OK, I know it's probably Jamie and Layla. Realistically it can't really be anybody BUT Jamie and Layla, can it? Fuck it, I'm still gonna sit over here and flail for 5 minutes at the idea of Ric and 'Star sneaking off to get hitched without any fanfare or fuss whatsoever and then getting to be badass together in an issue of romantic asskickery. Because I've had a long day, and 5 minutes of entirely groundless flail will do me a power of good. No, really.
p.s. PAD, you're a diabolical tease. Don't deny it.
And my goodness, that cover. The man just cannot draw a cover that isn't both stunning and unique <3
I would read the hell out of it XD. I mean, c'mon, surely Jamie wouldn't be seen dead going somewhere as un-noir as Disneyland for his honeymoon. Whereas it's got 'Star's name all over it. He'd be all OMG PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN <3
(but nah, Jamie would be talked into it by Layla just like everything else, and I'm almost sure it's got to be them. Which is all kinds of cute too, just not quite as cute as RicStar)
Makes sense, Jamie and Layla get married. We know Rahne is there because of her nightmare, and the "hell on earth" thing sounds like what her cowboy sun was talking about when he faced off against Darwin.
Ah, spoke too soon--just read the 242 summary. Darwin, yay! Well, maybe he really WILL be involved, then, his appearance now leading up to whatever role he takes at the wedding/honeymoon?
Comments 9
Wonder if it's a ref to that alternate universe where Jamie & Layla was married.
So, it's Pip who does all the laundry, I suppose. Bet he pays extra attention to the ladies' briefs!
OK, I know it's probably Jamie and Layla. Realistically it can't really be anybody BUT Jamie and Layla, can it? Fuck it, I'm still gonna sit over here and flail for 5 minutes at the idea of Ric and 'Star sneaking off to get hitched without any fanfare or fuss whatsoever and then getting to be badass together in an issue of romantic asskickery. Because I've had a long day, and 5 minutes of entirely groundless flail will do me a power of good. No, really.
p.s. PAD, you're a diabolical tease. Don't deny it.
And my goodness, that cover. The man just cannot draw a cover that isn't both stunning and unique <3
*imagines Ric and Star, married, fighting demons, in Disneyland. Brain explodes. Headcanon everywhere*
(but nah, Jamie would be talked into it by Layla just like everything else, and I'm almost sure it's got to be them. Which is all kinds of cute too, just not quite as cute as RicStar)
Ooh! Maybe we see Darwin again, then!
I'd really like to Jamie and Layla fighting demons on the It's a Small World ride.
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