Ahhh Atlantis fandom...
Never change! I heart you and your ker-azy flame wars lyk whoa!
Yes... Fandom is srs bizness!
Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to break out the good ol'
South Park Generator so I could bring the lulz :D
LIGHT FORMAT LINKAGE - cos these pics are 900px wide and thus may not fit in your layout... (or mine for that matter :P)
McShep is of course the heart of all ebil, but we luff them...
Of course I don't know all that many SGA fen (it's my sekrit fic fandom that I'm having a passionate affair with - don't tell Daniel...) so feel free to linky them here :P
EDIT And because I'm so impressed with my SP versions of Sheppard and McKay and my leet photoshopping skillz, I had to icon them :P Feel free to snag and alter no need to credit.
Original size pics
here and
here :P
And because so many people have asked: This awesome icon that I totally stole the words from paid homage to was made by
splash_the_cat EDIT 2: And holy crap! This made it all the way to fandom_wank :D *waves to fen*