Last time, the girls had their college experience. They continued to aggravate me by hardly rolling academic wants, though Alexis endeared herself to me a little bit by rolling academic wants, despite her Romance aspirations. They had a roomie named Laci who became the new placeholder after Voila Viola graduated, who garnered upload requests in record time, though she hasn't done much in my game besides study, eat, and fall down. After NO ONE GOT PREGNANT, they all graduated with decent GPAs, and Desiree Cassidy moved back (with Ria) as the Generation 6 heir.
Somehow I feel...different. More fulfilled.
Yeah, with 5 kids graduated from Uni, you fulfilled that LTW to have three of them graduate. Now I can ignore your crazy family-related wants if I so choose.
Yay! My kids aren't idiots!
Yay! You're definitely not getting 20 grandkids!
So, while Cassidy dated a couple of guys, nothing was real serious. And none of her potential suitors grabbed me. However, she started chatting up this guy named Zion on the INTERNET. I was intrigued. She's inviting him over now.
(In the redecorated heir bedroom. We really need to get a male heir soon. I'd like to majorly overhaul the place.)
While she waits for Zion to arrive, she practices punching her sister.
Will it be awkward?
...I guess that depends on your definition of "awkward."
Well, I don't make much money, but I'm a college student. We're all poor.
Oh crap, and Cassidy so wants to marry a rich sim. Will this be a dealbreaker?
You know what's a dealbreaker? The zerg rush on the bar as soon as I put it back down. You guys rarely notice anything else outside, what gives? *DELETES BAR*
Cassidy thinks that Zion's poor-osity is a dealbreaker. She wants to prank him AND fall in love with this other dude.
Okay, let's prank him.
...poor Zion. :(
CASSIDY T__________T
Here's what you would have heard, had you been playing at this moment:
Cassidy: *evil giggle*
Zion: *EMO SOB*
I don't get it, Cass, you have like fourteen nice points!
Unfortunately, I have mad skills powers of persuasion a god complex, and I decided that Zion is the one. Unless he can't produce a male heir, then we can go all Anne Boleyn on him.
I am undaunted by repeat LTWs that are ridiculously likely to happen in the course of my normal gameplay. This takes no effort. I am, however, slightly concerned that you met this girl at like 8am and you already want to father her children.
Oh yes, and as it's now 6:04 pm, my Gen 5 is becoming elders. Joseph gets a sweater so ridiculous for him and his age, that he is keeping it.
Desiree's schedule is 6pm to 3am, so she was off the lot when it ticked 6. Cheating herself into several more hours of adulthood.
Gave Zion back a better shade of brown hair. He has a certain something that makes me like him a lot! He actually has a couple bolts with Cass, don't worry. :P He's now technically a day younger than Cass since he moved in at 6:04.
Wait, I thought you didn't want to fall in love with this guy?
Who said anything about love?
So, do you want to have a baby?
...wait, what?
I guess she was down with it. Look, no effort on my part!
Cass's hair + Cass's undies = LOL
This was the best date ever. I got to move out of my dorm, instantly graduate college, and I think I've already got a baby on the way!
Remember Ria's marriage want from last update? No? Well, she's proposing to her true love, Darryl Graham. Both names are important because she's going to take his name.
And me, having a legacy household without a Captain Hero, for once!
That was actually red hair he had! And I gave him a slightly more hip dork outfit. This is also when I realized I might have deleted his eyes. I got more sure proof later, but in future updates, he'll have some dark gray eyes similar to the ones I see now, just for some continuity.
What's wrong, honey?
When you said you were moving back home to a legacy house, I thought you were going to be heir!
...I'm adopted. You know that.
So what's in it for us?
Living the easy life in a mansion, with other relatives to take care of potential offspring, and the possibility we may get to move out into a state of perpetual youth-y-ness after our potential offspring are grown.
Oh. That sounds pretty good.
