?
What the hell is this? I was so expecting the triplets to do this after they aged up, since their needs had been not met well,, Zeus? Oh well, you have the distinction of being the first bladder failure. Your mother never managed it when pregnant with triplets, and you did it after growing up well!
Zoe immediately starts lecturing.
You know, even when my needs were severe, I managed to make it to the toilet. You're making the whole family look bad, in front of all these people!
Mooom? People? Where? Who are you talking to? This is so embarrassing...
Current Legacy Stats:
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 0
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 0
Self-Wettings: 1
Pass-Outs: 0
Fights: 1
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
- I actually have some stats to update! Both are kinda courtesy of Zeus, which I found surprising.
- I have big hope for things getting ~crazier~ now. They already have, ever so slightly. Three of the five kids' aspirations are in the tank!
- I still haven't decided if I'm doing Uni or not. I think I need to go see how/if other people handle it, and I need to do it before I play any more. You see, I play that I send the teens off to college once they hit day 8, when they "graduate" because of my InTeen. So I need to decide what I'm doing, add a Uni, etc, etc, before Hera gets to be that age.
Delines next. Though playing this goes so fast I will likely do more soon, and part of it is due to the impossibility of micro-management, I think part of it is the new lot with not much stuff. In fact, I recall reading about doing mandatory resets with alphabet legacies, and I think I just may do something like that with the Laurinces. I just don't wanna lose their portraits again.