Simple Man 1/1

Sep 10, 2011 21:42

Rating: Mature Content (mentions of child abuse, spousal abuse and harsh language)
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, Adam
Summary: Another Watchtower!Verse prequel- this time the boy's story....  AU and very sad, you've been warned 
Disclaimer: If only I owned the Winchester boys.

A/N:  I know I said I'd put out the sequel yesterday, but RL foiled that plan so I haven't written as much of it as I would like to have.  On the bright side, I was in a 'mood' the other day and wrote this little gem.... enjoy.

                                                     “Mama told me when I was young
                                                     Come sit beside me, my only son
                                                       And listen closely to what I say.
                                                                   And if you do this
                                                        It’ll help you some sunny day.
                                               Oh take your time…Don’t live too fast,
                                               Troubles will come and they will pass.
                                                 You’ll find a woman, you’ll find love,
                                                              And don’t forget son,
                                                      There is someone up above.”
                                                      Simple Man- Lynyrd Skynyrd

The earliest memory Dean has is of his mother rocking him to sleep.  He remembers that her hair was dark and curly, just like Sam’s, and that she always smelled like lilacs and oranges.  She was soft too, and he remembers when her belly got too full of Sam that he barely fit on her lap, but she still held him and rocked him to sleep anyway.

He remembers that she used to whisper to him.

“You’re a good boy, don’t listen to him.  Mommy loves you.  You’re smart, and you’re a good boy.”

He remembers that his dad would hit Mommy; he remembers Mommy wouldn’t let his dad hit him, but sometimes he would hit Mommy so hard she’d go to sleep.  Then his dad would hit him too.

When Mommy woke up she would cry and rock him in the rocking chair, and she would say she was sorry, over and over again.

He remembers when Sam is born.  It was springtime and he and Mommy would sit outside in the sun.  She told him that the freckles on his nose, the ones the sun made more prominent, were places where angels had kissed him.  He liked that idea.  He hoped that the baby would have lots of angel kisses too.

He remembers that he was all alone in their house for almost three days before Mommy and his dad came back.  Mommy’s belly wasn’t as big anymore, and she was holding a baby in her arms.  He remembers that she looked really tired; he remembers that his dad pushed her into the house roughly.

“Keep it quiet.”  He demands.

He remembers Mommy tried to smile at him.  He follows her into his bedroom and she sits down on the bed.  He sits next to her.

“This is Sammy.”  She tells him quietly.

He repeats the name, and Mommy smiles bigger at him.

The baby is so small, and he’s really red, and kind of wrinkly.  His hair is dark like Mommy’s and Dean gently brushes his chubby fingers over it and down Sammy’s cheek.

Sammy’s eyes flutter open; they’re a dark dark blue, and his mouth opens and closes.  Dean makes the same face at him, it makes Mommy laugh.

“Here, Dean.”  She says as she shifts the baby around in order to place him into Dean’s arms.

He’s too heavy for Dean to really hold, so Mommy just sets him in Dean’s lap and makes sure that Dean’s supporting his head.

“He’s your little brother, so you gotta watch over him.”  Mommy tells him, and Dean promises her that he always will.

Dean remembers when Mommy dies.

He remembers all the blood, and his dad telling the police that she fell down the stairs.  Dean doesn’t know why he lies to them- Mommy didn’t really fall down the stairs….

He remembers that he misses Mommy so much that it hurts inside his chest.

He remembers his dad hitting him because Sammy was crying and Dean didn’t know how to make his bottle to feed him.

He slowly learns how to take care of Sam.  He learns that it’s a good idea to keep blanket way back in their closet so that Sam will have a bed in their hiding spot.  It helps in the times when Dean has to shut him in there so that their dad won’t find him.

He remembers the first time that their Dad tries to hit Sam.  He remembers pushing his dad’s arm so that it doesn’t connect.  He remembers the fear in a two-year old Sam’s big blue-green eyes.

“Hide and seek, Sammy.”  Dean tells him, and Sammy knows this means to go into the closet.  He runs as fast as his chubby little legs will take him.

He remembers that after that beating his leg doesn’t work right for weeks, Sammy cries himself to sleep for just as long.

He remembers going to school, making Sammy read to him, and tell him his numbers and alphabet.

Dean tries he really does, but Sam is more important, so he doesn’t learn anymore.

They try to continue living quietly with their dad, and Dean hates it but he can’t do anything about it.

He remembers when he’s twelve and the girl shows up on their doorstep.  He thinks she’s only a few years older than he is, but she’s got a lot of makeup on her face.  And he thinks she has to be cold without a coat on in just her short skirt and tank top.

She has a baby in her arms, and it reminds him of when Mommy brought Sam home.

“Here,” she says pushing the baby into his arms.  “I don’t want him.”

She hands him a piece of paper that he doesn’t even try to read.

He walks back into the house where Sam is eating macaroni sitting on the floor of the kitchen.  The baby is smaller than Sam was when Mommy brought him home, and he has light hair like Dean.  He’s not red like Sam was, but he’s kind of yellow.  Dean settles him onto his shoulder and rubs his tiny back gently.

Sam looks at him wide eyed.

“Read this.”  He shoves the piece of paper at Sam.

Sam’s little nose scrunches up.

“It’s a birth certificate.”  He tells Dean.  “For Adam Mitchell Crowley.  Dean!  Like us, his last name’s Crowley like us.  And Daddy’s name is where it says who the father is.”

“Huh…”  Dean snorts, “Guess he’s our brother then.”

“Huh.”  Sam mimics Dean.

Adam’s only with them for a little while before the police come.  They tell them that their dad has been arrested.

Dean remembers when he met Anna Milton, he thought her hair was too red, and he didn’t like her.

She told them they’d be safe with the Forresters…she was wrong.

Dean remembers when Anna Milton comes for him again.  Just him.  She’s angry he can tell.  He can hear Adam crying in the house and he hopes he and Sammy will be ok.

He doesn’t remember much after that.

He thinks people make him eat.

He thinks people try to make him lay down, but he doesn’t sleep.

He thinks he’s died inside, but his body didn’t die like Mommy did.  He hurts worse than he’s ever had in his life.

He thinks he’s being moved, but he isn’t sure.  Nothing makes sense….

Until it does again.

He knows Sam and Adam are there before he sees them.  It’s like his body knows they’re there before his mind can comprehend it.

Suddenly everything is right in his world again- his little brothers are in his arms, and he silently sends a prayer up to Mommy.  He likes to think of her as an angel.  He promises her again and again that he’ll be a good boy this time that he’ll watch out for his brothers.

He hopes angel Mommy will forgive him for leaving them alone.

He’s sad because he doesn’t think she will.

The blonde woman, Mary, he thinks her name is, is watching him.

“It’s ok, Dean,” she says.  “It’s ok… Angels are watching over you.”

Maybe it will all be ok, he thinks, maybe he is forgiven.

Back to the MasterPost

watchtower!verse, wee!chester, abused!sam, abused!dean, abused!adam

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