Job Search - Barnes and Noble

Oct 03, 2012 16:39

Some fantastic news! I had an interview today with Barnes and Noble and I was able to schedule a second interview! They called me twenty minutes after being there, so I'm really impressed and SO excited! YAY!

vague, jobs, happy, joy, ramblings, family, job, random, bragging rights, parents, real life, thinking, fun

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Comments 5

kiramaru7 October 3 2012, 23:13:45 UTC
YAY!! That's awesoem Rikki! *huggles* I hope you get the job!!


rickashay1 October 6 2012, 19:51:30 UTC
Well, I just have to go through the background check! He said that orientation is later this week Thursday or Friday. At the end he said, "congratulations!" So yup! They are hiring me! I'm going to work as both a bookseller and as a cafe worker! *cheers*


kiramaru7 October 6 2012, 22:35:23 UTC
YAY!! *glomps you* That's awesome!!! Congrats!!! :D


carddigi October 5 2012, 23:33:15 UTC
Congrat Ricki!!! I'm so excited for you and I hope that you get the job (^_^) Barnes and Noble would be an awesome place to work. I'm so envious XD


rickashay1 October 6 2012, 19:52:28 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I going to love working there. He said I just need to pass the background check (which I have nothing on it, so that will be easy) and I'll get the job! *cheers* Thank you!


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