Deline Legacy, Generation 6.1!

Aug 17, 2008 22:40

So, last time, Libby and Desiree finished college. While in college, Desiree became pregnant and had twins a little bit before graduation, daughters Alexis and Jessie. Desiree became heir, moved home with her babies, and married her baby-daddy, Family sim, Joseph.

And the toddlers were very, very cute. Jessie.

Alexis. Both have the lighter skin and red hair of both their parents, and Joseph's eyes.

Speaking of Joseph, he seems to have some sort of problem with Dominick.

It's probably only jealousy that this dude is his grandather-in-law, and still freaking hot.

In other news, after her third generation of baby potties, Caitlyn is very, very sick of toilet training. Why is great-grandma doing the honors?

Might have something to do with Naomi being a creeper. It's not polite to peek in windows, especially your daughters'!

I'd say that Naomi was encouraging her mother's bad habits, but that's an understatement--she's making a second tray of drinks when there's still one ready to be consumed!

Desiree has her suspicions about the cleaning skills of the maid, apparently.

Spends some time teaching her daughters important life skills, though!

They are both too cute...

...though Jessie looks like the spitting image of her father.

Boy I'm so glad we're done with potty training, honey! Now we'll never have to do that again.

...but I want more kids! We'll have to adopt instead of doing it the fun way?!

Dominick brought Gotherella home from work with him! :D

Fine. Want to fertilize my eggs, then?

Goddammit, Desiree, that line is so tired.

I desire your spermataz--

You smart. Me get it. You shut up now.

Waking up in the middle of the night with an empty hunger bar + fulfilling needs in underwear=pregnancy!

Now Alexis might not look just like her dad, so she might have an edge on Jessie adorableness!

Jessie, darling, while it's perfectly valid for your sister to learn how to share, those blankets are rather small and you have your own already!

You've only eaten pancakes twice in the past six hours. Either you've got a tapeworm in your belly or a baby slightly lower.

Toddler spammage will continue throughout this update.

Naomi also decides to impart important skills to her grandchildren; namely, the best places to hide one's stash.

Ratna is such a dissatisfied Romance sim that he's resorted to wanting to watch his grandchildren have happy lives to feel fulfilled. That's pretty sad.

So far, the ghosts here are incredibly well-behaved. It's odd. Perhaps my musical chair-like scheme with the beds has kept them too happy.

Desiree is perma-plat and fully skilled now. Her next LTW is to become a cult leader. Sounds like fun!

I'm not going to be working much towards that career goal on maternity leave, am I?

Of course not! (Not that her job has come up yet.)

In case you thought Naomi's ego has shrunk lately, nope.

While you guys weren't so hot at parenting, I still love you both.

*crickets chirp*

Mom, Dad, this is where you say you love me, too.

Naomi? Suck at parenting? Since when?

Hey, she's improving. Not only did she not simply drop the baby in the pool...

...she supervised at the same time!

Jessie was there, too, and this is Naomi autonomously retrieving her granddaughter from the pool. I'm gobsmacked and proud!

This is Jessie killing me from cute and matching her father's expressions again.


I've got a raise, a BMW, and soon will have LOTS of progeny! I rock!

...define lots.

You would think Ratna would've gotten sick of inebriated sex by now! But I suppose if it's the only option he has, he doesn't have much choice.

Jessie just EXUDES music!

Now it's time for a very, very RARE event in the Deline legacy. TWIN BIRTHDAY.

Alexis making a goofy child transition face!

Ditto Jessie.

Alexis with a makeover. I think she has the potential to grow up really striking. We'll have to see.

Jessie is still ridiculously cute, but also mini-Josephina.

Ratna in his desperation to not go all crazy, now wants to be buds with Jessie. (And she, him.)

Naomi is too high to notice her parents are in a vicious argument.

Don't know what got into Caitlyn--she started it.



Alexis: *paints quietly and alone*

They are adorable. And since he is actually her grandpa (unlike the many, many stepgrandfathers I've dealt with in the Laurince household), it's all innocent for sure.

Raise your hand if you think Caitlyn picked a fight just for the makeup sex?

Naomi, if you go to bed, you will be right next to Ratna. Promise.

Yes, you do look thin and unpregnant from that angle, but why bother?

Wow, sim kids actually using a pool?

Ah...I get it. Escaping from Mom's crazy pregnancy hormones.

You know, I can't recall the last time I've seen Naomi spend time with one of her parents.

