
Jul 23, 2007 15:05

I've got 26 28 29 Deathly Hallows quote icons from Chapters 1 through 13.

Enjoy, comment and please credit. The rest will come soon, but if you have a quote from the first 13 chapters that I didn't include, let me know!

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Comments 30

ximxlikewoahx July 23 2007, 20:24:46 UTC
Lol!! Snagged a bunch. Will credit. :)


mia305 July 23 2007, 20:24:52 UTC
These are great! Taking lots & will credit, thank you!


cloudysky July 23 2007, 20:29:47 UTC
Snagging a few, will credit of course =)



judosas July 23 2007, 21:03:18 UTC
Took some, will credit. Thanks!


shiveringsmile July 23 2007, 21:06:26 UTC
Snagging a couple, will credit. I love DH. Some more, for luck? XD


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