For those of us just joining us, let's recap! :D This is Gen 3. Emilie, the youngest of a pair of twins, is a family sim who thinks she's a pleasure sim. She hates school and loves guitar! But all sims love guitar!
Chloe is the eldest twin and is a knowledge sim who thinks...she is a knowledge sim.
This is their half-brother, Dominick, who doesn't really like dealing with other people very much. He's also very pretty for a boy, don't you think?
This is our founder, Ishmael, who's only a quarter through his want to sex up 20 people in his lifetime. So he decides to gas up the Mustang, have a midlife crisis, and drive to the newest Brazen Meadows community lot, HOOPLA.
He actually doesn't think that the store clerk is hot. Good job not being a complete cradle-robber, Ish!
He meets up with an acquaintance of his that has been carrying a torch for him, apparently.
This is the first time I've built a community lot in ages, and I never installed the cigarette machine anywhere before. Well now all my sims are addicts! I am awesome!
Ishmael gets his obligatory pre-woohoo trophy (this helps me keep track of partners).
Look, I'm interested in more than making out.
So was she. And the clerk is interested in watching.
Fresh off the end of date needs boost, Ishmael meets Hanna.
It's funny how many sim women find him to be hotter in those swim trunks. ;)
Leia seems unconcerned that her father is on a date with someone besides their mother. Of course, considering that her parents never roll up the want to call or see her, she's probably beyond caring at this point.
I am so awesome.
Tally: 7/20. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this. With Ish not having gone to Uni, and the 'hood being newish with only a few townies, it's already getting hard to find him partners!
Okay, this chick thinks he's hot, too. He gets her number while Hanna gets an after-woohoo smoke in, and then he heads home, because old men need to recuperate after so much physicality.
Oh...and he actually buys his grandkids cellphones. I usually cheat and just toggle them having phones, because none of the lots I visit for dates or picking up people have a cellphone machine. Now I've got one. :D
Emilie is not thrilled with the outcome of her kitchening.
If I had all the cooking skill in the world, I wouldn't burn my food!
No, you'd just be chowing down on burnt lobster instead of burnt spaghetti, trust me.
I wonder if this was an awkward moment? Also, Hanna, even if he's an elder, you're not going to make gobs of money dating a legacy founder. I've just finished wallpapering the house and started in on decorating it.
The twins put aside their differences! order to pretend they are so engrossed in one another, they have no time for pinwheel head.
Chloe isn't all work and no play. She's got a side hobby up in the skills room next to the giant golden voodoo tiki god her mom brought home from her job. Also, I double checked her LTW: she wants to be a criminal mastermind. Druglord? Trying to oppose her stepfather in life? Who knows.
Emilie is not so much into effort, so she calls up the matchmaker since all her wants revolve around flirting and kissing and crap.
She gets this guy with a last name longer and more convoluted than my own!
I swear, the only person Dominick ever interacts with is his own father. He's lucky his dad's only got one kid, I suppose, since he gets all his attention then.
Emilie suggests the very romantic game of tossing a ball at you while you stand in the street.
Since the matchmaker was already there, I get Chloe a date, too. She gets ol' Rainbow Eyes, aka the first guy to ever show any interest in Alicea! (Look at the matchmaker's face--she so knew what she was doing!)
What?! You're telling me that you've been in college since before I was born and you still haven't declared a major?
She rolls up the want to play a prank on Rainbow Eyes. I don't really like him anyway, and who knows? He might like it.
Both Chloe and I giggled when he cried.
Emilie rolls up the want to prank Mr. Shamalamadingdongkapowski. Maybe the twins aren't so different after all!
Watch out dating world, the Deline girls are coming and they've got water balloons!
Besides, she still gets a first kiss at the end of the date.
Chloe, too, though Rainbow Eyes is too creepy for words, isn't he?
Then again, Mr. Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious has pinky-purple eyes. Was I drunk when I decided which eyes to townify?
Aw, Andrew embarrasses the girls in front of their friends just like he's their real father!
Ishmael's aspiration was getting low and it was pretty late, so he had a date with Catalina at home. He dances...
He romances...
( was Catalina's idea, actually.)
Catalina puts the girls' dates to shame.
Uh, Dad woke up at the buttcrack of dawn and cooked us a big, hot breakfast, and you're eating cornflakes. Oookay.
I wanted cereal!
Emilie wants cereal every morning. Though, this morning, she wanted to learn how to make it herself.
Dominick ignores his sisters and concentrates on honing his creative juices. Alone.
Apparently, someone else was amused by Chloe's date antics!
And the maid shares her love of meteorology.
She thinks he's fiiiiiine. Well, I suppose you aren't so rich yet that it'd be horrible for you to hook up with the help.
I realized that we've hardly seen Alicea. She's going to be an elder in 10 days. :(
...I can't recall the last time I've seen him interact with his mother, come to think of it.
Any whim she gets, she does! Can you imagine if she continues on this trend? How many children she could potentially have and then leave sitting on the floor to go eat cereal in the bathtub?
She eventually comes out to hang out with the people that she and Chloe dragged home.
Chloe's too busy working on her body. She's got to get as many scholarships as possible, you know!
You'll have to wait one more day before he's the right age for you. Of course, he'll probably ignore you to go watch paint dry or something.
Irin Fermi. Such a nice, intelligible short name.
Ishmael greets Caitlyn Laurince DeYoung as she walks by. (Yeah, so I decided some of the spare spawn was going to get imported into this 'hood and townified. It's not that cheaty...Caitlyn's got more Maxis in her than anyone in this hood. Her grandpa was a stock townie and her father was Castor Nova.)
I think the maid might have a little bit of a flame burning for Chloe, ya think?
Ishmael makes the mistake of forgetting to send Caitlyn home before his wife gets home from work.
Grandma, you're blocking the Discovery Channel.
Catalina. Shut up.
Yet she just smiles approvingly as they smooch after the date ends. You are confused, woman! This is also when I stopped feeling sorry for her.
Why does my father insist on throwing huge birthday parties and then hiding from the people?
He is way too damn pretty for a boy.
He rolled knowledge, thankfully. It suits him so well. Could you imagine if he rolled Romance? His LTW is to hit the top of the journalism career. I kinda nerdified him, but he's still pretty.
One of his first wants was to get the extraterrestrial reparations grant, and he autonomously went straight for the telescope. I don't the game's going to give me two abductions within a few days. If it does, I'm gonna pretend it didn't, got it buster?
This confused me. I must've queued him to go to bed perfectly in time with her, because I watched them climb into bed together despite being FURIOUS and negative.
Then Catalina got up, so I had to make her sleep on the couch as Dom's party broke up. That's Sophie walking out the think she'd have been nice enough to invite her mother over to her house, but noooo...
Slightly shorter than I'd want, but the teens just have a couple of lone points to pick up (if they're one point away from a scholarship, they're not leaving til they get it) and then it's off to college! I don't know if it's worth getting Ish's LTW but if he already ruined his marriage, at least he can do some of his conquests at home now? (I AM HORRIBLE)