All Along the Watchtower 8/9

Sep 06, 2011 20:48

Rating: Mature Content (mentions of child abuse and harsh language)
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, Adam, Mary and John
Summary: John and Mary Winchester are unable to have children. They adopt three brothers who have been abused. AU
Note: This is my first foray into fanfic.... So if anyone actually reads it, please be kind!
Disclaimer: If only I owned the Winchester boys.

Before Mary knew it a month had passed since the boy’s first meeting with Missouri.  Mary has gone to every appointment with them.  Sometimes Sam, and on good days Dean, will open up just a little about their past.  Mary doesn’t know how much it helps, but the terrified screams she used to hear at night, the ones that signaled a night terror, were becoming much more infrequent.  Dean also will allow her to touch him now, but generally only for a second before he shrugs away.  Sammy has warmed up even more to John and will often chatter with him about his work day, and John is more than happy to oblige the little boy and tell him all about the cars that he’s been working on at the garage.  Dean, on the other hand, stills avoid John at all costs, though he has let John hold Adam but only under his own watchful stare.

The rug is pulled out from under Mary’s complacent peace one afternoon when the phone rings.  She answered it and is curtly informed that her son, Dean Winchester formerly Dean Crowley is called to testify on April the 11th 1991 in the prosecution against his biological father, Zachariah Crowley.  Mary barely responded to the officer, knowing she can’t scream at him ‘No, he can’t testify’, because she’s sure that Dean being in the same room as his biological father will be a step or maybe several driven miles in the wrong direction, but that he’s has to testify, because his testimony is crucial in a conviction…

Dean didn’t say anything when she told him about the court date.  His quiet acceptance kind of scared Mary so she called Dr. Mosely for an emergency appointment before Dean has to testify.

Missouri and Dean sat down at the kitchen table, where they have held all of the boy’s appointments.

“Are you scared to see your Daddy?”  Missouri asked Dean, never one to sugar coat.

Dean sighed and stared down at his lap.  Missouri turned in her chair so she could face Dean head-on.

“Nope.”  He told her quietly.

“Not even a little?"

“Not even a little.”  He parroted back.

“And you’re gonna get up there and tell all them people what your Daddy did?”

“Someone has to.”

Missouri mhmm’ed.  “And that someone be you?”

Dean just shrugged and glanced up at her.  His posture showed a calm complacency, but neither Missouri nor Mary missed the fire and rage in his dark green eyes.


Mary had planned that the entire Winchester family would go to the courtroom to watch Dean testify, but like most plans that include small children, her plan crumbled quite quickly.

Sam woke up for the first time in weeks to wet pajamas….screaming.  Mary and Dean tried to calm him down, but he was nearly inconsolable.  After nearly twenty minutes of Dean holding him so tightly neither could barely breathe his sobbing had died off into pathetic sniffles.

Mary brought a wet washcloth into the boy’s room and used it to wipe the snot and tears off Sammy’s face.

“What’s the matter baby?”  She asked him, but he just sniffled more.

Dean sighed, “He’s scared to see him.”

Mary didn’t have to ask who ‘him’ was.

So in the end, it was decided that John would have to take Dean to testify and Mary would stay home with Sammy and Adam.

Sam was practically glued to Dean’s side as he buttoned up the blue dress shirt Mary told him to wear.  It was a little difficult to tuck it in with Sam hanging around his waist, but after nearly eight years of being a big brother, Dean had figured out how to manage simple tasks with a baby/toddler/small child attached to him.

When both Dean and John were dressed in Mary-approved ‘court appropriate clothes’, they headed for the door.  Mary stopped to smooth the shoulders of their shirts one last time and, much to Dean’s put-on dismay, gave both a kiss on the cheek.

John led the way to the Impala, and to Dean’s pleasure, allowed the boy to sit in the front bench seat with him.  Even though Dean had not taken to John, he had definitely taken to John’s car.

John pulled the Impala away from the curb and waved dutifully at his wife and younger son who were standing on the porch.  Sam, who was much too big for it, was cradled on Mary’s hip; he waved miserably at his brother as fresh tears rolled down his red cheeks.

