17: Warehouse 13 (1x01 - 1x03)

Jul 29, 2010 06:07

Finally a post that isn't a Leverage gifspam! I've been ignoring other shows ever since Leverage returned. I need to continue with my Fringe gifspams soon...at least one episode before it returns in fall!

So...I've started watching yet another show: Warehouse 13! It's fabulously fun, campy and has lulzy FX and lulzy characters. The cast is FANTASTIC, the dialogue's funny and snarky and it's...idk, just really easy to watch. I marathoned season one in a few days and I'm all caught up with season two now. Pete/Myka are my favourite TV BFFs ever (I only ship them as cute BFFs, DNW THEM TO HOOK UP!) and Artie/Claudia have the most endearing/hilarious faux-father/daughter dynamic going on. I LOVE THIS SHOW ♥

I was going to dump all my W13 gifs in one mega gifspam because I thought I wouldn't make that many, but I already have 32 and that's only from six episodes D:! So I'm only posting the ones from the first three eps for now and post the rest in batches too.

OK, TL;DR: WAREHOUSE 13 IS AWESOME. ON TO THE GIFS! (Warning: mildly spoilery)

1x01 Pilot
The first of many Myka/Pete staaaaaares


Pete/Pete the ferret = OTP ;D

Variant: Textless

Myka ♥

Pete/football #1

Pete/football #2

1x02 Resonance
"I'm in love." HEH I love it when Myka hits Pete xD

"Well, Belski just got spanked so let's go strike while the butt is still hot!"

"Yeah, I...felt her." "You touch her boobies?"

... "Yeah, like that hurt." LOL the both of them are so adorable.

1x03 Magnetism

Pete/Myka/goo #1

Pete/Myka/goo #2

Pete/Myka/goo #3

Myka getting groped (lol her expression)

Myka punching Pete #1

Myka punching Pete #2

That's it for the first three eps; I'm trying not to go overboard like with my Leverage and Fringe gifs! Will try to post the rest of the batches soon...when I stop procrastinating *coughnevercough*.

++ Comments are love ♥ ♥ ♥
++ Credit not necessary; snag away!
++ Check the tags for the rest of my gifs :)
++ Enjoy! :D

warehouse 13

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