Title: "Paint it Black" Artist: Rideaimpala67 Characters: Dean Winchester, Mary Winchester Genre/pairing: Gen Type/medium: Fanart(digital) Rating: G Description: Not much of a description but: "I look inside myself and see my heart is black I see my red door and I must have it painted black Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black" - "Paint it black -The Rolling Stones"
Based on this song ;)
Disclaimer: Supernatural an their characters don't belong to me, they belong to their creators and the people who has been working on the show all this years
NOTES: Two post in just one day, wow, well, this one has more story that the last one because I've finished a couple of days ago.
So i've been taking my time to upload this one, because I hadn't decided if I wanted one LJ to my art and another one to myself or mix both and have just one LJ (I decided for the just one LJ), I wanted to know how certain parts of LJ worked because I want to be capable of interact more with the SPN fandom here, participate on the events, make art, etcetera: participate.