Generation 3 goes on and on and on because I can't stop with the TRY FOR BABY. Let's continue on our saga!
Apparently not everyone out there shares my appreciation for Cora's face.
The house is very full, and it's time for Cera's first birthday.
So Armando's throwing an infant in the air and there's tons of sparklies and stuff, but everyone's staring at Aysta. I don't get it.
Aysta cuddles her third granddaughter, and we see that she's pretty darn cute.
Though I suppose in light of this, it wasn't really fair to make fun of Cayden's toddler nose. She inherited that tiny thing straight from Anna!
Speaking of which, she's managing to rise up the career ladder, despite being a townie who's been knocked up a bit. She's pissed, but you would be too, if you managed to forget your hair at work.
...and there are hula zombies and the Grim Reaper is here.
Even though she's getting the luau send-off, Aysta's still pouty about going off into the great beyond.
First platinum grave of the legacy. My first platinum grave. ...okay, it's my first grave, period. I had a habit of playing character sims with aging off before this legacy!
I don't know why I always snap pics of the "welcome home" hugs, but they are so adorable. (At least I don't subject you all to the fifteen pics per birthday I actually take. I may miss everything else, but birthdays I've got covered!)
Armando is really lost without Aysta. He spends even more time sleeping and staring at the paintings than he did before. Brand actually gets to teach something to his own kid for once!
Yes, that is Cora naked in a hot tub with a headmaster (damn romance sims). Nothing happened, thank god, and I decided to continue to use the "Golden Apple" aspiration reward I downloaded, because it's better to spend their aspiration points and money on private school than go through the possibly brain-wrecking scenario.
Cari, all those "strange people" at your birthday party were my siblings. You could call it a family reunion.
It's time for Cera to have another birthday, and Roy does the honors. (The redhead in the background is Blane and Elayna's daughter, Ciera. Either Cayden or Cora brought her home from school.)
Well, if nothing else, she's gotten whatever nose one could possibly get from Anna.
Not drop dead gorgeous, but she's still pretty cute.
I never knew artists could afford such ritzy carpools. That thing can't seat more than two.
Aw, look how cute funny Cari looks by her birthday cake!
Grandchildren are better than their weight in gold bars!
...Armando, you are so not a fortune sim.
Cute? Y/N
I still can't tell, but I do <3 you, Cari. So it's all good. By the way, she rolls Popularity and has like two nice points. GOOD JOB
So get this, the very milisecond Armando finishes teaching Cera to study (see the influence points she earned?), Death comes for him. Startling Cayden out of his nap.
The ridiculously good looking daughter of Bryce is visiting. I think she's pouting, but she does have full lips. Cera's unconsolable, and Armando's just like..."It's time? Okay."
Roy, the quintessential Knowledge sim: You're never going to max out Cleaning if you keep on being such a slob!
I built a cute hall to house the portraits!
Anna informs her youngest that a new arrival is on the way. That's baby #3 for Brand, and #5 for generation 3. I think if you just cut the tiniest bit out of my frontal lobe, we might be able to curb this problem.
I don't think Anna's pregnancy was easy for her, what with everyone deciding to hang out wherever she decided to sleep.
I messed up last update, by the way. NOW Brand has hit the top of the artist career and NOW he's making obscene amounts of money.
And even though Aysta and Armando have passed, I don't really want to play a house with more than eight sims again, so it's time for the twinny cousins to head off to Sim State. Cari and Cora get on surprisingly well, so this makes Cari sad. :(
And there goes Cayden. It's not that no one cares, it's that they all have yet to run back INSIDE from waving at the taxi with Cora.
...I really don't get this. Baye is hot. Roy is hot. Cayden is...sporting a fauxhawk? He's not ugly or anything, I just expected more out of that pair.
And this? I picked Brand because I was sentimentally attached, and Anna was vaguely cute and had some genetic variety, and I get Miss Smoking over here.
Brand is happy about the new addition, despite the fact that the fall from Anna's uterus might have broken her neck. Yep, another girl. Brand's shooting out only X chromosomes, I guess.
Her name is Carmen, and she has the same eyes as Cora, the same skin as Cora, and the same hair as Cora. They do have different personalities. I'm 90% sure (after staring at them for ages after being grown) that they are not clones, just nearly twins. Cari actually loves taking care of her. I guess it's because she's got so few nice points, she has to start really young to have a chance at making friends with someone.
Do you think they have omelettes on the moon?
...I like how they're all just rendered speechless.
Especially considering some of the things they find acceptable to discuss with perfect strangers.
Aysta is really, really, really sad. Even though she died in platinum and her bed is right there. Drama queen.
Baye paints Roy's portrait, and Cera eats chef salad.
(...okay, take a glance out the window, while you're at it.)
Aysta terrifies Cari, like that'll help make her less of a bitch.
Mr. Max Creativity Famous Artist Dude finally manages to paint a portrait of his wife for the hall.
Everyone else is at work and asleep, so Cari figures being the ONLY ONE at Carmen's first birthday has to be a direct pipeline towards being best friends. (You know how hard it is to play a MEAN popularity sim?)
Brand's not too thrilled with his niece bullying his daughter.
Brand: *poke* You'll never have any friends if you act like that all the time!
Cera: Ha.
Brand's helping Carmen learn how to make words, while Roy cheers on Baye's video gaming. But what's this?
I don't have any excuses. Um, midlife crisis baby?
...they're so cute, maybe the third baby will be definitively cute.
So even though she's about eleven months pregnant, Baye tries hard to teach her daughter how to not make other people hate her.
So Mom said I should try this...hug...thing where I squeeze you with my body.
I think you're going to need a lot more lessons.
Baye's a nerd. If she's not working, she's playing video games. And maternity leave means a lot of time to not work.
Baye pic spam.
So Baye had a want to see her mother's ghost, and when Aysta popped out, I drug her huge butt out to see her mother.
THEY ARE STARING AT EACH OTHER, but apparently Aysta has to pop out and viciously scare her daughter for it to count. Stupid.
This is the last one of Generation 3. I promise!
Roy didn't even get out of bed for this one.
Here's where we're at now, with the two eldest at college. Baye and Roy's third is a son, named Clive. He has brown eyes, black hair, and a dark skintone. Though I think I geneticized it lighter on the scale than Maxis dark. (But I told you last time, I made Roy's genetics fun before I unleashed him as a townie. Fair skinned, blond mother and dark skinned, black haired father.
Next: Will we get all the kids raised? Will Cari ever make a friend? IS CLIVE CUTE?