I'm looking for affiliates for the comm. Anyone got any ideas? It can't be something that's too similar to our comm already, or it'll be pointless. But it probably should fit in with the theme somehow. It doesn't have to be Doctor Who related
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Comments 12
It's called jake_in_tw, and it's for everyone who would love to see Jake in Torchwood. Anything related to Jake and Torchwood can be posted there. (I.e. parallel!Jake in parallel!Torchwood, parallel!Jake in this!Torchwood, this!Jake in this!Torchwood, ...)
Since it was only started yesterday, there isn't actually anything on it yet except a welcome post. It's also quite similar to your comm, I guess, so I'd completely understand if you don't want to affiliate. But I thought I'd ask anyway. :)
If you're looking for more affiliates, I also mod a Torchwood community, jantolution. It's mainly fanfic, with (more or less) monthly challenges and as added extra that depressing endings are not allowed, haha. I don't know if you'd be interested in affiliating with that comm?
Sorry for the rambling. I hope to hear from you soon! Love your community, by the way. Ricky and Jake are so awesome.
I'd be happy to affiliate with your torchwood community however! If you tell me what you'd like the short summary in my profile to say, I'll put it up soon, and I assume you'll do a similar thing for me. :) I'll also announce it as an affiliate in a new entry.
I'm glad you love the community!
Awesome! jantolution's summary is basically 'The community for happy-ended Jack/Ianto'. (That probably sounds incredibly stupid/delusional, but it was created at a time when there was quite a lot of Janto angst going around. And sometimes you just want to read fic that leaves you with a happy feeling. Even if the pairing in question is most likely completely doomed, haha.) What's your summary?
I'll put your comm on the profile, and announce it as an affiliate in a mod post. :)
My summary... um, I'm not sure. Any suggestions that would make it look different to your Jake one?
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