Job - Success!

Oct 06, 2012 14:53

So Barnes and Noble has decided that once I pass the background check, I'm good to go! I'm SO happy that it went well!

He said congratulations to me at the end, so that was really awesome!

job, jobs, real life, happy

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Comments 7

landofthekwt October 6 2012, 20:07:28 UTC


rickashay1 October 6 2012, 20:24:59 UTC
Thank you so much! This is the job that I was really looking forward to, so it makes me really happy.


kiramaru7 October 6 2012, 21:55:37 UTC
YAY!! That's awesome Rikki!! Congrats! :D


rickashay1 October 16 2012, 00:48:55 UTC
Thank you so much! I was so excited! Still excited!


kiramaru7 October 16 2012, 00:49:56 UTC
You're welcome! *huggles* When do you start?


rickashay1 October 16 2012, 00:54:15 UTC
Training begins on Wednesday! So excited! ;) I also am getting a really nice discount! 30% off books, plus 50% off cafe items! SO happy about that, especially since I'm a coffee addict.


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