Randolph Legacy, Generation 8.5!

Aug 27, 2011 23:50

I want to fly like a silly pixel_trade, aim for the sky, straight into the sun!

Current spouse, Cassie Roberts, is not appearing in this update because it is COLLEGE, but she is by leenyland. And there are many, many more faces that are actually in it...

Last time, Mnemosyne sorta-kinda-maybe terrorized her entire family. There were several bladder accidents. Ananke died. :( Atlas and Aura went off to college. Mnemosyne became a teen and rolled Romance/Family. That's not contradictory at all. Prometheus and Epimetheus headed off to college, and Cassie became an elder. Hyperion went off to a hobby lot to participate in a cooking contest, and he won with some chameleon-esque servings of chicken fried steak. Hyperion became an elder with a snazzy outfit, and Mnemosyne finally went off to college. AND I left you all with an heir poll!

Now, for those of you who didn't pay any attention to who was in the teaser OR what name was used in the title, for those who the very sight of the name RANDOLPH inspires some sort of joyful, update-induced clicking frenzy, Mnemosyne won! By a landslide. Though her main competition was Tethys, who was a bit clone-y.

However, I am slightly disappointed that Atlas didn't even get any token votes. NONTHELESS...we will press on.

So, I decided that I didn't want to play in the Randolphs' usual crampy dorm, and I'm still in love with the dorm I made for the Borks, so the kids switched lots.

Ah, here's our lovely heir!

Oh thank god, Mnem, I've had so many Romance heirs lately that I'm freaking grateful to see this Captain Hero want. (And by so many, I mean EVERY family I currently play, and twice in a row for one!) I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with the fact that I immediately chose her sub-aspiration (Family), but still! Happy times.

Since the Randolphs were borrowing the Borks' dorm, I figured it was only fair to remodel all the living areas in advance for the upcoming generation Green.

Dormie time! senzastelle's Liza Amore is the first to move in.

Aw, it's a shame that Alfredo Olom is so cute, since I just used a jenji_sims sim for my last female heir.

A couple pieces of tribute roll in, very late, for Ullr Bork's ROMANCE escapades in college: alfredaskew's Maeve and quellasims's Opaline Degenhart. They will NOT be moving in with this set of students.

Someone who will be moving in? brilliantcat's Marty Fletcher.

imaginepageant's Astrid Wilder is next.

Maybe Mnemosyne's idea that the Randolphs keep a pool table at home wasn't such a bad idea, after all, huh, Theia?

...shut up.

simplicist's Evan Laroux, checking in!

So, what this picture demonstrates is, not only has the cook failed at her job once, but, since there are at least seven plates served, she has failed at it repeatedly in succession.

leenyland's Roarke Roberts is pretty delish, but has no shot at being more than a fling, since I try not to do doublers, and I don't recall how related he is to Mnem's mother.

These pancakes taste like butt.

You know what butt taste like?

Like my Dad's cooking...

Harsh, Mnem.

I'm pretty sure selzi's Josh Gregory was here to move in, but he got sucked in by the poker table before he could get a room, because I never saw him again.

alfredaskew's Denai DID make it in to get a room!

Keeping on with the Alfred party, this is her Jeremy, and he's up pretty high on Mnemosyne's Magic Crystal Ball list. It's time for her to make up for lost romancin' time.

While there is more moving in! (7 playables in a 17 room dorm means I get 10 dormies!)

This is dothesmustle's Adam Piper. He of the sexy mohawk, at least in my game.

Prometheus matches his living room. I just found that amusing, in an accidental way!

So, I don't know why I bothered giving Atlas and Aura dorm rooms. They will practically live at the poker table for the entire update.

Dale Forest (simsforaranya) is our last move-in!

Despite attraction, Jeremy is a big jerkface who doesn't want to go out on a date with Mnemosyne.

This is kathsy's Cindy Blake, just walking by.

And kingmike1224's Chimera Magicakes-Andrews.

Oh Shiva, what have you been up to in the real continuation of your Round Robin? It's been awhile since there's been an update.

Marty lets Mnem, as well as the rest of us, know that sometimes, the insides match the package on the outside!

So then, I was thinking, maybe I could meet a lot of people if I majored in drama.

Tethys, I think Aura is too busy THAWING to pay much attention to your "major" dilemma.

Midnight sushi. It's certainly not tradition Randolph midnight pudding! *hmphs*

Theia, perhaps it's time you actually slept.

Apparently, Aura's bedroom is THE place to get one's studying done. Who'da thunk it?

Bizarre thing? That white bit at the bottom of the shot is the edge of the chair in front of her clean, unoccupied desk.

It's not a strange thing, necessarily, that Mnemosyne rolled a want to declare a major. I'm a little perplexed that she rolled it during her date with Marty.

And she had to run off to class, ending the date, and resulting in her "first kiss" being counted as some after-date peck. I FEEL CHEATED.

Hold the fuck up, why do I now have TWO llamas?

