Hey all! I managed to update these guys in July, so their limbo hasn't been quite as long, at least.
Last time, Thor's conquests had led to him being ~big man on campus~ while most of his siblings degenerated into the usual ISBI sobbing and whinging. Thor worked on the back half of his LTW to Woohoo with 20 people. Vör and Váli's feuding remained a constant in the background. When Thor exhausted the
pixel_trade pool for compatible partners, he ended up resorting to sims from my other P_T legacies, and a couple of NPCs. Including one of his professors. Váli, despite being beaten on by his sister near-constantly, was able to maintain a romantic relationship with
swampyclouds's Remy Wheeler. I figured out that all it would take is one caress from Thor to get his high-relationshipped conquests to fall in love with him, and came up with a plan for choosing a future spouse. Mailbitch became Thor's 20th Conquest, making him permaplat before graduating!
Lofn managed to fail a semester right before Thor was set to graduate, and Eostre remained the worst. sister. ever. by CONGRATULATING HER for it. Vör, meanwhile, kept herself in platinum aspiration by preparing food (grilled cheese) that just happened to find its way to Váli's girlfriend, Remy. And Loki and Tanfana were just there, pretty much justifying the fact neither one got voted in as heir. Thor graduated, along with Loki, Eostre, Váli, and Tanfana, while Vör and Lofn ended up dropping out. And Thor moved back home, into a house that desperately needed a good blue-ing...
Et voila! BLUE
It's also time for a new weekly challenge.
Oooh, a non-megalist challenge this time. Looks like I've got two nights of blind dates to get through with Thor. Just when he was ready to hang up his romance hat. I decided I better get through these before I try to get him married.
I don't know why you're nagging me about not having a girlfriend. I have plenty of great friends who just happen to be girls!
...that you've fucked, Thor.
Well, you can have all the best girls-who-are-friends you want, Thor, as long as some of them are having me some grandbabies!
Don't do that while he's eating, Zisa, he'll choke to death!
Anyway, while he's going to have to do some blind dates in the evening, the next couple of days are getting all of the past conquests eligible for spousehood to fall in love with Thor. These are going to be quick and dirty, as all it takes is one caress. Witness.
Hello, Cherry Drop! (
Now they're in love, on to the next lovely lady~
Hello, Nouvel Creelman! (
Goodbye, Nouvel!
Another Creelman, Pip, walks by as Thor waits for his next bird. HA
Ah, it's Remy Wheeler. (
I remember she honestly liked Váli better, so this is more for statistical thoroughness.
Yes, he's hot and in love with you. NEXT!
Here's Katie Berglur. (
More red hearts.
Beta Simpson. (
It's honestly ridiculous how one little action determines the line between love, isn't it?
Sunshine Smith is next... (
javabean_dreams, again)
Let me tell you, guys, the next time I do the 20 simultaneous loves LTW, I have a new and improved STRATEGY.
Dammit, Demeter, if you win your generation's favorite spare in the Randolph Heir poll, I'm using THIS as the picture in the results!
Vör walks by, looks forlornly at her house, so I take pity on her and have Thor invite her in.
No, Naaru (
brilliantcat), Thor is so not for you! You have a husband, and I think you're just about done with your childbearing years.
So, Zisa comes home and gets out of the car. She brings home one of the Randolph spouses (from the "everyone needs to marry an NPC" generation), and I'm disappointed that she hasn't gotten her promotion--
--BAM! The game faked me out! Zisa becomes a Visionary, and hits her LTW, and becomes permaplat--after her son, but still accomplishes it.
Oh, hello, Vör. What are you doing here?
Playing Myshuno, duh!
Here's June Almassy (
raemia)! Apparently, all of Thor's non-YA lovers are all at work at the exact same time every day.
I see I managed to take the least expressive pictures ever of these two.
As Helle Almassy walks up, I see Thor's continued his secondary bird-watching.
Before he can caress her, she hits on him, which he shyly accepts. Sometimes I forget Thor's a shy asshole, given his romantic successes.
Now we've got love hearts!
Ah, now that people are being happy and social, Vör's out.
Here's Judy Rose! (
I realize as soon as I took this shot that Judy's not actually eligible for spouse-hood, since Rocko Rose was our very first spouse in Generation 1.
However, I saw that no reason to deprive Thor of another love, since she was already here, so caressing commenced!
Then, I figured it was time to have the first required blind date, before the night was over.
For fun's sake, this date we're going to pay as much as possible, and tomorrow night, we're paying as little as possible.
Here's the third Founder Challenge founder from
legacy_writers, made by
katu, and called Renee Casey in my game.
And here I thought Thor'd already dated everyone P_T compatible and compatible with him!
But they've got quite a bit of chemistry!
He thinks she's hot--she thinks his great-great-grandfather is terrifying!
And, while he may not have fallen in love yet, Thor's still afraid of falling out of love.
We might as well get another headboard notch while we can, eh, Thor?