...I think the baby's gonna be getting a little crowded in there. (Or, knowing this family, babies.)

I was wondering what Desiree's issue was here, but then I realized she just really, really wanted to nap on that couch.


Estrogen fest 08 continues. Meet Evie, who inherited a light skintone, blonde hair from Grandpa Ratna, and Joseph's eyes.


HAHAHAHA AGAIN. Too bad I can't force Mr. and Mrs. Incompetant to do more parenting in the lot. Family screens will have to do.

Why am I waking up when it's still dark?

Welcome to school!

If only that one new baby would be enough to satisfy him. It's technically all I need for his LTW--provided they all graduate college.

So, can you believe our little baby has been getting that Joseph's smokestack all up ins--


The girls both decided they really, really, really wanted to try out fishing.

Naomi will never change.

I think I'm changing now!

That's different!

The pajamas she transitioned into do not display the hilarity that was her UI pic. So, before I did my makeover...I changed her for your enjoyment...

...I was tempted to keep her like that. Naomi seems like the clueless aging blonde type.

Oh well, at least she autonomously changed into hippy clothes again.

I get the feeling that Naomi will never, ever get her nerdy daughters.

Desiree is always intensely squinting at things. It's a bit unnerving, and I'm not the one being watched in my sleep!


It's refreshing to have twins that a) aren't creepily alike or b) at each others' throats. Ironically, they are both Aquarius.

Ratna better not mind Naomi's new body. He'll be joining her soon enough.

Bye young, hot Ratna.

Hello old, hot Ratna. (Again with appropriate transition clothes! CREEPY.)

Is Desiree trying out a new method of learning motivation?


Also, lulz: Dominick had higher relationships with kids he didn't live with.

Alexis is apparently unflappable.

Caitlyn? A little devastated. And, hey, I was expecting her to go first. :/

...I really don't have any words for this pic.

Naomi is able to avoid her relatives' craziness (that's a sentence I never thought I'd compose) to perform Evie's birthday. (Yep, Ratna aged, Dom died, and Evie will be a toddler all at the same time, essentially.)

That's not the most flattering shot I've seen, no.

Damn, I think we have another copy of Joseph's face. :/ Evie is cute, of course, but...

You threw her up high in the air! She got sick! She even looks dismayed about it, don't be pissy at her because you are an ~angry~ widow.

Ratna wanted plastic surgery. I...tried to make him look younger? Doesn't look different to me.

Thank god everyone forgot I liked books! I might not have been able to get away with hiding this diary for so long. I certainly hope no one ever discovers it...

Ratna: *nods off in chair*

Evie and Desiree have a special bond. They are stuck home all day alone with each other, you see.

:) It's nice to see that Caitlyn still understands her granddaughter and her nerdiness.

And it's funny to see her talking smack about Dominick's girlfriend from when he was a teenager.

Here, it turned six, and I thought Caitlyn was going to put down her smut and die.

Instead she got into a giant argument with Desiree about education...

...Desiree may or may not have told her "to go to a doctor and get your head and eyes examined, you old bitch!"...

...and then she walked into the hallway and died.

(Even after all that, Desiree still got more inheritance than Naomi!)

She was a little torn up about how her last conversation with her grandma had gone.

Dominick and Caitlyn together 4ever. *SNIFFLE*

This is surprising. Naomi and Ratna arrive home to the news of Caitlyn's death with normal, comforting type behavior. Of course, since neither one of them cared about Caitlyn that much, I guess it's not surprising they weren't very upset.

Andrew, I really don't think missing your bed excuses this little bit of voyeurism. Seriously. I can see you in the mirror--that's fucking creepy.

Kids, just because one fakeperson can do lots of drugs without any repercussions to her health, that does not mean that abusing substances is a path you should take!

Well, Joseph wanted another kid, and I kinda wanted to try for another non-mini-Joseph! (Or even a MALE child!)

Desiree needs something to do with skilling out of the way, so I figure I might actually get some of the interesting OfB stuff.

I forgot Ratna's life sucked. PUT DOWN THE EVIL MILK

I got Naomi to feed Evie. (CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE)

The twins? Still waterbabies. I will regret this come freezing time.

Ishmael is obviously angry that Desiree fulfilled her life's want at like 25 and he only got to bang like 5 chicks his whole life.

And the fourth child of Gen 6 is currently incubating. Is it a singleton? A girl? Will it have Joseph's face, too?!


I love this family. :3

founder challenge 1, deline legacy, brazen meadows

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