Another spin of the crystal ball provides Mnem with smustleparty's Smithy Candle O'Brien.

Looks like she's enjoying herself, too!

...except when Marty returned from class, and she began rolling up all Marty-related wants. Despite the supposedly equalish attraction levels.

Sorry, I think I've made a bit of a mistake. I had a nice time, though, Smithy.

Some Romance sim you are.

Hey. I was thinking of you all day. Let's hang.

Okay, Mnemosyne.

Now, I will hold this up as unusual since Mnemosyne is dating plenty of other people, but every date with Marty she insists on beginning with tickles.

Somehow I get the impression Marty's just tolerating this insanity.

What he will NOT tolerate, however, is butt-grabbing.

Now, we've not known each other longer than a day!

But your butt is so grabby-able. I want to grab it!



Let's not grab butts, let's just autonomously--nah, I'm pretty sure there's a butt grab involved with full on sexage.

After that, Mnemosyne wanted to do him in the elevator.

Jury's out on whether this version includes butt-grabbage.

You'd think she'd be a little bit more concerned at the public display her baby sister just put on, but noooooo...Tethys is just amused.

Woo, go Mnemosyne!

...this is an interesting form of sister solidarity.

Hmm...I wonder if I will find love in the dorms, too?

Yeah, right.

Prometheus needs to wipe that bitchface off his head. Name meaning "forethought" my ass.

But her hair is ORANGE.

Meanwhile, Tethys is apparently thinking inappropriate thoughts about her sister's boytoy. Look at that GRIN.

Chess is hard!

So, apparently, is finding a private place to write in one's journal.

It wouldn't be soooo bad if I hit on a relation, if it looks like Mnem, would it?


Mnem doesn't have high enough artistry to paint her own heir portrait, and I get sick of selling cheapo paintings, so it's off to the violion for her! (Old reference is old.)


The appropriate sim received the love note, for once!

I gave the streaker a bit of a ~hippietastic~ makeover.

Just because there's a recliner in the library, Prometheus, doesn't mean it's okay to nap there! That's why there's a stereo blasting in every public space in this building.

Awwww, Mnemosyne is in luuuuurrrv.

...seriously? That's not especially Romance-y. (Must be her subfamily popping out.)

Oh well, I tend to take this sort of thing seriously, especially in the Romance sims, so...

I know this is sudden, but marry me!

Oh, and you're proposing in front of our elevator, too!

(He said yes.)

THEN, Mnem rolled THIS want. Make up your goddamn mind, you're almost as bad as Penelope Laurince, who wants to get engaged to everybody.

Oh no, has my twin forgotton about the deliciousness of Grilled Cheese?!

I think Aura's taking the opportunity to savor some UNBURNT pancakes, for once, Atlas.

Since Mnemosyne's OTH is tinkering, I let her mess with one of the few things in the dorm I don't care about breaking. (She broke it.)

Her siblings passed their finals, some of them better than others.

I forget exactly WHY I had this makeover window up, but I want to show you all how the bendy mohawk DEFIES the constraints of the HEADBOX.

And then I saw Aura eating something be-besides GRILLED CHEESE! *sob*

Harden the fuck up. It's not the end of the world.

Aura and Alfredo are dressed nearly like a matched set. It's too bad she never approached him here. :( :(

Yep, all my ISBI heirs are going to be invited to the art studio, it seems.

Mnem's self-portrait!

So, I was thinking...I might risk calling up some jailbait if ever I get sick of the guys around here.

Mnem, no one in this family is a lawyer~~

Stop listening to my phone conversations, Theia!

Stop having them in the common room, then!

I don't know why Mnemosyne would ever look elsewhere. Marty's downright enchanted with every bit of her craziness.

...I think Atlas needs to worry more about Aura's food intake than a general lack of grilled cheese.

Mnemosyne's really only sitting down here to get acquainted with Adam Piper.

Atlas, get out of Mnem's bed! >:|

Just so you know, if you hurt our sister, we'll cut off your important bits and stick them through your eyes.

...Epimetheus, is your twin always this...cordial?

Oh, no, Marty, sometimes he's in a bad mood!

No wonder Marty high-tailed it off the lot DURING A HAILSTORM.

So, in conclusion, Prometheus, I would appreciate it if you didn't threaten my fiancé.

I would appreciate it if the cafeteria didn't serve its macaroni still crunchy, but I'm still sitting here picking hard pasta from out between my teeth.

Your chest is picture-perfect!

...and think, he wanted me to break cultural taboos for this.

Speaking of taboos, THEIA: PUT ON SOME PANTS.

OMG, who would do such a thing?

Since I gave the Borks a cow head as part of the last weekly challenge, I realized I now had the perfect opportunity to test out its added behaviors.

Which include making the cow despair, as well as much pointing and laughing...

...Aura hauling out the repo man's gun, the cow begging for its life...

...and Aura going apeshit with the thing, while the cow flees. That was...different.

Tethys is actually good at pool tricks!