Well, their relationship isn't high enough for this caress to cause them to fall in love. Unfortunately, unless he rolls magic wants to marry Renee, she'll probably get beat out in the spouse race by all his longer-known lovers.
I figured Thor needed a job, because a) the Borks aren't particularly rich and are prone to rolling challenges that remove their funds and b) he'd soon get boring bored without one. So, I just chucked him into Military because his skillset is suited to it.
Where are you off to so early?
First day of work!
Thor, you are not going to have makeouts in the military!
So, until Thor gets his challenge completed and he marries, life's pretty slow and lonely in the house.
He's getting promoted quite quickly, though!
And after a nice nap, he's off to complete this weeks challenge. The game won't let you spend $0, but I was able to drag the bar down one from the default low end of $37!
That's it, seriously?
Oh, make me a match, matchmaker!
We're all trolling the gypsy.
Well, I see someone. I'm pretty sure it's a human.
It's Danica Dallas! (
This could be very good or very bad.
Initially, the conversation goes fairly well. Even if they don't have any chemistry, they have a certain base assholery which gives them common ground!
However, Danica is not interested in any of the further social interactions that Thor wants.
No flirts, no dances, no playing, no fun.
Well, it could have gone worse. It was merely bad, so there shouldn't be any flaming bags of poo.
I feel less badly for making Zisa play so much piano for skills now that I see she enjoys playing it on her own.
And Thor wakes up with a deep-seated desire to get engaged.
Since he had so many wants, I looked at the fears: Judy's ineligible, and June and Helle are from the same family. I locked my favorite, and decided to wait another day or so to see if he came up with any other major wants.
Thor comes home with another promotion as well as...
bondchick_nett's Faustie Roksana.
There is one small frayed thread in Thor's love tapestry--he was witnessed caressing another woman in front of
selzi's Felicity Stanley. So I thought it was only fair to try and get them reconciled before I married him off. She doesn't want to even see him in person right now, though!
While Thor's pleading on the phone with Felicity,
scarred_id's Ciaran Bean Sidhe decides to dig through the Bork garbage can. Dude, all you're going to find is the old green carpet, green curtains, etc.
These people are weird.
Says the kid picking through their GARBAGE!
Zisa's got another friend with her tonight--
simmericangirl's Finnegan Abel.
What are you all doing?
Uh, I made some soup for dinner, Mom. Have some.
I don't know if Zisa recognizes anything as food if it doesn't consist of cheese between two slices of toasted bread.
However, just because you don't want tomato soup doesn't mean you can't sit and talk to the THREE OTHER PEOPLE in the room.
It looks like Zisa's decided to brave the terrifying world of soup in order to try and fix her bottomed out social meter.
Ullr decides to say hello to his exhausted grandson. THANKS
Another promotion, another friend!
bondchick_nett's Knight Cullen.
However, by this next day, Zisa's loneliness has come to an awful head. Cue Social Bunny.
But she sits down with Knight and Thor almost immediately, rendering the Social Bunny quite pointless.
Even as Thor's on the phone with someone else, Zisa's got an actual person to talk to. Bye, bye bunny!
Why are the Social Bunnies so creepy, anyway?
She acknowledges the creepy bunny in the room, and then he leaves.
This is probably why Zisa's lonely--even when Thor's available for socializing, it's not entirely pleasant.
Felicity's finally deigned to see Thor in person.
I forgot how nice of an ass you've got.
Come again?
Well, I'm glad to see Felicity came ready and willing to make up!
And they're back in high spirits with one another. Come the morning, I can choose Thor's spouse with a clear conscience!
Now that you can sleep all you want, Zisa, you refuse to?
The season changed, so not only did Thor not roll any new engagement wants, he lost all the ones I hadn't locked...so...
Hi, Helle, the future new Mrs. Bork!
So, after 21 lovers, two extra blind dates, and several more days worth of adulthood than my heirs usually get to, Thor's finally proposing!
And I'm quite thrilled to see that Helle is happy with this outcome as well.
Without further ado, let's have a wedding party!
...on one hand, Zisa sleeping through work will keep her home.
On the other hand, Zisa might sleep through the wedding entirely.
Guests: Knight, Vör, and Loki
Guests II: Váli, Tanfana, Eostre, and Lofn
Guests III: Faustie, Aura Randolph, Váli (again), Helga Carlson and Josh Gregory (both
At least last generation's garden upgrade have left us with a lovely corner to have a ceremony.
I can't believe I waited so long to get engaged!
It's a little difficult when you want to propose to EVERYONE, Thor...
Aaaaand Zisa's missed the vows.
Can hardly go wrong when both halves of the couple are thrilled at their marriage, right?
Before a makeover, let's try for babies!
Meanwhile, Vör and Váli make this a true party.
Though parts of the wedding guests appear to want to make this a spectator sport!
After two tries, we get a baby jingle, and I get to give Helle a blue makeover. I think the color suits her!
I'm a little concerned that her first immediate reaction to becoming pregnant is to hop on the exercise bike.
