Christmas Special

Dec 26, 2012 16:30

Watched the new Doctor Who last night. The Runaway Bride finally has competition as my favorite Christmas special.

Stuff that I loved:

- The Doctor didn't have the kind of manpainy meltdown that Ten had at the end of his run. Makes sense since Eleven is still sticking around. But it was still nice to see and his gradual return to the world of adventures and running was lovely to see.

- I like Clara. She wasn't very Victorian, but then I guess she was also Oswin in some way. And for once the Doctor will be chasing his companion and not the other way around. Also, the Doctor's face at "smaller on the outside" was priceless.

- Madame Vastra and Jenny are back. They were awesome. And married. And the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes! That whole scene with the one-word-test was fantastic. And it looks like they are going to be back as recurring characters for the rest of the season.

- The Tardis was parked on a cloud with a circular staircase going up. That was an adorable bit of whimsey.

- Ian McKellen was the voice of the evil snow. Ha! If the Great Intelligence is one of the secrets of the second half of the season, does that mean we get him back?

Stuff that I'm not sure about:

- Strax being the comic relief. It got better towards the end of the episode but the first few scenes with him felt clunky.

- The new desktop of the Tardis. On one hand it's lovely that they incorporated all that Gallifreyan in the design. On the other hand, it's a bit to science fictiony for my taste. Don't see the Doctor whacking that console with a hammer or getting nearly electrocuted while splicing together cables.

- The flirting between Clara and the Doctor. The Doctor's face when being kiss-ambushed will never not be funny, but I'm not ready yet to give up on him and River. They make such an awesome couple.

Stuff that makes me curious:

- Well, Clara obviously. I'd say she's not a Timelord, because she didn't change faces between reincarnations. On the other hand, Jenny didn't change faces either.

- Why was the Tardis all dinged up and muddy on the outside. Did I miss something?

- So if Clara and the Great Intelligence are the new great mystery, does that mean that the story of the Silence and their fight against the Doctor won't be continued?

So, is it April, yet?

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