I'd totally love to go on a date with you, let's go out to a club because if we do it here, my fiancé will catch us.

What was that?


Well, we can't have our Romance sim repressing herself, can we?

Her date tonight is Chimera Magicakes-Andrews.

This is so great, it feels like I have absolutely no commitments tonight!

Why would you have commitments, Mnem?

Granted, if Mnemosyne wants to keep things hush-hush, she could probably pick a less crowded space to date in.

The only fulfillable want Mnem had was to ride the electro-dance-sphere, but while she did it, Kemper Wilder (imaginepageant) tried to hone in on her date!

Luckily, there was sexing and best friendship by the end of the date!

Back at the dorm, despite some attraction score, Evan Laroux isn't really interested in becoming another notch in Mnemosyne's headboard.

You've got this adorkableness all to yourself, Mnem, stop whoring around!

Marty went to class, so Mnemosyne used the crystal ball, and it delivered iliketoplaygod's Thomas Jeune.

Ah, I see now why she was so happy to meet him. It's too bad he's got a couple traits already very present in Mnem--black hair and black eyes. So he'll just have to be another fling.

This is the wake left behind when Mnemosyne goes to class.

If only Atlas could blog about the flame manties like I blog about the flame manties!

So that Mnemosyne Randolph is a fox, I'd like to--

--excuse me, that's my fiancée you're talking about, there.

Oh, Marty. I'm so, so sorry you've gotten mixed up in all of this.

Fuck pool.

I am finding it odd that Tethys never shared her pool tricks with her twin.

So why are we going out, again?

Because Marty will see us...HAVING FUN AT THE CLUB, OF COURSE!

Hahaha, now your father has seen you out on a date with a guy who isn't the one you're supposedly marrying!

Um, while I'm happy that you're happy about banging three different people, your father can probably see this right through the window over there.

Wow. You're so spontaneous and fun-loving. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Ugh, I think I'm about done with this sucker.

The LULLABY I JUST HEARD tells me otherwise, Mnem. You could've at least have him wrap it up!

I wonder if Hyperion noticed Mnemosyne's WALK OF SHAME?

Well, it makes hobbies underwhelming if my idiots can achieve plaques and being in the zone with no interference from me.

Look, I have it all planned out, we graduate ASAP and then we can move away from this place.

Why are you going to such extremes here, Mnem?

Just shut up and take all your clothes off.

Ah, the cover-up sexing. Gotcha.

I got excited when I saw him get the milk out, but Prometheus has made broccoli soup, not pudding. T_T

It's very hard to get shots of your sim throwing up in a bathroom stall!

Not that Marty noticed anything amiss, as he wandered out to the cafeteria in his post-coital briefs. Mnemosyne is making good on her desire to graduate ASAP.

It has nothing to do with the fact that she's only halfway through college, don't really want her to drop out, have a rule about no babies in dorms, and don't play ISBI Uni OUT of a dorm!

Another one! Also, it's amazing Theia managed this whilst sucking so much at pool! :D

Hey, Roarke, I've been a bit under the weather, and I was just wondering if you could help finish up my Art History project.

Sure, hon. Get some extra sleep.

And so, Mnemosyne was soon a Junior.

And, unusually, all of her siblings made it through their second semesters without a hitch. Even if they all just did a-ight.

I can't believe I didn't make Dean's list this semester.

What's wrong, Theia?

I imagined I would have more friends by now.

Maybe if you were better at pool!

That's harsh, Epimetheus!

Theia reminds me a bit of her mother here. XD

So, you wouldn't know anything about your little sister going out late at night with men and having sex with them in pub--

Whoa, whoa, Dad, hold up! First of all, GROSS. Second of all, you're mistaken. She and Marty haven't been out on the town in ages!

Yo, Theia?


Wait, you're what?

Bun in the oven. In the duff. My life is over. My only hope is to graduate early.

Well, that sucks.

Why did I let Theia grind on me?

...I AM so sexy!

...Prometheus, how is that helping Atlas?

Welp, Mnem, Junior year isn't going to pass itself, and you've got two days to get through two more semesters before I make you drop out!

I've just been sleeping so much, and I have this giant term paper, but I have to go get an ultrasound and...

...don't you worry about a thing, sweetie, I'll help you with school and you just help yourself with the baby.

No wonder Marty's so oblivious to Mnem's exploits. She holds some sort of voodoo hold over everybody!

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 8
Perma-Plat Sims: 5
Shrink Visits: 14
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 8
Self-Wettings: 36
Pass-Outs: 36
Fights: 31
Deaths: 15
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 3
College Dropouts: 3

- So guys, this does totally mean that, no matter what else happens, we'll have Generation 9 by next update. I just can't wait to see if Mnem's behavior continues even after she and Marty get hitched. She is part family sim, after all.
- Borks next! :D
- Someone made a nice secret about me this week on simsecret, aww...I feel loved!

isbi, pixel_trade, randolph legacy, willowmere

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