Oh...you're going to be one of those...
...while the wedding is still going and there's a bountiful buffet.
The whole house is full of eating people, and you've only just figured out there's food, Helle? Great...
By the way, Helle was a Fortune sim and rolled Knowledge as her secondary.
And the wedding went well. Not a roof raiser, but I can't marry six couples during every wedding party, can I?
I think the reason why Helga has no chemistry with Thor, yet really wanted to be his friend, is becoming clear. ~someone has the hots for Eostre~
Honeymoon time!
Yeah, well, you're not in your formal wear anymore, either, Thor.
Aw, poor Zisa's got a new family member in the household, but is stuck cleaning up alone right now. :(
Helle's got a career LTW, but unless I have her find a new job and get criminal in the mix by chance, it's not happening.
Because you two haven't had sex enough today.
This is quite helpful after-party cleanup, though!
Moment of in-law truth--
Helle wanted to toss a football, so she's getting along with Zisa and learned her true hobby!
Though she's not interested in this paper airplane Thor left outside earlier in the week.
Thor needs a promotion, so Helle decides she's going to kick back and stare at her hot, sweaty husband.
Anything to keep her off that bike now that she's pregnant!
Thor's getting to make all sorts of new food I put in my game, since he's my first controllable in awhile that isn't a GC sim OR hasn't had to keep one happy.
Well, I guess I can't keep the vomiting secret any longer. I'm pregnant!
That's great news!
Helle's reaction to Thor skilling in the living room? Play with the fish.
Oh for god's sake, sit down and have a bosco stick.
...instead, no, let's critique the ~artistry~ of the napkin holder.
I knew things were going to be bad when she was immediately starving upon moving into the house, but I still despair when my torchholder isn't the one getting pregnant.
Also, poor Zisa is getting the short end of the stick--she gets called out of bed to meals, because Thor has to call Helle to a meal about five times before she'll sit down and eat.
Helle has a first (invisible) pop, reminding me that this top has no pregnancy morph.
Ah, this is almost as adorable and loads more informative!
Thor skills some more, which leads Helle to actually sleeping in their double bed.
Zisa tries to figure out what the hell is up with Myshuno.
a) Helle is on that damn bike
b) Helle's super-hot athletic wear also lacks a preg morph
And, in not very much time, Helle's displaying that she's already forgotten where her bed is.
Another promotion for Thor~
And another pop for Helle~
It's Tuesday again...
Thor's got to wear a different outfit every day this week. I might have to play the next update immediately so I don't forget to do this, like the one time I almost forgot to get the family into the Garden Club after building up their garden.
Zisa becomes a victim of "Call to Meal" again.
So, this is the WORST I've seen this go down:
Helle goes to the bathroom. Helle sits on the toilet. Helle gets back off of the toilet...
...Helle pees her pants.
And fuck you, repair guy. (Helle was well out of that bathroom, and his way, by the time he showed up to fix things.)
If Helle's going to tempt fate by living on that bike, she better at least have a proper morph so I know how much she IS tempting fate.
She can clean up dirty plates very well, it's putting food onto clean ones that seems to be the problem.
Another promotion, and yet another work friend, Scyther Scallywag! (
And here's the first outfit of the week. What's a little interesting about doing this challenge in a rainbow family is I need to come up with seven blue outfits. And I want them each to be at least as sexy and/or dapper as the one I originally picked for Thor.
Helle's in labor!
Well, we need six babies, and we've got a bit of a slow start...
It's one baby, a girl, with human skin the same shade as her mother's, brown hair, and alien eyes. Her name is Syn.
Thor was able to successfully call Helle to eat (since she was stuck in the can't sleep--too hungry/can't eat--too tired loop), which also freed Syn up to be cuddled, fed up, and put to bed.
But I just had a baby this afternoon!
Fucking bullshit you like food, Helle. Bullshit.
We have a big TV. It's cool.
Helle cannot stay away from her husband. So why is it so hard to get her to eat when he does?
Scyther's entrance stops the TV journaling immediately, though.
Zisa isn't passing out for once, it's Helle, who's back at too tired to eat/too hungry to sleep, even though she's barely pregnant.
A little early (like 5am), but here's Thor's outfit #2--slightly ridiculous compared to his original so I remember the outfit thing when I play next.
Oh god, the ghosts are trying to kill Thor's wife. Look, just because he has options doesn't mean I want to go through the hassle of getting him another one!
Too hungry to sleep, too tired to eat. -_-
Aw, why does Zisa still look lonely? I hope Syn's cheering up her grandma soon!
Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 5
Perma-Plat Sims: 6
Shrink Visits: 6
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 1
Self-Wettings: 20
Pass-Outs: 27
Fights: 26
Deaths: 7
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 7
Miscarriages: 0
College Dropouts: 5
Hope you enjoyed, and that it won't be too long until the next update!
Also, if you read the Randolphs and missed it, I posted the
last update just the other day. Read it, and then vote in the
Readers' Choice Poll!