Dean gave him a very brotherly look and waved back.  The ride to the courthouse was silent, but John didn’t expect anything less from Dean.  He thought about telling him something fatherly, maybe ‘it was gonna be ok’ or some other greeting card bullshit, but John didn’t know how to sugarcoat this situation, so he didn’t.

The courthouse was a large brick building in downtown and John took his time parking the Impala carefully away from all the idiots who he was sure were out driving just waiting to dent and scratch his baby.  He wasn’t sure, but he thought he caught an approving look from Dean for his slight car-related paranoia.


John and Dean were escorted into the courtroom and they took a seat in the first row behind the prosecution.  They sat there bored through nearly half an hour’s worth of legal hoo-ha and mumbo jumbo before Dean’s biological father was escorted in.  He was wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and his hands and feet were chained together.  Dean and John relaxed slightly when they saw that Officer Novak also entered into the courtroom to stand guard at the door that they had just brought Crowley through.

John noted offhandedly that none of the boys looked like their asshole of a biological father... though that might have something to do with the fact that he was bald and his face looked significantly aged due to drug abuse.

Crowley glanced briefly at his son and ground his jaw.  John felt Dean stiffen slightly beside him.  The court proceedings went on, and Dean never relaxed his stance.  After what seemed to John another hour of legal pandering Dean was up to bat, so to speak.

“The prosecution would now like to call Dean Michael Winchester, formerly Crowley, and son of the defendant to the witness stand.”

Dean slowly made his way up to the stand and was sworn in on the Bible.

Dean fidgeted in the witness stand as he waited for the questions to start.  His eyes darted to Officer Novak, who gave him a slight nod, and then to John.  Dean was starting to like his adoptive father more and more daily, but was good about hiding it.  He was never sure if, or when, John would snap and beat him too.  To Dean’s relief though, his adoptive father gave him a warm smile.  Dean secretly liked John’s smiles because they made the gruff man look much younger and his dark eyes crinkled kindly at the corners.

The lawyer representing the prosecution, an older black man named Rufus Turner, approached Dean.  Dean didn’t know how he felt about Rufus, he seemed a little crotchety and contrary, but what did Dean know?  Hopefully he was a good lawyer.

He asked Dean several questions about living with his father, all of which he answered in a quiet steady voice.  John was pleased to note that some members of the jury looked quite distressed by the account Dean was giving of the horrors he lived with every day.  When the prosecution was finished Crowley’s attorney, a blonde woman that reminded John of a viper and whose name he thinks is Lilith something-or-rather stood up to question Dean.

“Is it true that you asked your father to beat you?  Even begged for it?”

“Yes.”  Dean steadily answered.

“Was this because you got off on being beaten?”

Dean looked at her confused.

“Come on Dean, you begged for it, didn’t it make you feel good?”  She asked resting one arm on the rail of the witness stand, and leaning in towards Dean.

“What?”  Dean shook his head, “No.”

“Or was it a cry for attention?”

If possible Dean looked even more confused.  To John, he was starting to look like a caged animal, and he wished that the woman would stop- leave his boy alone.

“You wanted attention so badly you goaded my client into beating you.”

“I di-“

“Poor Dean, his daddy never hugged him.”

“He di-“

“Why did you beg for it Dean?  Was it the only way your father would touch you and you just loved for him to touch you.”  She provoked in a sing-song voice.

“Stop it!”  Dean screamed.  He stood for his chair and pointed one finger at his father, “That bastard hated me and my brothers for existing.  I asked him to beat me because if I didn’t he would have hurt my brothers!  I didn’t like it, I would never like it!  But I had to do it!”  Dean was panting furiously and John could see tears rolling down his cheeks.

Crowley growled and lunged towards his son, as much as the chains binding his wrists and ankles would allow.

“You worthless little shit,” he screamed back at his son.  “I shoulda killed you and your bastard little brothers while I had the chance!”

The screaming match set off a chain reaction as mayhem erupted in the courtroom.  Lawyers and jurors were scrambling to do something, anything, because, to the dismay of everyone present except Dean, John Winchester had decked Zachariah Crowley.


watchtower!verse, wee!chester, abused!sam, abused!dean, pairing:john/mary, abused!adam

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