Title: Giving In
Characters: Martha Jones, guest appearance by Des in the last five seconds of the fic. XD
Rating: Pg-13ish
Summary: Bad ass!Jones in action.
Notes: I've been hankering to write Bad ass!Martha Jones ever since I realized that's how she'd end up dealing with... everything. I wrote it during work. And I'm not sure if I really WILL
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Comments 5
And I think the ending killed me a little. Or a lot. *CLINGS*
But yes badass!Martha is badass and friggin hot. Awww for the heart breaking though. :/
The end kind of totally killed me, too. Honestly. And it's like four lines. XD *CLINGS BACK TIGHTLY*
He and Sark should start a fanclub.
And someone who does not exist is way too pleased and wants to help her and THAT IS NOT HELPING YOU SOCIOPATHIC ASS.
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