After he impregnated Ria, he went straight for the telescope. Passive-aggressive bitch. If you get alien pregnant, I am moving you out or killing you.
Last shot of young Desiree!
I'm not sure I like this...let's get you into the light.
No way, honey. Perhaps Naomi could pull off that top at that age, but let's get you into something else.
Much better. For some reason, she reminds me of Marina Sirtis here. (Who played Deanna Troi on Star Trek the Next Generation, which I haven't even watched that much, to be honest. DS9 is my thing.)
Now, don't think too badly of Cassidy here. I'm always blank in the mornings, and I'm sure she's got morning sickness on top of it!
Desiree kept her cute but lost some self-esteem, apparently.
She's definitely still cranky about her kids' relationship stuff. She can't even pause her cooking for a second to let Ria and Darryl tie the knot.
Between Zion's wants and your ACR roll, I'm imagining your first time with him involving you tossing all the condoms, unused, down the toilet. Thus, this should not be a surprise to you.
I don't think the Delines have had a person in the medical career yet. And Zion's the only one with a non-career LTW, so it works out well.
Plus, he's cute in the paramedic uniform.
If I EVER get a male heir, Laci has some competition for future spouse.
Naomi continues to display her lack of sobriety. I don't know why a celebrity chef would be taking an ambulance to the studio, but I'm troubled that the next episode of her show is going to have a secret ingredient of "spleen" or some other vistigial, unnoticeable body part.
Unfortunately for the patients ingredient-suppliers, I doubt that they would've been much safer with Zion still in the ambulance.
I think I'm going to have a baby!
So am I.
...wait, what?
I don't know if I've seen another sim stalk their mate and look this confused while doing it.
Oh. He's probably thinking: "She's so hot, but wouldn't she be hotter if she dyed her hair darker and gained fifty pounds? Or was, at the very least, heavy with my child?"
Now, could I get hotter?
...probably not. Well, maybe...nah.
So much going on! Caitlyn is either approving of her bed still existing, or the thought of Zion in it. Cassidy's in her second trimester.
Another former-in-law stalking a new-in-law.
Andrew must have heard Darryl wants to be a career criminal.
Funny thing, five portraits fit before the crafting bench, and five fit after it. A sign?
Ria's only a few hours behind Cassidy in gestation.
I wouldn't fan yourself too much, Ria. That book was written by a doctor. Dr. Seuss.
Desiree! You have a maxed cooking skill!
But I don' t know what to do next!
Oh wait. FIRE.
It's voila.
Didn't I go to college with a Voila?
So, Zion, honey, Darryl says he's happy to live here because there are ghosts in the house! Do you really think there are?
...unless you've grown an extra hand, I think one of your greatgreatgreatgrandmothers was feeling up my ass in bed the other night.
It's a nice ass!
And then Darryl and Desiree share a look of shared misery.
The baby isn't coming fast enough! We should adopt one in the meantime!
No more adopted babies until I get over loving Ria. T_T
Naomi? You're looking a bit more out of it than usual.
Do you see what I see?
You know what I've told you about hallucinogens...
...oh. Oh no.
Well, he gave her a drink, so she's satisfied.
I hope I seeeeeee Raaaatnaaaaaa....
Wow, Cass. That's pretty pathetic. I don't know if she'd even seen Clover since before you were born, and you've been living with her all that time!
I'll miss your mother!
Oh, Joseph, time to think about the future. Uh, congratulations on getting married, honey.
Are you over having to wait an extra five minutes for your pork chops now?
You didn't have to get married IN THE WAY.
Both members of Gen 4, now together.
Third trimester!
...okay, Naomi wasn't even a good mother.
Grandma won't see her great-grandkids!
(Don't tell her, but I kinda planned things like that.)
Third Trimester x2
a) looks cute in scrubs
b) is having a conversation with the wall
c) doesn't realize his eyes are actually closed
d) all of the above
...fortune sims.
And I did send her to work after this. They, after all, have two cars.
Even the maid is saying "Hot damn, why can't we marry any women into this legacy?"
(Did I mention before that Ria rolled being a lesbian, but she also rolled facial hair as a turn-on, so I kinda made her like guys after that? I kinda feel bad, but I think it works out for the best.)
Ratna: glad the bed is there or glad the bed is there AND still seeing action?
I don't know if she's in labor or screaming because she's cut her hand off.
Oh. Labor.
It's a boy, with light skin, Joseph's light blue eyes, and his father's brown hair. After flailing around for names, he's Patrick after an old character of mine.
I thought she was heading to hand the kid to her man, but she actually was taking him to Ria. Whether this is because her sister is pregnant or because she doesn't trust Zion with an infant...
Anyway, t's a girl, similar coloring to her twin, and I named her Zuri. I...regret that in a moment of panic I named twins after lovers. That is likely to bite me in the ass, isn't it?
A couple hours later, Ria gets to do the same thing. She, however, did not stick her limbs in a ceiling fan!
It's a boy! He has brown hair like his mother, mediumy skin, and an obvious lack of real eyes. So, he will also have dark gray eyes in the next update (like his father), instead of the ones painted on his skintone. Name: Ryan.
A boy! That means he might be heir, right?
Um, no. I'm still adopted. And Cass already had a boy.
But her boy could accident?
The nursery is really only set up for twins, so Ryan's sleeping upstairs in his parents' room, much to Ria's delight. Yeah. Delight.
Darryl maxes his fitness, ensuring that Zion will NEVER be turned on to him. Not that I was expecting that to be a problem.
Look who Ria brought home! A (very-pregnant) Gotherella!
Whenever Zuri drops a load in her diaper, she is immediately swarmed by flies.'s kinda scary.
Ryan tries to turn away, but he's just so close to his parents' bed. D:
Zion just can't seem to figure out whose prints are on the candy making machine.
So, now that I've seen that you're not anything like your mother, do you want to marry me?
Cassidy bites her tongue about looking very much like her mother, and takes the shiny. It's bound to be worth a good amount.
I was going to use this as the teaser until I realized I still don't know what the fuck is going on here. Maybe Darryl is showing how he is hardcore, ergo, the fruit of his loins is also hardcore? (And heir material.)
That's not your baby, Cass! (Actually, due to work/poop schedules, Ria and Darryl seem to be on twin duty, and Cass, Ryan duty.
I'm a little worried. The spouses are being twice as interesting as the "heirs."
It's time for a giant birthday party, as the kids are essentially triplety-cousins.
Who has this deliciously devious look about her.
Patrick, who looks really unusual and did not get a makeover because curly hair is cute.
Here's Ryan. We'll get a makeover pic in a second, because...
Joseph isn't going to let the young upstarts make him look bad as a spouse.
Ryan! :D
This is Zuri's sweet look. Don't let her fool you.
Seriously guys. I've never had a toddler that looked like this. He's not ugly, he's just so chubby cheeked and GOOFY. I love it.
Ryan is afraid of toys that talk.
Mom, it was the kids' birthday.
And we'll end this update with Cassidy reaching her LTW, making it approximately 2 days this household was without a Celebrity Chef.
What's the secret ingredient for your debut episode, Cass?
Zion said he found a cheap supplier for liver...
UGH, forget I asked.
I will get the Hensons next, I promise!
I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I got two awesome sets of Secret Santa sims gifts from exchanges on
sim_spam and Garden of Shadows. Everyone liked the presents I gave them! I got a down comforter that is ridiculously warm! We also got a Wii. But I think I appreciate the comforter more. :D
However, I also got the worst weather ever. Between ginormous power outages, ice storms, snow, and it getting SO warm this evening that I drove home in the worst fog ever, I am very thankful that in the next seven days, I am only working Sunday, Monday, and Friday.
Oh, and if you're interested in sim downloads, check the post before this one. I've added sims to the Laurince AND Deline download posts. :D